Christ Has Sent You and Me–Already

You have been sent by Christ to do the Father’s will (desire)…

Before we get into “being sent,” we should consider this: The deeper we go into the truth, the more we need to repeat its concepts. We need to rehearse it until our restless minds are corralled and come into obedience of the very concepts we are endeavoring to learn.

Such is the case with Christ’s words recorded by the apostle John: “My food is to do the will of Him that sent me and to finish His work” (4:34). Doing the Father’s will and finishing His work is the spiritual food that gives the Son spiritual strength. We will receive the same spiritual sustenance that fueled His walk when we know and do the Father’s will and finish His work.

The next major word in our study of this saying is “sent.” Christ said twenty-six times in the gospel of John that the Father had sent Him. It is obviously very important to him that we understand the concept. Twenty-six times! For example, He said, “He that believes on me, believes not on me, but on Him that sent me. And he that sees me sees him that sent me” (12:44-45).

The Father Yahweh has sent the Son, who is the earthly witness of the invisible Father. In our embryonic thinking, we only see Christ the Son, the Savior, being the one sent, and that is true. But modern Christian theology teaches that it is a one-off and was only good for Christ and a few of the early apostles.

But, according to His words, we have been sent, too. Christ is expanding the base by including us as those that are sent. He said, “He that receives whomsoever I send receives me, and he that receives me receives Him [the Father] that sent me” (John 13: 20).

Christ puts an exclamation point on this: “As my Father has sent Me, even so send I you” (John 20:21). In the same manner that the Father has sent Christ, even so, Christ has sent us. What manner did the Father send Christ? He sent him with power.

In John 17, Christ is praying for His disciples. “Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; that they all may be one… in us…” (17: 20-21). You and I have believed in Christ through the words of the early apostles. In the mind of Christ, we are one with His early apostles and with Christ and with the Father! We are sent in the same way.

Christ is still saying, I am sending you just like the Father sent Me. He sent Him armed with the truth. He sent Him with miracle working power. He sent Him to bear witness to the truth. He sent him to give testimony through the miraculous works—works that can only be done by the Father. He sent Him to give testimony that mankind may believe God. And He sent Christ to those prepared to receive him. KWH

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3 responses to “Christ Has Sent You and Me–Already

  1. Pingback: Christ Has Sent You and Me–Already | Precious Sheep Of Renown

  2. Wonderful post! Thank you so much for sharing and God bless you…Robin

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