Monthly Archives: July 2021

Free Copy of New Book “The Eleventh Commandment”

I am offering a free copy with free shipping of my latest book The Eleventh Commandment.

Just send your name, mailing address, and the name of the book to my Email:

It usually takes a week or so to get it to you.

Those living outside the U.S. will receive a pdf.

Let me know what you think of the book.

All the best.

Kenneth Wayne Hancock


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“O, Father, Where Art Thou?”

“O, Father, where art thou?” We have all wondered it, especially during trials of our faith. Where is our spiritual Father—really? He is not where we just think He may be. He is not where the preacher thinks He is. He is not where we hope he is. He is not where we imagine Him to be. He is not where we feel He is. No. No. The answer to this question does not come from a feeling. Feelings will let you down. So, how can we really know where He is?

“O, Father, where art Thou?” We will find the answer to this question in God’s words that have been written down. He is where He said he is. The word says that the Father is in His Son. Christ said that the Father is inside the Son. In fact, Christ commands us, “Believe me that the Father is in Me.”

The Son of God is the head of the spiritual body of Christ, which is the church. We are “members in particular” of His body. He is the head; we are His body. Because the Father dwells inside the Son, and because we are a part of the Son’s spiritual body, the Father dwells inside of us, too. That is if we have received His Spirit within our hearts.

“O, Father, where art thou?” The Father lives within the hearts of His children. We need only look in the mirror to see the Father’s dwelling place. He is in His temple—you and me. I wrote a song right after my conversion to Christ some 50 years ago called “He’s Living Here.” He is living here, deep inside, and it’s so clear this love I can’t hide because with Christ my old man is crucified…

His sweet presence can only be enjoyed when the Spirit of Truth is in our hearts. For the Father is the Spirit of Truth. If we have error within us, we are blocked from the Father. Because He is Truth. 

How Our Father Communicates with and through Us

Hearing from our Father is through words that the Spirit of Truth speaks. These words are from the Word. The words from the Word comes to us through thoughts. Our thoughts come from primarily two sources–our Father and the adversary Satan, who oversees dispensing evil thoughts and confusion into the earth (see Job 1). Remember Satan’s lies in the garden of Eden? “Has God really said that? God didn’t mean that. God just does not want you to know the best things.”

Satan is the accuser of the brethren. He accuses through negative thoughts running through our minds. Consequently, not every thought is from God. How can we discern? How can we tell which thought is from God and which is from Satan? For the answer, we must go back to the written word of God, for His thoughts will coincide with His written word. So, let’s not be waiting for audible words spoken to us by God in order to receive His words to us. We waste time doing that. No doubt that is what the five foolish virgins were doing. They did not study the written word, and they wound up with no oil in their lamps (Matt. 25:1-13). Go to the written word; these are His thoughts which outlines His plan and purpose. By studying His written words, we will have a library of His thoughts that the Spirit within can draw from. But do not go down every rabbit hole that Churchianity provides. They are in error; I didn’t say it; He did.

Christ said, The words I speak, they are spirit, and they are life. Our thoughts, no matter how lovely they sound to us, must agree with the written word of God. Dreams and visions do not always come from God. That is why we must “study to show ourselves approved unto God.” That is why we are told to “bring into captivity every thought unto obedience to Christ.” It helps to have the Teacher, the Spirit of Truth, teach us.

“O, Father, where art Thou?” His word says that the Father, the Holy Spirit, resides in the Son, of which Christ is the head, and we are the Son’s body. The Father dwells in us if we have indeed His Spirit residing within our hearts. But the Spirit will not dwell in unclean temples filled with error. It will not happen. Why? Because His word says so.

Where is the Father, the invisible Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit? I leave you with this quote. We will let the Spirit in Paul answer: “There is one body, and one Spirit…one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all and in you all” (Eph. 4:4-6). Kenneth Wayne Hancock


Filed under Bible, body of Christ, church, faith, Garden of Eden, love, Love from Above, mind of Christ, Spirit of God, spiritual growth, Spiritual Life Cycle, Word

Knowing God Is Knowing His Word–Because He Is the Word

Because God is the Word, we cannot know Him if we do not know His words about Him being the Word. We find these words in the written word of God. The “word” found in John 1 is “Logos” in the Greek. It means “the plan,” basically. Everything in God’s far reaching excellent Plan is encapsulated in the word “word.”

God makes a big thing out of his word. “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God.” His word is our life. Many scriptures come to mind about the word. “In the beginning was the word.” Since Christ is the beginning [“I am the beginning and the end”].  In Him was the word/logos or the plan. Since Christ is the beginning, then in Him was the word/logos/plan. Christ is the “Word made flesh” that dwelt among us.

And He was this word/logos/plan. And the Word was God. And this word, this explanation of God’s purpose and plan was at first passed on from generation to generation orally. Then his prophets wrote it down, and the word became the scriptures of truth. And the scriptures were passed down by faithful men, preserved for us today in the Bible.

This procurement by man of God’s word was done through men and women being the word. In other words, their lives became the word as their actions and interactions with God became the word, made flesh in a way.

Moreover, God’s chosen people’s history, the history of the Adamites, became our Bible. Comprehending their story, capped by the New Testament story of Yahshua the Christ the Anointed One and his apostles, is the journey we have set out on.

Thy Word Is Truth

His word is the truth about what is happening in heaven and earth. Therefore, it becomes the standard that we must go to, to settle all controversies. There will be times when we have doubts as to the veracity of certain doctrinal assumptions. He said that we are to prove all things to see if they be good or bad.

A grave mistake happens here on our walk into more growth in Him. It is believing that every thought that pops into our head is of God. We must know that God has allowed Satan to communicate with the inhabitants of the earth. He will speak to us in the thoughts of our mind. God does the same thing. The mistake is not discerning properly which voice is which.

Grave errors occur to young Christians for one reason. Christ said it. “You do err. You neither know the scriptures nor the power of God.” Knowing the written word of God  gives more God-thoughts to combat the negative thoughts.

There is much to prove out one way or the other whether thoughts come from God or of the devil. People will come up with suppositions, dreams, and imaginations. They become false doctrines that are clung to. But they must be in one accord with the standard, the word of God. If it does not agree with the written word, then we must throw it out.

His word is a big thing because He is a big thing, for He is the Word. The Word is spirit, and you must “worship God in spirit and in truth…” Without the truth, there is no real worship. So, word = spirit = God = truth. We must know the scriptures of truth in order to know God. For He is the Word of truth.


Filed under Christ, christianity, eternal purpose, knowledge, mind of Christ, Spirit of God, spiritual growth, truth, Word