Monthly Archives: August 2009

“Our Conversation Is in Heaven”–The Fruit of a New Heart and New Mind

The sons and daughters of God, His princes and princesses, those born of Him–they will have a new conversation.  They will not speak of the things of their old natural life, for now their “conversation is in heaven” (1).  They are like seedlings freshly regenerated from a once hardened seed; they transcend the earthy grave and reach for heaven’s light.  These children of the most High are “risen with Christ” and now “seek those things which are above” (2).

And they realize that their old life is now dead and that their new life is “hid with Christ in God.”  Their old nature and old self dies with Christ on the cross.  And with it dies “whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed.”  They begin to see themselves changing, being “transformed by the renewing of their minds” (3). 

“The Mind” Is the Key

Our conversation is determined by the thoughts rattling around in our mind.  Whatever we are thinking about–that is what comes out of our mouth.  But what determines our thoughts?  Christ said that a person’s heart will dictate their thoughts.  “Those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart…evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies” (4).  Those things proceed, of course, from an old heart.  So then, a new heart, infused by the Spirit of God will issue forth thoughts of love, peace, harmony, truth, sharing, and giving.  And these new thoughts will manifest themselves in our new conversation.

Based on Faith and Belief

The new heart of love creates in us new thoughts, which in turn, creates a new conversation.  Our spiritual change then hinges on the new heart He has given us.  And it can only come by our belief  that He has given us it.  Faith is the key (5).  Our new heart, our new center core of being, now renews our mind with truth about God, about who He is, what He is doing, and how we fit into that plan.

This is the fertile bed of truth from which our new mind grows.  Our minds are nourished by the truth.  Falsehoods and misconceptions about God choke out the  seedling minds, and they are left to wither and finally decay for lack of real spiritual food and water.  This is why we are admonished to “purge out the old leaven that the lump may be holy” (6).  This is why we are admonished to beware of false prophets and teachers who will bring in “damnable heresies” (7).   Kenneth Wayne Hancock

  1. Phil. 3: 20
  2. Col. 3: 1
  3. Col. 3: 3; Rom. 12: 2
  4. Matt. 15: 18-19
  6. I Cor. 5: 7
  7. II Peter 2: 1





Filed under death of self, false doctrines, mind of Christ, princes and princesses of God

Without Faith It Is Impossible to Please God–But How Do You Walk in It?

Faith.  Belief.  Without it, we will never please the Creator, which should be our foremost thought. 

If we are only alive to please our selves, then which god are we serving?  For make no mistake about it, to quote Dylan, “It may be the devil or it may be the Lord, but you’re gonna have to serve somebody.”  

And the only way to serve the Creator is by faith.  We are shut up to it.  Why?  Because God is invisible, and since He is an invisible Spirit, we must believe Him, having never seen Him with our eyes.  And that takes faith.

And then someone will say, “Well, I believe in God.  I must have faith and am all right, then.”  Not exactly.  For even the devils believe in one God and tremble (1).  The prophets tell us that we must believe on Him “as the scripture has said.”   The “rivers of living water,” which is His Spirit, will only flow out of those who believe on Him the way the scripture has actually portrayed God (2).

How to walk with God by faith

Every step we take on our spiritual pilgrimage back to our Father is done through faith. The first step is the renunciation of our old sinful life.  God commands that we put it to death on the cross with Christ–not literally, but spiritually.  We have to let it die in order to receive a new life and a new heart.  “We know that our old self was crucified with Him so that the sinful body might be destroyed, and we might no longer be enslaved to sin.  For he who has died is freed from sin.  But if we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him” (3).

The scenario goes like this.  Some will get sick and tired of doing bad things (sinning) and can’t in their own power stop.  Their conscience bothers them.  They want to stop sinning, which is breaking the ten commandments, but an evil unseen force overtakes them, and the good they want to do, they cannot do.  And the evil things they don’t want to do, they can’t stop doing (4).  This is the state of an unregenerated human being prior to the cross experience.  His old nature is still present.  So how does one put the old sinful heart on the cross to die with Christ and then to be “raised to walk in a newness  of life”?

The Reckoning

How do we do it?  How do we let the old self die and our new life in Christ begin?  We reckon it done by faith/belief.  We have to “reckon ourselves dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through  Christ” (5).       We’ve got to reckon it done!  The word “reckon” is #3049 in Strong’s.  It means “to account it, to count it as such.”

God wants us to reckon it so, but He does it first!  He has already reckoned our change done.  When we believe Him, then He counts us righteous in His eyes even in our imperfect state.  It is His nature to “call those things that do not exist as though they did” (6). If He is this positive, then He would want His children to be the same.

He wants us to follow in His footsteps!  God “accounted”  righteousness  to  Abraham  because of his belief—before Abraham was righteous!  “Accounted” here is the same word as the one translated “reckon.”  We are commanded to RECKON some things done.  Now we have to reckon our sinful self gone—by belief—as though it were already done—for that is how God looks at it!  By belief!  Reckon it done through Him and His faith.  He said it.  Let it be done.  For what saith the scripture?  Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.  Rom. 4:3.  Yahweh imputed or reckoned to Abraham the ability to live in a upright manner, keeping Yahweh’s laws and  not  sinning, by just believing that Yahweh had done it!  We make it so hard through our hard heart of unbelief.  He is looking for childlike faith, the belief of a small child.  All we have to do is just believe that Yahweh has provided a way for us to actually put the old life to death and start living a new life in Him. 

The Churches Won’t Touch This

But the “Christian” denominations don’t believe it is possible.  The pastors won’t touch this, for it will get them fired.  The people in the pews don’t believe it, for they have been told all their life by those very pastors that they are sinners and that they will die a sinner.  The pulpits present no hope of ever really changing the heart.  The “deliverance” they preach is window dressing.  Just come to church, pay your tithes and offerings, and don’t rock the boat.  But the people in the pews still sit there in their private sins, undelivered.  But the future sons and daughters of God will long for more and will come out of her. 

They will take this first step by faith, by reckoning it done.  Then, by faith, they will take the next step, and the next, and they will begin to walk in the Spirit. 

But someone will say, “But we just can’t live without sin.”  Of course , we can’t.  That’s why we have to die on the cross with Christ and by faith receive a new heart, His heart, His Spirit.  We who do this have the victory–victory over sin and sinning.  For if we are still sinning, where is the victory?  Our faith is our victory (7). 

But we have to want this new life.  We have to pant after it like a desperately thisty deer.  We have to throw ourselves upon His mercy and break–break our hard hearts, and so He will come and comfort and heal us by giving His very Spirit into us, giving us a new heart.

Our part is to believe that “with God [in us] all things are possible.”  Even to live a life without sin and sinning.  Impossible, you say?  Not with Christ, for He said,  “And nothing shall be impossible to you…All things are possible to him that believes” (8).  And again, “The things that are impossible with men are possible with God” (9). 

Somebody is going to pick up the Book, believe its contents, and change the world.  By faith.   And He wants it to be us.       Kenneth Wayne Hancock

  1. James 2: 19
  2. John 7: 38
  3. Romans 6: 6-8
  4. Romans 7: 15-20
  5. Romans 6: 11
  6. Romans 4: 7
  7. I John 5: 4
  8. Mark 9: 23
  9. Luke 18: 27

{You can read more on this in my book, here:


Filed under belief, cross, crucified with Christ, death of self, faith

“Repent and Be Converted”–Returning to Our Previous State with the Father

“Repent and be converted…”  How these words of the apostle Peter on the day of Pentecost have been watered down by mainstream Churchianity today.  “Repent” has become “feeling sorry,” and “being converted” now means “coming to church.”

“To repent” is rather the changing of one’s mind, from the Greek word metanoia.  “Godly sorrow does work repentance.”  Ie, feeling sorry for our past sins to God will bring about a change in our thinking.  But for the mind to really be changed, we must go through the “cross experience”  whereby our old heart and mind are “crucified with Christ,” buried with Him, and finally raised up in newness with Him.  We then receive His Spirit, His heart, and His mind.  We then are poised to be “transformed by the renewing of our mind.”  Old thoughts of selfishness are “passed away.”  “Behold, all things are become new.”

Being Converted–What It Really Means

“Converted” is from the Greek word epistrepho, meaning “to revert, to return, to come again” (1).  “To return” inherently means that we were there before.  “To return to St. Louis” means that we have been in that city on a previous occasion.  Therefore, “being converted” to God means returning back to Him–reverting or going back to a spiritual position we had with Him before.

Truly becoming a child of God means that we have received His Spirit.  For “if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His” (Romans 8: 9).  We become a “new creature” with the Spirit we had with Him in the beginning now residing in our earthly bodies.  “We have this treasure in earthen vessels.”  And this treasure is a portion of His Spirit, a bit of Him that we shared with Him before the worlds were framed.

If We Can Just Believe…

I know that is “getting out there,” but if we can believe  that we are returning to a spiritual state that we already had with God, then it will become easier to believe that we now have the great Eternal Spirit, Yahweh Himself, walking in us now.  For things are always easier to do, if we have done them before.  Can we with humility say, Been there, done that?

The Returning Prodigal Son

In the parable of the prodigal son, he returned to his Father.  He was once with his Father, but went to the swine pens of this world.  We, like him, have made a complete mess of our old lives, and are now returning, reverting to our prior position with the Father.  We are the prodigal sons and daughters of God, repenting from our old life and being washed from the slop and mire of sin.  We now in spirit have returned to our Father to the standing we had with Him before this wearisome walk on earth began.

“The Jews took up stones again to stone Him.”  Christ asked them, Which good work from my Father are you stoning me?  They said, Because you make yourself out to be God and you are only a man.  Christ then quotes from Psalms, “Is it not written in your law, I said, You are gods”?

The word “gods” is translated from the Hebrew word elohim, which is the exact word translated “God” over 2,000 times in the Bible.  Christ said that we are elohim.  That portion of His Spirit that He has given us was with Him in the beginning.  Remember when He said in Genesis, “Let us make man in our own image…so God created man in his own image” (1: 26-27). 

But we must not make the mistake in thinking that our old man Adam is God.  No.  Our old self must die, thereby blotting out our sins.  Only after believing in His resurrection can we receive His Spirit.  It is His Spirit that is God.  We are mere clay vessels that He has chosen to reside in.  It is all Him, not us in our natural thinking. 

This is difficult to comprehend when we look at this “after the flesh” and not “after the Spirit.”  Most still circle that same old mountain of sin in their lives, not believing that God is quite capable of “blotting out” our sins (Acts 3: 19).  Most will not believe Him and truly repent of their sins.  Sadly, most will not believe that “He was manifested to take away our sins, and in Him is no sin” (I John 3: 5).  Their preachers don’t teach it, and most will depend on them for their spiritual food.

But a few will believe and repent and follow on in the Way.  They will receive Him into a new heart, and they will grow, and He will grow in them, “till we all come in the unity of the faith…unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ” (Eph. 4: 13).  These will be His fully manifested sons and daughters of God in these latter days.

We need to help them fulfill their calling.  In so doing, “there will be richly provided for you an entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior” (2 Peter 1: 11).

Repentance and being converted to Christ has a deeper meaning than some think.  But knowing and doing the truth about them will bear fruit.   Kenneth Wayne Hancock 

(1) Blue Letter Bible. “Dictionary and Word Search for epistrephō (Strong’s 1994)“. Blue Letter Bible. 1996-2009. 17 Aug 2009. < http://
Strongs=G1994&t=KJV >

“converted” —

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Filed under belief, crucified with Christ, death of self, glorification, repentance

Conversion to Christ–Just the First Step Towards Glorification

God’s offspring, His future manifested sons and daughters for these last days, will realize that conversion to Christ is just the first step on their spiritual journey back to their Father’s heart. 

Their conversion, yes, is an astounding miracle performed by the Spirit of God, whereby their old heart is cleansed from sin and sinning, as they stand before the King justified by their faith in Him and His power to change lives.  This true conversion experience is giddy-wonderful, filling our souls with an inexplicable peace and love.

Charles G. Finney  described this experience of justification in his memoirs: “I felt myself justified by faith; and, so far as I could see, I was in a state in which I did not sin. Instead of feeling that I was sinning all the time, my heart was so full of love that it overflowed. My cup ran over with blessing and with love; and I could not feel that I was sinning against God. Nor could I recover the least sense of guilt for my past sins. Of this experience I said nothing that I recollect, at the time, to anybody; that is, of this experience of justification” ( ).

Justification (just-if-I’d never sinned) is truly wonderful.  It is our ticket to Immortality and a Life in the presence of the King of the Universe.  But it is just the first step.  And it is here that many “babes in Christ” remain, for they are taught that this is all there is by well-meaning, unenlightened teachers. [For more see ]

“Be Converted”

The sons and daughters of God will see that conversion is something even more grand than justification.  Being converted to Christ sets our feet on the path “to the glory we had with Him before the world began.”  Through it we revert back to what we had with Him before the worlds were ever created.  We are “called unto glory and virtue.”  After being “justified by faith,” we are to “sanctify ourselves,” setting ourselves apart for His purposes.  In turn, those who become sanctified may enter the rarified realm of glorification.

Yes, a few of His followers will be glorified, just as our example was.  The apostle Paul wrote of “the glory which shall be revealed in us.”  A few will complete Christ’s spiritual life-cycle; they will “suffer with Him” now, that they “may be also glorified together” (Romans 8: 17-18).  Yes, some of His followers will grow to the point that they will be “glorified together” with Christ!  You can read it in plain English in any translation; they all say the same thing. 

These that are “glorified together” with Christ are manifested sons and daughters of God (v. 19).  This is the “high calling.”  There is no greater calling on this planet than to be one of these.  For they will “sit with Him on [His] throne” and will become “heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ” (Rev. 3: 21; Rom. 8: 17). 

Suffering With Christ

But this calling is only to those who “suffer with Christ.”  They must first suffer their own crucifixion, allowing their old self and old heart to die with Christ on the cross; to be buried with Him into His death, and by believing His resurrection, we believe that we are raised from the dead, from the death sentence caused by all our past sins.  We then receive His Spirit by faith.  This is justification (Romans 6: 1-16).

We then must suffer the Spirit of God to “purge out the old leaven” from our thinking.  We all in our old lives have been taught erroneous doctrines and teachings.  Coming off of these things that we were taught and believed our whole lives is difficult, but very necessary.  Difficult because of what friends, family, and acquintances will say.  We will suffer rejection from loved ones as we make a stand for truth.  They will not understand and will try and talk us out of our newfound beliefs.  It is all in the parable of the sower in Matthew 13.  All false doctrines and concepts must be gotten rid of.  This takes much prayerful study.  This also takes humility to learn from someone else who knows the way and has been sent to help teach the future sons and daughters of God.  This is part of the sanctification experience, the second leg on our journey.  Only those who make it through to the end of this process will go on to glorification.

All this is a process that yields an astounding spiritual transformation in a few good men and women.  They will do the “greater works” that Christ spoke of (John 14: 12).  They will shine as “lights in the midst of a wicked and perverse nation.”  The darkness is thick, but God, who is light, will pierce the darkness through, and will bring in a wonderful new government to earth.  And these manifested ones will rule and reign with Him.  Incredible, I know.  But that is what The Book says.      Kenneth Wayne Hancock

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Filed under crucified with Christ, death of self, glorification, repentance, santification, sons and daughters of God

YAHWEH Is the Name of God, States the Catholic Bible

Even the Catholic New American Bible says that YAHWEH is the name of God.  Catholic biblical scholars even witness to us that YAHWEH is His name!

God is calling Moses to go down to Egypt to deliver the children of Israel.  Moses says, But when they ask me what is God’s name, what do I tell them?   And God tells him, quoting from Exodus 3: 14, “‘I am who am.’  Then He added, ‘This is what you shall tell the Israelites: I AM sent me to you.'”

The footnote in this Catholic bible for this verse reads: “I am who am: apparently this utterance is the source of the word Yahweh, the proper personal name of the God of Israel.”  There it is.  These fifty Catholic scholars who translated this version of the Bible know what God’s personal name is, and yet, the masses remain unenlightened.

And why do the vast majority of professing Christians remain in the dark about this crucial knowledge–knowledge so important that Moses made it a sticking point to make sure he knew the name of this God who was sending him?  It is because they do not “dig deep and lay their house upon the rock.”  The knowledge necessary to be a future son or daughter of God is out there.  Even the Catholics in their bible state it in plain English.  

No Excuse for Not Knowing God as “Yahweh”

And many professing Christians will be left out in the cold when Christ asks them on judgement day, ‘You say you know God.  So what is my Father’s name?  You mean you don’t even know His name?  Why didn’t you seek out knowledge that was there for you?’   And they will mutter, ‘But my pastor never preached about God’s name.’  Then Christ will no doubt just shake His head and point them to their place of shame out of His presence.  That will be a sad day.

But there is no need for that.  We all who aspire to follow Christ must do what He said to do.  “Seek and ye shall find.  Knock and the door shall be opened.  Ask and it shall be given.”  We have no excuse, and He will accept none on that day.  

Keep seeking His truth.  Keep on knocking, knocking on His door.  If you don’t have an urgency, ask Him specifically, and He will give it to you.  He loves us.  But keep asking, for He will delay His answer to you to test you to see if you are for real, for He “tries the reins and hearts.”  But don’t give up.  Cry out for the living water, for His Spirit.  But His Spirit will only come down into a dry and thirsty heart, a heart who knows its need for Him.  For He is only sent to the spiritually hungry and destitute, to the broken-hearted, to the humble.       Kenneth Wayne Hancock


Filed under Sacred Names, Yahweh

In Him Was Life–The Light of Men

God, the creative Life Force, has now made it possible for His very Life essence to be placed into the human beings that He has created.  He is Eternal Life, and “God is a  Spirit.”  And when He places Himself in a human being, that person has eternal life dwelling in him.  The promise is unto us of immortality.  But there is only one way to attain this most precious of gifts.

Only one way, and Christ is the way.  He alone is the Road to Immortality.  He said as much.  “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”  The Father, who is that original Spirit Life Force, dwelt bodily and fully in the man known in the English speaking world as Jesus Christ.  That is why Christ continued and said, “No man comes unto the Father, but by me” (John 14: 6). 

His disciple Philip asked Him to show the Father to them.  And He responded, He that has seen me has seen the Father…the Father that dwells in me, He does the works.  Then Christ commands them to believe Him that the Father is in Him (John 14: 9-11).  Those who can do this will go on to do greater works than what even Christ had done (v. 12). 

Christ is the mediator between the Father and mankind.  He alone was predestined to overcome all things and provide the way into the Most Holy Place of the Father’s Presence, which is the Spirit coming into us and us coming into Him.

So this notion that Christ Jesus, who actually was called by His Hebrew name Yahshua during the 1st and 2nd centuries–this notion that He was just another great teacher or enlightened sage must be discarded once and for all.  Anyway, if He was such a great teacher, then why doesn’t everyone believe His teachings?  If He was so enlightened, then why doesn’t everbody follow Him?

In Him Was Life

The scriptures of truth declare that “in Him was life.”  Christ had and has eternal Life residing in Himself.  And this Life Force, which is the Spirit/Father, is Light.  “In Him was life; and the life was the light of men” (John 1: 4). 

It is here that it gets sticky for the human race.  For they are living their lives in the darkness of hidden sins and lies, and “the Light shines in the darkness,” and the darkness of men’s souls has never quenched, nor overcome, nor ever put the Light out.  For the Light is the very Life Force of the Father, who is immortal.

How does the Light shine into the darkness of the human heart?  It exposes the sin and evil that dwells therein.  The Light shines into the heart of darkness and convicts it of sin and forces it to change, to repent.  And it is here that most of the masses of humanity lose interest in Christ and His message of regeneration; they feel that they are okay and have no need to change.

Yet the Savior and His apostles’ message was, “Repent of your sins.”  His forerunner, the prophet John the Baptist, witnessed to all at Christ’s appearance at the river, “Behold, the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world” (John 1: 8).  He was saying that Christ has the Father in Him and He is the true Light that will search out the dark hidden recesses of your heart and soul.  He will provide the way for you to not have sin plaguing you daily.  He will take away your sin and anyone else’s that hears and obeys Him.  He will literally “save His people from their sins,” which is exactly what His Hebrew name Yahshua means–“Yahweh is the Savior.”  Yahweh, the Father, dwells fully in the Son, and He delivers us from sin and sinning.

His Spirit-Life-Love is Light insomuch as it exposes evil, selfish darkness.  When a person in darkness rejects the Light, then condemnation follows.  Christ and those He dwells in do not condemn anyone.  They merely allow Him to live His righteous life in their daily walk and leave the judging to Him.  A person is condemned when he rejects the Light by loving darkness and evil rather than drawing near to the Light.  In fact, everyone who does evil hates the Light and does not come to the Light because they don’t want their evil deeds to be exposed.  “Everyone that does evil hates the light, because their deeds are evil” (John 3: 17-21). 

One must get past the veil of Christ’s flesh and see the Father in Him, and thereby allow the healing Light of truth cleanse our hearts and set us upon the right path.  This takes humility–a commodity sorely lacking here on earth.     Kenneth Wayne Hancock

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Filed under eternal life, immortality, repentance, Yahshua

Christ in You–The Treasure in Earthen Vessels

Every stimulus that bombards our five senses works to prevent us from glimpsing the true Light.  It is no accident that this happens; the great Creator made it this way so that His spiritual offspring would have spiritual struggles to overcome, thereby making them stronger.  This is His doing and not ours; we would not do it this way.  “His thoughts are not our thoughts.”

It is the overcoming of sin that lies at the heart of the Christian experience.  Man’s thought says to us, No one can stop sinning in this life.  This is pure self-projection, for the scriptures of truth speak otherwise.  They speak of a deliverance from sin.  “He that is dead is freed from sin” (1).  And, “He shall save His people from their sins” (2).  And “He that is born of God does not commit sin, for His seed remains in him and he cannot sin because he is born of God” (I John 3: 9).

This is what actually distinguishes the children of God from the children of darkness.  I have written extensively about the “cross experience.”  For it is there that one must come and surrender their old sinful selfish ways and just let them die with Christ, who bore them there; and be buried with Him, and be raised with Him.  Or rather, through belief in the “operation of God” that raised Him up, we also can be “raised to walk in a newness of life” (3).  This is “where old things are passed away,” where “all things are become new” (4).  This is bottom line.

For it is His Life that counts.  He doesn’t want a re-directed, re-furbished, re-cycled old selfish life.  No.  Our old life has to completely go, completely die out.  He wants His life taking root and growing up in us.  And finally, God wants His Spirit, the Spirit that is in Christ, to grow and flourish inside of us to the point that we become just like the Son of God.  There it is.  That is His plan and purpose.  But only a few will have the faith to believe it and walk in it.

This is the secret kept from the foundation of the world–the secret that all seekers have wanted to know down through history.  It is the treasure kept hidden in plain sight in this old world, a vast spiritual chest of knowledge much more precious than gold and diamonds.  “And few there be that find it” (5).

Why?  Because one cannot find this elusive spiritual treasure when moved by selfish motives.  For one will not be given the map to find it if one seeks it selfishly.  “Only the pure in heart shall see God” and His purpose and plan to reproduce Himself.

One can even read about this treasure in plain English, like you are reading this right now, and if their eyes have not been anointed with eyesalve, they can read the words, but the message will lay thud-like on leadened ears. 

Here, then, is the secret of this “sacred mystery which up till now has been hidden in every age and every generation, but which is now as clear as daylight to those who love God.  They are those to whom God has planned to give a vision of the full wonder and splendour of his secret plan for the nations.  And the secret is simply this:  Christ in you!  Yes Christ in you bringing with him the hope of all the glorious things to come” (6).  And those things include His government and righteousness filling this earth–precious things that we, His children, the overcomers will inherit.  He is our Father; therefore, we are His heirs, heirs of all things!

But before all this happens, we have to get over ourselves and realize that we are nothing; it is all Him, all Christ.  Once we receive that, we can find rest.    KWH

  1. Romans 6: 7
  2. Matt. 1: 21
  3. Romans 6: 4
  4. II Cor. 5: 7
  5. Matt. 7: 14
  6. Col. 1: 26-27


Filed under death of self, eternal purpose, faith, repentance, sons and daughters of God

Conversations With the Seer–Who Will Do the “Greater Works”?

(Formerly in Israel, if a man went to inquire of God, he would say, “Come, let us go to the Seer,” because the prophet of today used to be called a Seer. I Samuel 9: 9)

“Christ did say, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also,” I said to the Seer.  We were talking about how followers of Christ today could grow to a point in which they could do the same miracles of healing and raising of the dead that the Savior and His apostles did (1).

“That promise is true,” the Seer said, “but what does it mean, to believe on Him?  Even the devils believe in one God and tremble.  Many believe that He existed, that He was a prophet, that He was a wise teacher.  Although important, it is not enough that we believe that Christ existed, that He died, was buried, and rose again the third day.  Christ gives us His followers a commandment: ‘Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me.’  Those who go and learn what that means–they are the ones that will do the greater works.”

“How could we do anything greater than healing the sick and raising the dead?” I asked, thinking that would be difficult to top.

“He is bringing many sons unto glory.  Multiply these works by thousands of us doing them—those are the ‘greater works.’”

“Never saw it like that before.  So what does ‘believe on Him’ mean then?”

“Christ was saying this: The Father that dwells in me speaks the words through me and does the works.  The Father is a Spirit; He is everywhere.  The Son is a vessel that walks in this knowledge and also contains the Father/Spirit.   We who have received His Spirit in our new hearts, we, also, are in the Father, and the Father now is in us.

“Christ commands us: ‘Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father is in me: or else believe me for the very works’ sake.”  This is a commandment.  In fact, this is one of his new commandments that His apostle John tells us about.  He is saying, The things I do only God can do, so believe what I am saying to you about the Father being present right now in Me.  These miracles done through me—it is the Father in me that is doing them.”

“He did say, I and my Father are one.”

“Precisely.  Those that obey this new commandment and believe that it was very Yahweh, the great Creator, walking, teaching, healing, through the Anointed One Christ—they will do the same works that He did.”

“Just accepting Him as their personal Savior is not going to do it,” I said.

“No, it won’t.  We do the receiving of Him; He does the accepting of us.  Big difference.”

“The Great Creator Spirit poured Himself into the man called the Christ,” I said.

“Believe that and you will be given the Spirit as well.  Speaking of all of His followers down through the ages, He prayed, ‘That they may be one, as we are.’  And His prayers will be answered.”     KWH

(1) John 14: 9-20; 17: 11.

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