Category Archives: atheism

Big Tech–Counterfeit Comforter

Big Brother is watching you and me. It is an old concept, but never more true. He knows our thoughts and desires, and he is well aware of our political, religious, educational, and economic inclinations.

Of course, we speak of Big Tech, who sprawls over the entire earth, digitally scratching the itch that humans have. That itch is to feel important and needed and appreciated, and to know that they belong.

But mankind does not know that Big Tech’s fingers scratch with silent talons, talons that tear into the subconscious minds of the vulnerable.  Through quiet machinations of the human psyche, Big Tech has become the provider of comfort.

It has almost entirely replaced the Hebrew God as mankind’s go-to savior. Feeling lonely? Turn on your electronic device. Go where you want to go. Listen to whom you want to hear. Bored? Same thing. In fact, Big Tech provides your every desire except one. It does not know the mind of the Spirit of God. It is not a Christ based endeavor. Therefore, it is “opposite of” Christ, or “instead of” Christ [Strong’s Concordance, G473: anti-]. So you extrapolate it (I John 2:22-23).

The addiction to social media has provided a counterfeit comfort. But God has promised us that He would come to us as our “Comforter” (John 14:16-18, 23-26). He would be the One who comforts and encourages us with His presence of Love, for He is love.

But, no. “All the world wondered after the beast” (Rev. 13:3). The beast at the time of the end will have the whole world marveling over its provisions to help mankind in their need to be comforted as their currencies collapse into ashes. Big Tech is the only entity that is universally filling that need today.

All of its social media platforms stand like the lesser pagan gods that each city state worshiped. Whatever itch one has, there is a lesser god to scratch it. Big Tech is the big one. But even it is made with man’s hands. It is a god that is tangible and can be turned on for instant gratification whenever the laity desires.

Nevertheless, Big Tech’s priests wield great power. They can include you in their services or excommunicate you. They then can cancel you and send you into that empty land where voices become silent echoes down the canyon of the American dream.

This is where we are at. The Hebrew God of the Holy Bible knows what is happening. In fact, He is enabling Big Tech’s power grab in hope: that a few of us would see through this electronic delusion and seek Him, the true Comforter, the Spirit of Truth. For there is no better comfort than knowing the truth about what is happening.

Just as He has scripted the world’s delusion in our past and present, He also has written the ending in our future. He will reproduce Himself in some, and they will stride forth in love. And Big Tech will fall at Christ’s return to earth to set up His kingdom, where “God shall wipe away all tears…and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying…” (Rev. 21:4). That is real comfort.   Kenneth Wayne Hancock


Filed under atheism, false prophets, great tribulation period, new world order, One World Government

Exposing the Spiritual Darkness of Political Correctness

“Something there is that does not love” political correctness [1]. Something deep down in the human soul repulses attempts by our fellow man to dictate how we should feel, speak, and act. Perhaps that something is that little spiritual spark that our Creator has placed in our hearts. That tiny luminescence is intended to kindle a fire that will illuminate the path back to our Father’s heart.

Thus, that little light that He has given each person knows that in the end, we all were made for God’s purposes and not to be slaves to the whims of other men.

Political correctness is just that–a subtle tyranny of thought control, enabled by fear. For it is fear of retribution from the herd that debilitates most. When their heads raise up in indignation at the despotic dictums foisted upon them by the P.C. police, most merely glimpse the woolly fleece in front of them and continue following, lowering their heads once again in resignation.

But “Something There Is that Does Not Love” Political Correctness

Politics is natural man governing other men. So when a small group of men dictates to the masses what to think and say, and the people acquiesce, then a quiet totalitarian regime is born, and the masses become compliant subjects of the few.

Therefore, it is an honor for me to say that I am not politically correct. For I am endeavoring to follow our Example, the Son of God. He shrank not from those who dictated “correct” thought and speech 2,000 years ago. He followed completely the spark within to its full growth cycle conclusion: the manifestation of the Son of God.

Our Example

And He is our Example, and He has shown us the way to the goal and vision of being just like Him. And He was not politically correct. He did not need for somebody to tell Him how men should think, “for He knew what was in man” (John 2: 25). He stood up and exposed the lies and deceptions of natural sinful man.

He even told the Pharisees, “You are of your father the devil” (John 8: 42-47). Hey, you hypocritical little tyrants, running around here, sitting in Moses’ seat, you stone my followers for loving their neighbor as themselves, and you bind heavy burdens on the people and never lift a finger to help them. Your father is Satan, and you are acting just like him. Satan is a serpent and you are a den of lying vipers just like him.

No, Christ was not politically correct. He told the truth and exposed the bastardized Judaic religion of His day for the hypocrisy that it was. He came against it vehemently. He is our Example. Are we doing what He did? Are we exposing the half-truths and outright errors that riddle organized Churchianity? Are we purging out the old leaven concepts?

Light Versus Darkness

Almost everything Christ said was not politically correct. Take the Sermon on the Mount. He said that we are not to hide the light that He gives us, but to let it shine. Light by its nature exposes and reveals what darkness hides. Light, therefore, is much more powerful than darkness, for it dispels and finally annihilates the darkness.

Political correctness is a form of darkness, demanding its victims to remain quiet and not expose its nature. P.C. says, Don’t let the light of truth and freedom shine because it will reveal just how small and petty I am.

Oh, something there is in the human heart that does not love political correctness. Truth and Love says, Letting your light shine glorifies the Father. For He is the Light, “the true Light, which lights every man that comes into the world” (John 1: 9).

Our wonderful Savior is the Light that has shined into our hearts with His Spirit and spark of new life in Him. He has promised us freedom from the slavery and bondage of sinful man’s expectations of how we are to think and speak in their new world order.

Oh, something there is that does not love political correctness, and that something is a Someone, and He is God. And man was created by Him to be the glory of God.  Our whole purpose is to exalt our King. It is branded into our DNA.

That is why we fairly bristle at political correctness. Agents of the kingdom of darkness impose the ideals of their father upon us. They are against the divine nature that we are to exhibit. This is the righteous spiritual nature that will glorify God. P.C. is against God and His sovereignty in our lives. It totally forgets God and His word and plan and purpose, superimposing “great swelling words of man’s wisdom” in their stead.

Our modern day political correctness is just the latest version of the same spiritual sickness. It is ultimately against God and His desire for us, which is this: He wants us to be exactly like our Example. He is known by English speakers as Jesus Christ, but known by a few as Yahshua, His Hebrew name.

But then, using the name “Yahshua” may not be politically correct in some quarters. I better let the Father Yahweh sort it all out.     Kenneth Wayne Hancock

[1] Robert Frost. Adapted from “Mending Wall.”

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Filed under atheism, eternal purpose, new world order, old leaven, Sacred Names, sin

Re: “No Atheists in a Foxhole”

     Lurking way down in every human being’s heart is a knowledge that God exists.   Anyone who has tasted battle, who has belched up that bile of fear as the shells explode and lead whizzes past their head, knows.  Anyone who has stared Death in its grotesque face, who has come a whisper away from their own demise through car wrecks, muggings, beatings, fires, drownings–these know there is a God.

     How do I know?  Because without exception, these all cry aloud, “Oh, Lord!  If you would just help me out of this jam and let me live, I’ll serve you.” 

     It’s built into us.  This knowledge that we are to serve and love and depend on our Creator is in our genes.  When faced with our own annililation, we immediately go to God as a child to their own father without thinking or rationalizing about it.  We don’t say, “Well, let me see.  I wish I could believe in God at this present dangerous juncture in my life.”  No.  We cry out to Him from the very core of our being, our heart in utter desperation, pleading to the only One that we know deep down can save us.  And then we offer a last ditch deal, saying we’ll serve Him if we make it out of this mess.

     And He so many times “for His name’s sake”* delivers us from the specter of death, knowing that most humans will not keep their end of the bargain immediately.  For when Death is escaped for the moment, we humans go back into our sweet intoxicating delusion that we are immortal and we are okay, and, hey, that was no big deal, had it covered all the time.

     Humankind is its own greatest witness that there is a God that they should be serving.  No, it is a fact: There are no atheists in a foxhole.    Kenneth Wayne Hancock

*{God’s name in the original Hebrew means “The Self-existent One is the Savior.”  Because of what His very name means, He will save us–“for His name’s sake.  Transliterated into English, Christ’s name in Hebrew is “YAHSHUA.”  This was the Hebrew name of our Savior, which was the same name of the Patriarch Joshua, which is His name anglicized.  The name “Jesus” and “Joshua” are used interchangeably in the New Testament.}
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Filed under atheism, atheist, death