Monthly Archives: May 2021

Covid Pandemic a Curse from the Hebrew God?

If we are to ever understand why this pandemic has swept the globe, we must see it through God’s eyes. The word “pandemic” is not in the Bible, but “pestilence” and “plague” are. We Christians must search out the causes and effects of our current pandemic. As we dig deep, we discover that Yahweh, the Hebrew God uses pestilences and plagues in His plan. Why?

As I ponder this viral crisis, other questions arise. Where are the overcomers for these last days?    Where are the Jeremiahs and Daniels of today? Where are the latter rain apostles who will do the “greater works” that Christ promised they would do, even greater miracles than what Christ did (John 14:12)?

And then I thought of the pandemic that we have all been going through, how it has robbed our joy by spreading fear of death and fear of the other. Our shared experience with the virus has opened a door of understanding, however. It is quite a paradox. The very pain and suffering caused by the virus is part of the answer to the questions above. Our response to the negative stimuli determines our spiritual growth. “If we suffer, we shall also reign with him” (II Tim. 2:12).

God’s Tough Love—Why?

“All things are of God.” Therefore, suffering comes from Him. For example, He allowed national suffering to come to the twelve tribes of Jacob/Israel in the form of fierce, merciless Assyrian and Babylonian captivities and displacements.  This national suffering, however, was the crucible that produced the purified golden faith precious metal of prophets like Isaiah, Daniel, and Jeremiah.

And why are we suffering as a nation with this plague? Because of our national sins. God’s babies, taken and slaughtered in their mothers’ wombs, cry out to us. And the sanctity of Holy Matrimony ordained by the Creator between a man and a woman is trampled upon by “men, leaving the natural use of the woman, [burning] in their lust one toward another.” The little latchkey children sit confused, wondering who their irresponsible dad is. And then you have the blasphemy of the international bankers, who have squandered the vast potential of our homeland, and have destroyed the dollar’s value.

All these things and more have we condoned by our collective silence. We people of the USA stood by and allowed the politicians, judges, and bankers to take over our country. This fecklessness has caused our ruin. Why did we stand by and do nothing to prevent this? Because we had turned from our God and had set up idols in our hearts.

The USA has become fat, bloated and spoiled. As a nation we have turned from the Hebrew God to worship the god of self—secular humanism. But God warned us that our disobedience would be punished. He loves us and through His love, He will allow plagues to chasten us that we might return to Him, repent, and be finally clothed with the robe of righteousness as the prodigal son was.

Yahweh lined it all out. Blessings will abound if we are obedient (Deut. 28:1-15), and curses will come on the disobedient (28:16-42). And one of these curses is pestilence and plague, which today is called a pandemic (28:21; Lev. 26:25).

Those of us who have been called out of the crushing tyranny of this world system, must understand why this pandemic has hit us, individually and nationally. The sufferings have come now because of treacherous behavior both personally and nationally. These sufferings, in turn, grind His elect into flour from which He makes spiritual unleavened bread.  

For God is raising up new Daniels, Jeremiahs, and Isaiahs. These will fulfill all things written about His elect, the spiritual body of Christ. They will respond to the high calling by learning what befell fleshly Israel. They will understand why the calamities of the time of the end must come. And their response to their God will thrill His heart as His family coalesces around their Father and King, the great God of heaven.


Filed under elect, end time prophecy, gay marriage, marriage

Believing the Meaning of Christ’s Name Yields Power

Believing in Christ’s name is believing the meaning of His name.

Every Christian will tell you that God’s name is important. When asked if they believe in Christ’s name, they will say, “Yes. Of course.” Believing in His name to them means believing the gospel story: Christ died for us on the cross, was buried, and was resurrected to give us eternal life, which is true. But they equate this with “believing in His name.”

But as we drill down, we see deeper layers of knowledge about His name. First, the Son of God was given a Hebrew name—Yahshua. Most who hear this will reject it because they have always been taught that the Savior’s name is “Jesus.” Granted, in the English speaking world, that is the name that we English speakers have given Him down through the centuries. But our Savior was not born in an English speaking world; it was an Aramaic speaking world closely akin to Hebrew, which was the language spoken by the Savior.  

And names in the Hebrew tradition have meanings that point to the person’s destiny. God changed Jacob’s name to match his new destiny. His new name would be “Israel,” which means “prince or power with God.” When Christ was born, the angel of the Lord gave Him a name whose meaning would herald the destiny that He would fulfill. “Thou shalt call His name _______, for He shall save His people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21).

Christ’s Hebrew name has a meaning. And it has to do with saving His people from their sins.  Find the word in Hebrew that means “save or Savior,” and you will know His name. As per the angel’s direction, they named Son of God Yahshua. It means “Yah is the Savior, or Yah saves.” It means that the Father–Yah, or Yahweh, dwells inside the Son and does the saving. At least that is what the Spirit in Isaiah said:. “I, even I, am the LORD [Yahweh]; and beside Me there is no saviour (43:11; 45:21). Christ told His disciples that it was the Father Yahweh inside of Him that was doing the miracles (John 14:10-12). The name Yahshua witnesses this.

May I make a crude analogy to illustrate this crucial point? Going from the sublime to the ridiculous, we hear of a new professional wrestler named “Monster Mann.” He is a German hulk. We wonder if he can live up to his name. We go see him in action one night. He destroys his opponent.  We go away believing that his name accurately describes him. He is a monster in the ring, so we believe in his name. We believe in the meaning of his name—Monster Mann. Christ’s name means “Yahweh [His Father] is the Savior.” And the Father dwelt inside the Son.

The patriarch Joshua had the same name and was a type of Christ as the Savior of His people. Joshua’s destiny was to take them into the Promised Land. So, “Savior” is the meaning of His name. Now, to believe in His name is to believe in the meaning of His name: That the Father Yahweh dwelt in the Son and is the Savior.

To believe in or on His name is important in our spiritual growth. It is rare knowledge—the “word of knowledge,” one of the “gifts of the Spirit.” This is our ticket into being God’s elect, His chosen and called, His sons and daughters. Getting this is the proof that we are in His family.

“But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” Receiving Christ = Believing the meaning of His name. God gives power to become His sons and daughters to those who do this. He gives this power to us in a systematic way. He likens it to a garden. One plants the seed, the word of God, and another waters and nurtures the new plant. But it is the Spirit of God that gives the increase (I Cor. 3:6-7).

Kenneth Wayne Hancock


Filed under angels, belief, children of God, elect, eternal purpose, God, manifestation of the sons of God, Parables, Spirit of God, Yahshua, Yahweh

Big Tech–The 21st Century’s God

Science’s son is Technology, nicknamed Big Tech. Big Tech has a daughter who is irresistible for many people. Her name is Social Media. Driven by greed, this high tech family foists their spirit and vision upon unsuspecting human beings, capturing their minds and hearts.

Big Tech has become the latest false god in the history of man. As the old pagan societies created their pantheon of gods, even so mankind has invented Big Tech. Through ignorance and superstition, mankind did obeisance to these imaginary gods. Statues of Zeus and Diana, and later Jesus, Mary, and Peter in the Christian tradition, were prayed to and worshipped, as if the stone image could miraculously hear and act on their behalf.

The 21st Century god

Worship of Big Tech is much more harmful that the old pagan gods, as onerous as they were. It is because Big Tech is actually affecting and changing human beings. It has the power to not only grab one’s mind and control its thinking, it has the power to literally alter the human being into another specie. Technology started out by serving mankind. Now mankind is serving Big Tech. Much like an addict serves his chemical of choice, so man is Big Tech’s slave. Don’t believe me? Cut it all off for one week, and see if you get withdrawal pains.

Further proof that Technology is a 21st Century god is its desire to outdo the Hebrew God when it comes to having offspring. Its golden boy is A. I. Artificial Intelligence.

Big Tech is racing exponentially in pursuit of godlike powers through the birth and growth of A. I. YouTube has spilled the beans about Big Tech’s goal, which is to create super humans, much smarter that God’s original creation. Big Tech exults when A. I. demonstrates its superiority over human intelligence. Big Tech believes that their way to “perfection” is the way. The God of the Bible has His way to spiritual maturity (perfection), which is through Christ. But they scoff at that. Little do they know that “opposite of Christ” and “instead of Christ” means “anti-Christ” [Strong’s Greek #473].

Technology is walking in the footsteps of Lucifer’s nefarious goal. He said, “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High” (Isa. 14:14-16). He thinks he can do it better. But it ends badly for those with such an ambition.  

This is what the beast implies as the “whole world wonders” after him. What current end time phenomena causes all this wonder? What entity has enthralled the whole human race? What institution of man has titillated the masses? 

This technological beast is an institution that crosses over national and international boundaries. People in the deepest jungle villages and in the sand dunes of the Sahara can correspond in real time with anyone on the planet. They can virtually visit the British Museum or travel the world in search of knowledge. And so people marvel at this “benevolent” beast that spreads its electronic tentacles into every hamlet of the world. But their phones have ubiquitous eyes that record their every movement.

The Ultimate Aim of Big Tech

All this notwithstanding, the capstone of Big Tech’s pyramid of power is the achievement of singularity for their son, A. I. Singularity is “a hypothetical moment in time when artificial intelligence and other technologies have become so advanced that humanity undergoes a dramatic and irreversible change” (

An irreversible change. What is the problem with that, you may ask. A. I. Singularity is changing the human being without his Creator’s okay. The Supreme Being is left out of the picture. So what is this “Singularity”? Let’s let the experts tell us more:

“History is full of cases in which a new and groundbreaking technology, or a collection of such technologies, completely changes people’s lives. The change is often so dramatic that people who’ve lived before the technological leap have a very hard time understanding how the subsequent generations think. To the people before the change, the new generation may as well be aliens in their way of thinking and seeing the world.

“These kinds of dramatic shifts in thinking are called Singularity – a phrase that is originally derived from mathematics and describes a point which we are incapable of deciphering its exact properties. It’s that place where the equations basically go nuts and make no sense any longer.

“The singularity has risen to fame in the last two decades largely because of two thinkers. The first is the scientist and science fiction writer Vernor Vinge, who wrote in 1993 that ‘within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended.’

“The other prominent prophet of the Singularity is Ray Kurzweil. In his book The Singularity is Near, Kurzweil basically agrees with Vinge but believes the latter has been too optimistic in his view of technological progress. Kurzweil believes that by the year 2045 we will experience the greatest technological singularity in the history of mankind: the kind that could, in just a few years, overturn the institutes and pillars of society and completely change the way we view ourselves as human beings. Just like Vinge, Kurzweil believes that we’ll get to the Singularity by creating a super-human artificial intelligence (AI). An AI of that level could conceive of ideas that no human being has thought about in the past, and will invent technological tools that will be more sophisticated and advanced than anything we have today” (

So, how will Singularity change us humans? Where is all this headed? It is headed to our heads—literally into our brains. The expressed goal is to create a superhuman with an A.I. connection via a tiny chip implanted in the brain. This joins connects with the cloud, giving the superhuman access to all of man’s knowledge seen on the screen of his mind. Think it, and it appears in the mind. Ask a question and the answer appears in the mind. Present a problem and the human with the chip solves it using the power of superhuman Artificial Intelligence.

Big Tech will have transferred full blown artificial intelligence into the human being, thus creating a post human super intelligent being. This is Satan’s goal—to change mankind into a new creature, “better” than the existing human, and thus circumventing the Hebrew God and His goal for man.  

This is not a science fiction writer’s smoky reverie. They are already designing prototypes of microchip implantation into the brain. Check it out:

All this is not a dystopia; it is a reality. It is actually happening right now. So how will Big Tech implement their plans for man’s date with the microchip? Is this the “mark of the beast”?

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Filed under end time prophecy, false prophets

Big Tech–Counterfeit Comforter

Big Brother is watching you and me. It is an old concept, but never more true. He knows our thoughts and desires, and he is well aware of our political, religious, educational, and economic inclinations.

Of course, we speak of Big Tech, who sprawls over the entire earth, digitally scratching the itch that humans have. That itch is to feel important and needed and appreciated, and to know that they belong.

But mankind does not know that Big Tech’s fingers scratch with silent talons, talons that tear into the subconscious minds of the vulnerable.  Through quiet machinations of the human psyche, Big Tech has become the provider of comfort.

It has almost entirely replaced the Hebrew God as mankind’s go-to savior. Feeling lonely? Turn on your electronic device. Go where you want to go. Listen to whom you want to hear. Bored? Same thing. In fact, Big Tech provides your every desire except one. It does not know the mind of the Spirit of God. It is not a Christ based endeavor. Therefore, it is “opposite of” Christ, or “instead of” Christ [Strong’s Concordance, G473: anti-]. So you extrapolate it (I John 2:22-23).

The addiction to social media has provided a counterfeit comfort. But God has promised us that He would come to us as our “Comforter” (John 14:16-18, 23-26). He would be the One who comforts and encourages us with His presence of Love, for He is love.

But, no. “All the world wondered after the beast” (Rev. 13:3). The beast at the time of the end will have the whole world marveling over its provisions to help mankind in their need to be comforted as their currencies collapse into ashes. Big Tech is the only entity that is universally filling that need today.

All of its social media platforms stand like the lesser pagan gods that each city state worshiped. Whatever itch one has, there is a lesser god to scratch it. Big Tech is the big one. But even it is made with man’s hands. It is a god that is tangible and can be turned on for instant gratification whenever the laity desires.

Nevertheless, Big Tech’s priests wield great power. They can include you in their services or excommunicate you. They then can cancel you and send you into that empty land where voices become silent echoes down the canyon of the American dream.

This is where we are at. The Hebrew God of the Holy Bible knows what is happening. In fact, He is enabling Big Tech’s power grab in hope: that a few of us would see through this electronic delusion and seek Him, the true Comforter, the Spirit of Truth. For there is no better comfort than knowing the truth about what is happening.

Just as He has scripted the world’s delusion in our past and present, He also has written the ending in our future. He will reproduce Himself in some, and they will stride forth in love. And Big Tech will fall at Christ’s return to earth to set up His kingdom, where “God shall wipe away all tears…and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying…” (Rev. 21:4). That is real comfort.   Kenneth Wayne Hancock


Filed under atheism, false prophets, great tribulation period, new world order, One World Government