Monthly Archives: December 2022

The Royal Destiny of God’s Elect

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Immortality Road

King David is looking up at the dancing diamond lights in the heavens and writes, “What is man that Thou art mindful of him?” [1]

You, God, who created this vast expanse of stardust whose beauty causes us to gasp when we take time to look up—how incomprehensible is Your love for us! You, the Master of the Universe, who controls the destinies of a billion stars and their planets, why would You even think about us down here in the clay pits of the earth? And yet, You think about us all the time.

Your mind is full of us; we occupy your thoughts. And You have “crowned us with glory and honor.” Really?

Really? Glory for homo ignoramus? Honor for man who frets and struts his petty little ego around the yard of his mind? God has crowned man with glory and honor? Man, who grasps at vainglory all…

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Loving Like Christ Loved Us–Impossible?

Christ’s New Commandment issues organically out of God’s purpose. Every thought and action has a purpose. God’s purpose is the reproduction of Himself. “God is love.” Therefore, His purpose is to reproduce agape love.

God has a plan to accomplish His purpose. It is to use human beings to reproduce Himself in. Because it takes time, His plan has been written down and has come to us in the Holy Bible. But unfortunately, it is a closed book for most readers. It is full of mysteries because people do not know God’s purpose in creating the earth and the human beings teeming on its surface.

Christ said, “A new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another, as I have loved you, that ye also love one another” (John 13:34). In short, we are commanded to love each other like He loved us.

So, how do we obey His command? We have been taught that we cannot be like Christ. Yet, He tells us to be like Him, to love like Him. Do we look at John 13:34 and turn our backs and say, He really didn’t mean what He said? Or do we ask Him to open our eyes and hearts to solve the mysterious command?

We better obey Him. He is the great Teacher. He created all things, so surely, He will show us how to obey His New Commandment (Col. 1:16). He does this by giving us a series of specific commands, or commandments, that we can study out and apply in our lives.

For example, He commanded us to forgive each other (Mark 11:25). When we forgive, God’s Spirit grows within us, much like our muscles grow when we use them. God’s purpose is for Him to grow in us to a point that it is all Him inside of us. This is how God will reproduce Himself in us.

His New Commandment is to love each other the way He loved us. Under this overarching Commandment are many other commandments. When we obey them, we will have loved each other with Christ’s love. Christ knows that it is a big order to fill for us. So He breaks it down into smaller steps. We ask Him for more of His Spirit in order that we may forgive, thus loving that person who has offended us. For it is only His Spirit now growing in us that does the loving.

The first section of this book will give more background information. The second section will address several of Christ’s new commandments in detail. We will not attempt to elucidate all of the new commandments of Christ. They are like pearls just under the sand, waiting for the pilgrim to discover them. It is our hope that this book will bring awareness of the new commandments and their importance for our spiritual growth, that it may be used to carry us all on down the road to immortality, that God may reproduce Himself in each of us.

{This is the Prologue of my latest book, The Eleventh Commandment. Our job as Christians is to help each other grow till it is fully “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col. 1:27). Be sure to order your copy. Because Christ literally took money off of the table at the temple, it is free with free shipping in the USA and a pdf to requests from overseas. Send your name, mailing address, and name of the book to my email:

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Filed under agape, eternal purpose, sons of God, spiritual growth

Where Do We Find Virtue to Add to Our Faith?

Chapter 24 of New Book Additions to the Faith Scheduled to Be Published Next June

Christ wants us to bear much fruit. That means spiritual growth. We do that by adding attributes of His “divine nature” to His faith, His belief system. The first element is to add virtue.

But how do we add virtue? How do we add any of the elements of the divine nature? We add them by realizing that it is not something that is coming to us from without, from outside of us. It is coming to us from something that is within us, if so be that we have risen with Christ spiritually [1].

The addition of virtue happens when we understand that it is a component of Christ’s divine nature. He is not adding it to weak flawed characters who still believe that they are sinners. That is not Christ’s belief system that He has given His friends. That is not His faith [2].

We are spiritual members of the body of Christ. And Christ contains all seven attributes already. When we “put on Christ,” we will have added virtue because virtue is part of His nature; it is part of Him [3]. {This in bold is crucial knowledge that He has given us! Prove it out and then believe it with your whole heart. And then you will feel His Spirit grow within you. And if you agree with this teaching, please help me get this to others by just hitting that “like” button.}

We are dead, and our new life is hidden with Christ in God. And His life is full of virtue, moral goodness, vigor, and power. But it takes faith—His faith—to believe it. This is what the Spirit through Peter meant when He said to add to our faith virtue through agape love [4].

We miss the mark when we try to add spiritual components of Christ’s divine nature to flawed and immature concepts of how Christ works. It is only when we believe and recognize that “it is no longer I that lives but Christ that lives in me.” And now I live “by the faith (belief system) of our Savior Christ [5].

Christ adds more of his divine nature to us as we judge our old nature dead and our new nature in Christ alive in us. We have the one faith when we believe that Christ lives in us and brings with him the seven additions, the first of which is his moral goodness and power—virtue [6].

[1] John 14:17      

[2] I Peter 1:1-12

[3] I Cor. 12:27  “Now you are the body of Christ and members in particular.”  Col. 2:10: “And ye are
complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:

[4] Col. 3:3   “For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.”

[5] Gal. 2:20 [6] Rom. 6:6-12


Filed under additions to our faith, belief, faith