Manifested Sons of God Dig Deep and Lay Foundation on the Rock

The sons and daughters of God will grow up spiritually.  They will have “overcome the wicked one” and all his tricks.  Their eye will be single, seeing  only the eternal purpose of their Father and His desire to reproduce Himself through “Christ in us.”

They are “born from above,” of “that incorruptible seed, the word of God.”  They will [dig] deep and [lay] the foundation on a rock,” so that when persecution, harassment, troubles, and others’ unbelief come against them, they will remain unshaken (1).

The depth of their search for truth and their commitment to do what the truth commands–this is what distinguishes them from those who “also ran.”  They not only hear Christ’s sayings, but do them.  This is laying the foundation on the Rock and not the sand.

Concerning the way of truth,  Christ said, “Few there be that find it” (2).  But He also said, “For many be called, but few chosen” (3).  So that opens the door for you and I.

So these elect for these last days will “go deep” and fully answer the call, making their “election sure”.  They will do this by adding virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and agape love to their faith.  This is how they will become “partakers of the divine nature” (4).

In their spiritual journey, they will receive a new heart that contains the Spirit of God.  They will be led by the Spirit, which is a prerequisite of being one of His elect (5).

It’s All About What He Wants

God has an eternal purpose in reproducing Himself, and these chosen ones are at the very core of it.  All of us professing Christians need to put our own personal aspirations and dreams for our lives into perspective.  We need to see things from the King’s point of view.  See what His priorities are, see what He wants done, see what He desires for His creation, and then, put Him and His vision first.

You Would Do This for a New Boss

To be a valuable employee at your new job, would not you be wise to learn what your boss is trying to accomplish and then, keeping that purpose in mind, spend your work day diligently endeavoring to help him do it?

So it is with God and His purpose.  I am trying to get the word out about God’s purpose in “bringing many sons unto glory” (Hebrews 2: 10).  This is what this blog is about–to raise awareness as to what the scriptures say is in God’s heart and what His purpose for us is.

I do not have personal designs on being one of the manifested sons who will walk in 100 fold glory as seen in Revelation 14.  I will be quite content to be used to teach them and nurture them, helping them to grow up into Him.  Everyone must be taught.

The apostle Paul, in fact, laments that there are not more teachers of the truth.  “For when for the time you ought to be teachers, you have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God…” (Heb. 5:12).

I do not know how old the sons and daughters are.  They could be 20, 30, 40, or 60 years old at present.  They may be 10 or 12 years old right now.  But one thing I do know.  We who have this knowledge must, by His Spirit, publish it for them and help them grow up spiritually to become what God wants them to be.

All Christians from all walks of life need to be working with this purpose in mind: to be of service to the King and His desires.  If we do this, He will be pleased and will help us help Him accomplish it all.  Kenneth Wayne Hancock

  1. Luke 6: 47-48
  2. Matt. 7: 14
  3. Matt. 20: 16
  4. II Peter 1: 3-10
  5. Romans 8: 14


Filed under calling of God, elect, eternal purpose, God's desire, sons of God

11 responses to “Manifested Sons of God Dig Deep and Lay Foundation on the Rock

  1. Pamela and Kenneth

    The whole earth is waiting for the manifested Sons and Daughters to arise. My family has been put through pure hell and left in the dark tomb, but praise Yah for it is He and He alone who has called us to serve in this last end time army. I would not trade all our suffering, for it has molded us into whom Yah has called us to be. May we continue to humbly serve our Creator and to grow yovmly in His word which is the entire essence of OUR WHOLE BEING. Praise Yahwah for calling us out of the darkness and into His light

    • Thanks, Pam and Ken, for the encouraging comment. He will never leave us nor forsake us as we all come to the unity of the faith–His faith, now, translated into us. For His faith was “once delivered unto the saints,” so it is not little ole us mustering up enough of our own faith (belief) in Him, but rather He transplants His faith in Himself and His own vision now down into and within the new heart that He has given us. Praise Yah! Wayneman

  2. Avi

    Excellent word of insight and encouragement, Brother Kenneth. Indeed our Abba YHWH is preparing the manifestation of the sons of God… i.e., a people who ‘know’ their God; and thus, will be strong and do exploits (Dan. 11:32b). Ephraim will yet again be a mighty man [Zech. 10:7]. Moreover, I believe that Jacob shall indeed wonder and rejoice over them [Isa. 29:22-23]….. shalom.

  3. This is an awesome insight and a word for the season. May God Almighty raise for himself these kind of people in our time. We are sick and tired of these false prophets and apostles mushrooming every where, misleading innocent souls for their benefit. God bless you, Sir.

    • Thank you, Sifiso, for your kind and encouraging comments. By us praying to God for these manifested sons to come on the scene, we align ourselves with God. We enter into His will and walk in His purpose. This in turn unleashes more power in our lives by His Spirit within us. Thank you for joining in on this great and true cause. God bless you and yours.

  4. tee chess

    I had to post this so you can be aware that we are manifesting and I thank you for being obedient to the spirit… this blog is a confirmation for me

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