Monthly Archives: August 2021

The Seed, Repentance, and the Cross

You are a page out of “the book of life.” God is the author of this book. He wrote it eons ago, long before your mom and dad brought you into the world. For God knew you before you were born. You were in His heart before the earth was ever formed and before the stars began to burn (Jer. 1:5).

This book of life is the record of the who, what, when, where, how and why of God’s plan and purpose. His purpose is to reproduce Himself. His plan to fulfill His purpose will be witnessed here on earth. When you walk by faith in Christ’s life, you are a part of the witness of the record in heaven. It bears repeating: The book of life is the record of what God has done/is doing/and will do to accomplish His purpose of reproducing Himself (Love).

It all begins with a seed. And “the seed is the word of God.” And the word of God is truth. When error is found in preachers’ mouths, the seed is blighted and will not reproduce.

But His seed is “the incorruptible seed.” It takes root in our hearts through the sacrifice of the Lamb, our Savior. Only it must be our own spiritual death with Christ. The seed must die before it springs to life in a heart. At the time of any harvest, the original seed brings forth and bears more seed just like the original.  

We members of Christ’s body today are living in the day of harvest, the time of the end. There is and will always be seed time and harvest. Seed time is seen in the book of Genesis, the book of beginnings. The “harvest is the end of the world,” as seen in the book of Revelation.

The word is made up from the words of the plan on how God will reproduce himself in us. In fact, the “book of life” is made up of the word, which gives us clues on how to proceed in God’s reproduction process.

The book of life mentioned in the scriptures is the plan on how he will use us to divinely love through us. This reproduces agape love, which is God. That is why you are a page out of the book of life.

The Cross Experience

Christ said, “Except a seed fall into the ground and die, it abides alone. But if it die, it brings forth much fruit.” Christ is that seed. “Christ is the seed, the word of God.” He is the Word made flesh.

God’s elect is the “good ground.” To get this growth process moving within us, His word, the seed, must germinate in our hearts. We surrender to him by submitting our old self to his spiritual growth process. Christ surrendered his body to death. God placed our sinful hearts on that sacrificial body, and when He died, our old sinful heart died with Him. When He was buried, our sinful self was buried. And when He was raised from the dead, we too were raised to walk in a newness of life.

This is the true cross experience. To lead someone to repentance is the first of the apostles’ doctrine. It is where you lead them to the mirror of their soul. And you tell them to look way past the simple facial skin tones and to peer into hearts. And ask them if they can see the dark place of their existence, the selfish and careless way they are. If they can and want to change, then you teach Romans 6 to them. It is the truth that will make them free. If they won’t look into that mirror, then they cannot receive the truth at that time. Maybe another day.

The Quiz

I gave you a one question quiz on August 5. It asks, “Can you explain in detail how one repents from sin?” It is about how to lead someone to true repentance, which is the first apostles’ doctrine. Christ’s death on the cross, His burial, and His resurrection is where we found our freedom from sin and sinning. It is here at the resurrection in our own hearts that the growth of the Seed in us will begin. And each seed bears its own kind.

When he perished, our old sinful selves died with him. When he was buried, our old selves were buried. And when he was resurrected—Hallelujah!—we “were raised to walk in a newness of life.” He that is dead is freed from sin. Free! But this freedom is only for those who know that they are in bondage to sin and know that they have a need to be freed. Those righteous in their own eyes will think that all of this is nonsense.

Repentance, Romans 6, and the Cross

Paul opens that chapter of his letter to the Romans with this thought: “Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?” In another translation we read, “Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ were baptized into his death?” Immersed into His death. Water baptism is only a symbol of the baptism into Christ’s death. Which preacher/pastor/priest/or prophet teaches these thoughts of the apostle Paul? They pontificate on most every passage except Romans 6.

This is where true repentance starts; it’s at and after the cross. Christ is not our substitute; he is our example. He laid it on the line through His death, and we need to die with him. And then through belief/faith in the operation of God, we also can walk in a newness of life (Col. 2:12).

This truth will make a huge difference in people’s lives. But you won’t find Romans 6 preached in many churches. Just go ask the pastors their take on it.  I wish they would teach this truth because it is the gateway to all truth. Unless we repent, we’ll “all likewise perish” and be forgotten in the dusty tombs of the earth. This is paramount in being saved from the sea of death, where nobody remembers your name.

Kenneth Wayne Hancock


Filed under church, cross, crucified with Christ, death of self, elect, eternal purpose, love, old self, resurrection

The Father Does the Works through the Son—We Are the Body of the Son

Therefore, the Father will do those same works through us, the body of Christ. That’s the promise, whether we can grasp it or not at present. But I am getting ahead of the story. Let me back up to the beginning long before we little humans were scurrying about the planet.

God is the Word/the Logos/ the Plan to fulfill His own purpose (John 1:1). He desires to reproduce Himself in us. That is His purpose. How He will do this is written in His own words in the Holy Bible. God also wrote His whole plan out in the life and death and resurrected life of one man. They call Him Jesus in the English speaking world. But His Hebrew name is Yahshua. His name in the Hebrew means “Yah is the Savior” or “Yah Saves.” His name is the same as the patriarch Joshua.

The Father’s purpose is to reproduce agape love, which is Himself. “God is love” (I John 4:8). God is also Spirit, the Spirit of Love (John 4:24). He will reproduce Love in and through you and me, if we follow on. He does this by showing us how to do what He has done and how to love.  When we do what He does, then we grow spiritually. If we continue in Him, we will grow to full maturity as his sons and daughters. That is if we humble ourselves and pray and study His word and seek His face while He may be found.

The Word is the seed (Matt. 13:19). And “each seed bears its own kind.” Since we now are born of the “incorruptible seed, the word of God,” we will be like Him at the time of the harvest, which is “end of the world.” We will be like him after we do the things he does. Again, the question arises: What did the Father do? And what does the Father do now? For He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So, what are his works?

As we have learned, Christ commands us to believe that the Father is in Him. We are to believe Christ that it was Yahweh, the invisible Spirit Father that inhabited the Son of God. Christ said that it was the Father inside of him that did “the works.” According to Christ’s own words, when you see a miracle done by the Son, it is really the Father inside of Him that is doing the works.

Works—What Are They?

“Works” is translated from the Greek word # 2041 ergon, meaning “an act, deed, thing done.” So, what were the things that Christ did? John the Baptist inquired about these works, sending two of his disciples to ask Christ, “Are you he that should come, or do we look for another?”

Christ said, “Show John what you see and hear: the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached unto them” (John 7:22).

Christ said that the miraculous works that he did were “the works of my Father.” Believe the works “that you may know, and believe, that the Father is in Me (the Son of God) and I in the Father.” No mortal man can do miracles. So, it must be the Father, the Spirit, in the Son of God that is doing the works (John 10:38).

The Promise of Power for Us

When the time comes that the Father grows to a fullness within us, then the Father will do miracles through us. As people witness and see these miracles, they will know and believe that the Father is in the Son. And since we believers are the Son’s body, they will know that it is the Father dwelling in us, also.

This takes us to John 14:10-11. Christ said, “The Father that dwells in me, He does the works/miracles.” Then here comes the blockbuster promise that boggles our minds. Christ says, “He that believes on me, the works [the miracles] that I do shall he do also…” (John 14:12). He that believes that the Spirit that was in Christ was the Father, that person shall do the same miracles that Christ has done, “and greater works…” We will do the same miracles because it is the same Father in us that is in Christ. Wow!

There are two prerequisites before we receive this power. First we must believe that the Father is in the Son. This takes getting rid of old leaven concepts about God that muddy the water.  Second, we must ask Him for the power. “And whatsoever you shall ask in My name, that will I do” (v. 13). What should we be asking for here? We are to ask our Father for His power to do the works, the miracles that He just promised in verse 12. But we must “ask in [His] name.” Before we can ask in His name, we must know His Hebrew name and know what it means. [Much more on this in my book The Eleventh Commandment, pp. 42-44; 70-99. Order it here:].

These miraculous exploits are written in the book of life, a book about the Spirit in us. If we are one of His chosen/elect, our destiny is written out. He has already prepared someone in need, someone who needs a miracle, someone who needs healing of cancer or palsy or some other incurable disease. The Father has divine appointments for us to cross paths with a terminally ill person. The appointment to heal them is set. He does all things well, our Father, as He flows His healing power through us to the sick. These miracles [the works] are already written down in the book of life. The miracles are already set up by the Father. It will happen after we leave our 30 fold childhood ways.

A Story about a Miracle

Let me tell you a story about the works of the Father. Christ and his disciples passed by a blind man. The disciples asked Him, “Why is this man blind? Is it because of his own sin or his parents’ sin?”

Christ said that neither he nor his parents were to blame. “But this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.” And then Christ healed him and said, “As long as it is day, we must do the work of Him who sent Me.” He said that we must do the Father’s work. That’s us, too (John 9:1-4 NIV).

So, as we grow into the 60 fold realm and beyond, we will ask Him for miracles, knowing that it will be the Father doing them in and through us. It is all Christ, for Him and to Him. Humility will lead our way. We can humble ourselves under His mighty hand, or He for our good will chasten us and correct us. “For whom the Lord loves He chastens and scourges every son whom He receives” (Heb. 12:6).

When the Son of God and the members of his body do a miracle, it glorifies the Father, for it is the Father doing the miracle through them. If the self is still there, then God won’t be. We are talking about those pre-destinated by God to “be conformed to the image of his Son” (Romans 8: 28-30).

Christ prayed for us who are to be called and glorified. Speaking of us he prayed “for them also which shall believe on Me through their (his disciples) word; that they may be one, as thou Father are in me and I in thee, that they may be one in us, and the glory which you gave me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one (John 17). He is so merciful to share His throne with us. But before He “hands us the keys to the Kingdom,” He will test us.  

Kenneth Wayne Hancock

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God Is Doing a New Thing, and It Starts with a New Heart after Repentance

If doubtful thoughts are arising in your mind, like, “I don’t know if I can believe the teachings on this website because I have not heard it before.” If that is happening to you, don’t jump ship. Stay in the ship. Take some time to sail away from the bustling crowd and the yap, yap, yapping of the different birds of religion who flap their Raven wings, fluttering, garbling His word into imaginations that sour the mind. Stop. Rest in Him.

Take in the new things that you are hearing here. You feel that they are right. You would not even be reading this far if you did not believe that. So, just take it easy. The concept of new things is all the way through the scriptures. God said, “I will do a new thing in the earth.” But you will not want the new wine because you will say that the old wine is better. No, it is not. God is doing a new thing with new concepts. Oh, it is in the written word. But these new concepts are sometimes directly opposed to the organized churches. If it is not happening, then someone is stuck in the mud of old churchianity. Very few plants can grow in mud. So, He says to us, “Come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord.”

When the “Spirit of truth is come, He will guide you into all truth.” Make no mistake about it. If you are not being led into more truth, one of two things is happening in your life. Either you already have all truth or the Holy Spirit is not working with you at this stage of your life.

We must believe that He has teachers. He has apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. They are humble and not exalted. They are not egoistic narcissists clamoring for money. They are part of the mighty hand of God, and they are very, very rare in the earth. Please listen to me. Very rare. You will not find them on every church corner. God is inviting us to turn the droning music of our existence off. Meditate upon His word. If you do not get it, go back and reread it. Study it. He’s the one that is giving us this new truth. It will make more sense if you know His purpose is. For all truth after the knowledge of His purpose explains how He will fulfill His purpose.

The problem with many modern Christians is that they think that they must be the star of the show. They think that they’ve already arrived.  But they don’t realize that God has a plan. They don’t understand that there is much knowledge that must be received from his offices. We are told in the scriptures to “humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God that in due time he may exalt us.” Growing to full maturity is part of this humbling process.

Quiz Time

If you would like to know where you’re at in spiritual growth, answer this question: Can you explain in detail how one repents from sin. Repentance is the first of the apostles’ doctrines. Life or death stuff. Remember? “Except you repent you shall all likewise perish.” That’s our Savior talking. If you want to be like Peter, James, John and Paul, then you must have this knowledge in your heart. It must be a river of living water. But first comes the knowledge of the cross. There, I gave you a hint. The offices of God will know this answer. So will the prophets and the evangelists and the pastors and the teachers. That’s your test. And it is any preacher’s test. Go ahead. Ask them if they can explain repentance to you.  

Try to answer the question with a closed book. Write down what you know  about repentance. Then go back to Romans 6 and check your work. And then study it until it’s in your heart. Then share it with others. That is how the word is made flesh and dwells among us. You then will become the word. This is the basic teaching of how to repent, which was the very first word that Christ spoke when he went out to preach in the villages: “Repent and believe the gospel.” When you get this–and there is only one place to get it–you will be sharing with me the wonderful deliverance He has done in your life! [See pp. 83-124 in my book The Apostles’ Doctrine. Also, pp. 138-150 in Yah Is Savior; also, pp. 10-19 of The Unveiling of the Sons of God. It is all there; I wrote it down for you.]

And so God tells his fivefold ministry offices: I am going to use you to perfect the Saints, to teach them maturity, to show them the way to become like Me. They will not come to full maturity without you, My teachers. My little children will not accomplish perfection without My fivefold ministry offices (Eph. 4:11-15).

There are many preachers and teachers who do not have the message. If you see somebody walking around, crowing, yearning to be a great man of God, he doesn’t have it. Take money out of the equation and the landscape clears up fast. Christ would not even be recognized if he were to walk into a church service today. He would have “no form nor comeliness that they would desire Him.” He wouldn’t be recognized. His teachings would not be believed. Most are not going to listen to him. In fact, that is what happened to the prophet Ezequiel. Yahweh appeared to him magnificently, and told him, “I want you to go to my people. But they are stiff necked, and they will not hear you. They will not listen to you because they will not listen to Me.” All part of the plan. But first we need to know His doctrines–backwards and forward–if we want to get a place on the front row so we can see His face up close.

 Kenneth Wayne Hancock


Filed under apostles' doctrine, body of Christ, children of God, cross, death of self, eternal purpose, false teachers, kingdom of God, knowledge, perfection, repentance, spiritual growth