Monthly Archives: April 2010

“Woe to the Pastors That Destroy My Sheep”–The Sermon You Won’t Hear on Sunday Morning [Conversations With the Seer] Part I

“Why won’t you hear this message on Sunday morning?” I asked the Seer.  He had mentioned in passing the day before, that chapter 23 in Jeremiah would never serve as a text for a pastor.

The Seer looked at me as if needing to see a sufficient amount of sincerity in the question.  And seeing it, he said, “It is not because the words are unintelligible.  The word from the LORD (Yahweh) that the prophet Jeremiah wrote down is extremely clear, brought to us in a very simple unadorned style of English.  When the Spirit says, ‘Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith Yahweh,’ the words are straightforward and plain.”

“But why won’t they preach it.”

“It’s because the message is not for God’s sheep in the pews but for the pastors, preachers, and priests themselves.  It is a woe pronounced on them by the God they say they are serving!”

“No wonder they won’t go there.”

“They are not about to.  Remember when our Master, the Anointed One Himself, said, ‘By your words you are justified and by your words you are condemned'”?


“If they preach this message, their words will fall like a sword of judgement upon their own necks.”

“Why?  What is God’s beef with them?”

The Seer opened the front of the cast iron wood heater, exposing the bright orange coals that lay pulsating in the bottom.  He stirred the coals with a rod of iron, picked up two four inch logs and threw them in.  Shutting the door, he said, “In order to understand the message to the pastors, we need to know just who their congegrants are.  For God’s controversy with them has to do with how they have done His people in the pews.  For, you see, God has a chosen people.  They are the descendants of the twelve sons of the patriarch Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel.  He was the grandson of Abraham and the son of the patriarch Isaac.  The offspring of his twelve sons grew into twelve tribes and became the great 12-tribed Kingdom of Israel under King David and Solomon.

“But they split into two different kingdoms around 975 B.C.–the Kingdom of Judah with two of  the tribes–Judah and Benjamin–at Jerusalem and the Kingdom of Israel made up of the other ten tribes with Samaria as their capital.  Later in c. 721 B.C. the Kingdom of Israel was carried away captive into Assyria and lost their identity as the children of Israel and God’s chosen people.  These are the “Lost Sheep of the House of Israel” that Christ (Yahshua) said He was sent to, and that the apostles wrote to in James 1:1, Hebrews, and Acts 9: 15.  The citizens of the Kingdom of Judah came to be called “Jews” over a hundred years later (II Kings).  They were led captive into Babylon around 600 B.C. It is the way the religious leaders over the centuries have treated these people that God is angry about.”

“Are you talking about the Jews?”

“No, the Jews are not the ‘Lost Sheep of the House of Israel.’  Think about it for a minute.  The Jews were never ‘lost.’  They have always been known and recognized wherever they have gone.  And they came from only the two tribes and not the ten tribes of the Kingdom of Israel.”

Now the Seer really had me.  “So who are these lost sheep of the House of Israel?” I asked.

“Studying the prophecies given over the 12 tribes by Jacob/Israel and Moses in Genesis and Deuteronomy, the only nations that can fulfill them are the countries of Western Europe, the British Isles and their ex-colonies, and the USA.  No other countries can measure up to the overwhelming blessings given to them in scripture.  The Master said, “You will know a tree by its fruit.  And so it is with nations and prophecies.”

“So, God’s problem with the pastors concerns their relationship with the peoples you have just mentioned?”

“Exactly.  Without the background and back story, the message to the pastors in Jeremiah 23 will not be understood by the unenlightened.”

“So, what does Yahweh have against the pastors of His people?”

“You have scattered my flock, driven them away, and not visited them” (v. 2).  Yahweh holds them responsible for what has happened to His flock.  How are they responsible?  They have prophesied lies to the people.  They have taught them after the imaginations of their own hearts and they have not heard from God.  They have taught false doctrines [v. 16].  They tell the people that no evil will come upon them; they will be raptured out before the endtime bad things start to happen–the fall of the one world system.  But that is a lie.

“In fact, when a scripture does not agree with what they have been taught in seminary, they try to explain it away.  Like this very chapter.  They will say, ‘Oh, this was written for Jeremiah’s day, 2,600 years ago.  That is ancient history and not for our day.”  But that very thought is one of the lies God warns us of in the chapter.  And He goes on in verse 20 and tells us that this message against the pastors is for our very day!  For ‘in the latter days you shall consider it perfectly.’  And we all know that the ‘latter days’ are the last of the “last days.”  That should not need much explanation.

“So God has a huge beef, a vehement controversy with all pastors, priests, preachers, and so-called prophets, and all those who claim that they have heard from God and speak for Him.  Better have the truth and no false doctrines.  And God really let’s His thoughts against them be known in this chapter.  This is why you won’t hear this preached anywhere.  It is too convicting.” [To be continued]


Filed under false doctrines, false prophets, false teachers, Lost Sheep of the House of Israel, Rapture

Christ Not Buried Good Friday and Raised Easter Morning–That Is Not 3 Days and 3 Nights–Redux

Yes, it is a shocking statement, but before you tar and feather me, let me explain.

Christ could not have been buried on Good Friday afternoon and resurrected early Easter Sunday morning because that would be only a day and a half in the tomb–36-40 hours maximum.

“So what?” some may ask.  “So what if it’s just a day and a half; it was part of three days.  The important thing is that we believe that Christ arose.”

Yes, His resurrection is extremely important.  But  Christ Himself said that we should “dig deep and build our house on the Rock”–Him.  We cannot remain superficial on this.

No Other Sign Given–Three days and Three Nights in the Tomb

Christ gave only one sign to unbelieving mankind–one sign that would point out who the true Savior is.  His own words: “There shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: for as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Matthew 12:39-40).

But how long is a day and night?  Christ Himself said that there are “12 hours in the day” (John 11:9).   That would mean that there are 12 hours in the night.  This gives us the prophetical yardstick.  Three 12 hours days is 36 hours; three 12 hours nights equals 36 hours.  36 and 36 is 72 hours total time in the tomb, in the “heart of the earth.”

But What Difference Does It Make?

I’ll answer that question with another question.  If “Organized Christianity” can’t even get the one and only sign of the true Messiah right, then how can we trust them to teach us the deeper truths of God?

Hundreds of millions of professing Christians all over the world, many very sincere, will go to their respective church buildings and worship this Good Friday and Easter Sunday.  Yet hardly any of them will realize that their pastors, priests, and bishops have taught them error and un-truths concerning their Savior Jesus Christ.  How many other falsehoods are they teaching them?

If the Catholic and Protestant Denominations can’t even get the sign of the Savior right, how many other concepts that they teach about Christ and His gospel can be trusted?  If they have this sign wrong, how many other doctrines and traditions are wrong as well?

What Is the Fruit of This Error?

I believe that they are teaching a different concept of the Savior and another gospel.  Christ said, “You will know them by their fruits.”  What is the fruit of all the studies done in all the seminaries with all their doctorates in Theology and Divinity and Philosophy?  They have Christ in the tomb 36 hours! Please.

I share this, not to be disrespectful of anyone and their worship.  All pilgrims to the Heavenly Jerusalem are at “way stations” at present.  But I’m sharing this to alert those “who have an ear to hear” to dig deep!  “Prove all things.”  Know that if this only sign of  the true Savior is off, then something is dreadfully wrong with the whole spiritual building!

I share this, not to be argumentative, but out of concern–a concern that honest seekers of God must be told the truth about this one true sign of who He is.

Yet, Organized Churchianity keeps slugging on, teaching tired old erroneous doctrines  like this one–earnestly sharing half-truths, not realizing that “a little leaven (hypocrisy and falsehoods) leaveneth the whole lump.”

Therefore, we are admonished to “purge out the old leaven that the lump may be holy.”  We, the  spiritual body of Christ, His church, are supposed to be that lump of dough that turns into the bread of life after we suffer the fiery trials of this oven-like existence here on earth.  But we have to get rid of false doctrines and false concepts before we can be that holy bread of life that is to be broken and share with those hungering after righteousness.  “Take, eat, this is my body.”  We, His body, must be holy, and getting this right is a good place to start.

A detailed biblical account of how Christ was crucified Wednesday afternoon and resurrected Saturday afternoon is found here:

May God bless you on your search.

Kenneth Wayne Hancock

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Filed under Easter, false doctrines