Tag Archives: One World Government

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Obama and the One World Government (2012)

Well, not exactly love. A better word would be understand why these things are happening.

Look, my fellow conservative-leaning  Americans, the 2012 election is over.  And many of you feel that sickness in the pit of your stomach–that same sick emptiness you felt when O. J. Simpson was found “not guilty.”  But we have to understand that it is God Himself who is allowing Obama to prevail.  Yes, that is right.  He, not Obama, is Sovereign.  He has a plan to save many people, but first they must be humbled by corrupt leaders before they will hit bottom and cry unto God once again.  After all, it is God who sets over mankind the “basest of men” as their rulers (Daniel 4: 17).  And God uses oppressor/rulers to accomplish His purposes.

It is a difficult pill to swallow, but America (and it hurts so deeply that it is difficult to pen these next words)–America, an Israelite nation in Biblical prophecy, will fail.  Our mighty nation that we grew up in–so full of liberty, promise and opportunity–is destined to be weakened and to go into a One World Government.  I hate it on one hand, for I love this country, have fought in a foreign war for this country, and have enjoyed the benefits of our free society.  But if we are to believe the prophecies in the book of Revelation, America’s federal government will become an integral part of a one world government.

“And the great dragon…Satan, which deceives the whole world was cast out into the earth…and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (1).  “And he causes all…to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell…” (2).  The “miracles” of technology for this is already in place.  Just google “rfid chip” or “microchip implant” (3).

Why This Is Happening

All this is being allowed by God to happen because we as a people have “grown fat” in this prosperous environment.  We are “increased with goods and have need of nothing” and don’t realize that spiritually we are “wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked” (4).  We as a nation say that we have need of nothing–especially God, the God of our ancestors, the Hebrew God of the Bible.  President Obama just declared to the world, “We are no longer a Christian nation,” even though the vast majority of Americans still say they are Christian.  Does he know something we don’t?

Into the Greatest Depression

This dive into the greatest depression is happening to America and Western Europe just like it happened to the 12 tribes of Israel back in Moses’ and the prophets’ days.  In fact, the LORD (Yahweh) through Moses warned the people what would happen after they entered the Promised Land.

He said that if you fear God and keep His commandments that He “will set you on high above all nations of the earth.  And all these blessings shall come on thee…” And He lists every conceivable blessing that a nation could enjoy.  The United States of America is the only nation in the history of the world that has fulfilled this prophecy!  “High above all nations of the earth…” (5).

But He goes on to warn them that if they do not obey His commandments and forget Him and dishonor Him, then all these curses will come upon us.  Why? “If you will not hearken unto the voice of the LORD…the LORD (YAHWEH) shall send upon you cursing…[because] you have forsaken Me” (6).

It will get so bad that “the fruit of thy land, and all thy labors, a nation which you know not shall eat up” (7).  This is happening to us right now!  Our income taxes are being given to other nations who have loaned our government money by the trillions—China, Japan, Saudi Arabia.  All our tax dollars go to them to cover the interest on the national debt!

What happened to the Twelve Tribes of Israel is happening to us right now.  When we feared God as a nation, we grew into a prosperous superpower.  But now we have forgotten God and we are being brought low by Him–just like He promised.

Deja Vu

And it is all happening again as it did in the days of old.  We now are enslaved by our own selfish appetites and are allowing our representatives to sign over our children’s future to the international bankers who control all three branches of the federal government.

We are letting them take our freedoms and responsibilities away–just as long as they give us our “bread and circus” the way the Romans did to the masses.  As long as we can eat and drink and play our games, we think we are okay.  The children of Israel, barely out of Egypt, “sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play (I Cor. 10: 7).  God called this idolatry, putting fleshly appetites before God.  That generation fell in the wilderness and did not make it to the Promised Land.  It was all written down as an object  lesson for us “upon whom the ends of the world are come” (v. 11).

A Government of, by, and for the People?  Please…

Ultimately it is we the people who are to blame for what is happening to our country.  During the past 100 years, we have become complacent and have allowed our dumb, spineless representatives in Congress to be bought by the rich oligarchy, and thus, they have enslaved us into paying income taxes, a key plank of the Communist Manifesto.

They have illegally bailed out their greedy Wall Street banker buddies who helped them get into office.  They have exported most of our good paying manufacturing  jobs overseas.  They brought in NAFTA and other harmful international trade agreements that have killed our jobs.  Remember Ross Perot warning us about the “sucking sound” of jobs going south if we go down that road?

It is our fault.  Our founding fathers warned us of foreign entanglements and central banks.  But we the people  did not hearkened to them.  The torches and pitchforks should have been gotten out long ago.  Our great-grandfathers sat idly by in 1913 as they ramrodded the Federal Reserve Act through Congress, creating a private central bank.  Our Congress shirked their duty in handling our economy, giving it over to greedy private bankers who have been pillaging America ever since.  For the Fed’s policies since then has led us into ruinous world wars, depressions, and burst bubbles–not prevented them!  And we have not thrown them out yet!

All These Things Must Come to Pass

But our decline into mediocrity has to take place; I’m sad to have to say it.  It has to happen to humble us.   It will take the debasement and final collapse of the dollar to start to wake us up.  Yet most will blindly be herded into a one world currency, which leads directly into the one world government.

But as all this takes place, some will cry out to God as our ancestors did, and it is precisely this chastening from the LORD (Yahweh) that will humble us.  And through our humility, God will be touched, and He will then grant us grace, and favor us again.  He’ll hear the prayers of a broken people enslaved by a foreign world government, and we will remember how great it was to be living in the “land of the free and the home of the brave.”  We’ll be broken-hearted and contrite and ashamed of our prideful and careless ways.

And we’ll be ashamed that we let our federal government take away school prayer to the Great God of Heaven–taken away by a Supreme Court who has the Ten Commandments carved into the front doors of the Supreme Court Building!  What a bunch of hypocrites!  And we will be ashamed that we let them give permission for the wholesale slaughter of the innocent unborn.   We the people did not demand that our representatives and state legislatures amend the Constitution of the United States to prohibit such atrocities.  It was in our power, but we did not have the will to do it as a nation.

So this is how I am learning to stop fussing and fuming every night during the evening news, as I see America being looted and hoodwinked.  They say that ignorance is bliss and being blind to all of this is easier.  Maybe they are right, for it is very difficult to see all of this come down.  But I am learning to understand that America and Western Europe have sown to their own demise by not seeking God.  And He is letting the likes of Obama and the other radical socialists strip us of our freedoms as we slide into a corporatist fascist state.

The strings on the puppet Obama are obvious to me.  I even see the hands of the puppet master as he choreographs Obama’s every movement.  And the puppet masters don’t even seem to care that they are spoiling the illusion of reality by coming out from behind the Bilderburg curtains.  I guess they realize that we the audience have been put asleep by the dope piped in by the mainstream media and will awaken just enough to be herded into another line for the next government handout.   KWH

  1. Revelation 12: 9; 13: 8
  2. Revelation 13: 16

3.   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microchip_implant_(human)

4.  Rev. 3: 17

5.   Deut. 28: 1-13

6.   Deut. 28: 15, 20-37

7.   Deut. 28: 33


Filed under end time prophecy, eternal purpose, humility, new world order, One World Government

The Manifestation of the Sons of God–When?

The “manifestation of the sons of God” is what the whole creation is waiting for–whether they know it or not (1).   And with these powerful Christians striding the earth like the pattern Son Christ, great miracles will be performed as a magnificent witness to the errant inhabitants of the earth*.

These 100 fold followers of Christ will do the “greater works” that He promised some of His followers would do (2).  “He that believes on Me, the works I do, shall he do also; and greater works shall he do,” He said.

Greater Works than Christ?

Greater works?  What works did Christ do?  He performed mighty miracles that are legendary now–raising the dead; healing those with palsy; curing severe cases of insanity and leprocy–you name it.  And his early apostles did the same, for they had His same Spirit and growth.

But how can anyone do any greater things than what Christ and a handful of His early apostles did?  The answer to this question lies in the harvest time of this world age.  What they did was fruit borne after the “early rain” or “former rain” of the Spirit just after the Resurrection.  The fruit after the “latter rain” of God’s Spirit poured out of the mouth of His sons during the time of the end of our age will be abundant (3).

For tens of thousands of sons of God will do the miracles.  That is how His followers will do “greater works” than Christ did.  The sheer number of miracle workers will be how those greater works will get done.  There will be 144,000, to be exact.  There will be 12,000 from each of the lost tribes of Israel (4).  They will be the first humans to receive immortality and have God’s glory revealed through them.  They will be immortal, striding the globe healing the hurts of suffering mortals (5).

Harvest Time Is When the Manifested Sons Will Come

They will come onto the scene in our age, right on time–the time of the end.  It will be harvest time.  The present world system, the evil “vine of the earth,” will be uprooted, squeezed, and burned (6).

Great calamities will bring this world system to an end, and many people in many lands will be hurt thereby.  This time is called in many books of the prophets “the day of the LORD,” or more correctly put, “the day of Yahweh” (7).  It is mentioned 31 times in the O.T. and speaks of a day of God’s vengeance and the utter darkness at the heighth of man’s government on earth.  God will reign down heavenly missiles onto the earth, and the rich men’s futile attempt to rule the world will come crashing down (8).

God Taking Vengeance

But this day of vengeance wreaked upon mankind by Yahweh is so heart wrenching, so utterly unspeakable that few talk about it; it is that depressing.  In fact, Christians in most denominational churches have gladly received the false doctrine of a rapture that they believe will preserve them and prevent them from going through the Tribulation Period, which is that seven year “day of the LORD.”

We are talking about the demolishing of mankind’s godless socio-economic-political system.  It will be coming down, not as much through man destroying man, but through the trumpets and vials of wrath that pummel the earth in that day.  Movies and television have served as a kind of herald of the coming disasters, as we see on screen the asteroids hitting earth.  It is coming.  And Christians will have to go through it (9).

God will be wreaking vengeance on the ungodly of this world system called “Babylon the Great” (10).  It will fall by God’s own hand though mankind will try to thwart its destruction.  But man never could prevent “acts of God.”

Right now, things are changing rapidly.  Few can keep up with the technology which will usher in the counterfeit new world order.  As Thomas Friedman wrote in his The World Is Flat, the technology of the last 10 years ios shrinking the planet.  And as it gets smaller, it gets easier to rule from a centralized government.

One World Government and Ruler Must Come First

Make no mistake.  The new world order, the one world government, must come first to this earth before Christ comes back to set up His government, the Kingdom of God.  It must come first, as the counterfeit in His plan always comes first.  And the Anti-Christ, the false Messiah must come first, as well, before the true King Jesus Christ, Yahshua Messiah, returns.

100, 50, even 20 years ago the satanic kingdom could not stretch around the globe, but now it can.  The Information Age will usher in satan’s rise to total centralized dominance.  Power will be given to one man to rule the entire world system.  He has man names other than the Anti-Christ: the devil incarnate, Satan incarnate, “the man of sin,” the “king of the north,” the Assyrian.  He will be the apex of satan’s power in the earth’s history.  Many types have foreshadowed his rise to power: Nebuchadnezzar, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Charlemagne, and Hitler, to name just a few.  But it was not the time.  They all had that same spirit of satan; they were kith and kin of him, but the time of their rise prevented them from worldwide dominion.

That time is now.  And because satan’s kingdom is divided, many want-to-be’s are vying for world dominion.  Western Europe/U.S.A./Zionist Israelis  are at war with the Islamic fascists, and much more in-fighting will take place before the Anti-Christ steps out of the smoke and ash and takes center stage for seven years.  It is at this time, when God is raining down hailstones and asteroids, that satan will make his play at being very God.  Good news is he won’t succeed.  God will bring Him down.

The Sons of God Come on the Scene

All the countries of the world will be going up in smoke, “men’s hearts failing them for fear.”  It is during this seven year tribulation period that God will bring forth His manifested sons.  They will be that glorious witness to all human beings from God.  They will be nothing less than the saviors of mankind.  God in His infinite mercy will do this for us all.  The world and everyone in it will literally be brought to their knees, humbled to their core.  It is then that God can reach them, and He will do it through His manifested sons at that day–the “day of Yahweh.”

These immortal sons are God’s firstfruits of the great harvest of God’s offspring.  There is always a firstfruits in God’s plan.  These sons are the first to receive their new immortal bodies; the first to “not taste of death,” the first to dwell in a heavenly spiritual body, where “no weapon formed against them can prosper” (11).  God’s very nature is formed in them.

They will go out all over the planet bringing forth glad tidings of God’s government coming.  They will “preaching good tidings to the meek.  They will bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim libery to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound” (12).  And they will give those suffering “beauty for ashes, and the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.”

But this beauty will come out of the ashes of a destroyed man’s world system.  This is God in human form times 144,000.  It will be a powerful dose of love, joy, and peace for the earth and its lowly inhabitants.

And why does all this destruction come to the earth?  God says that He will take vengeance on the evildoers.  In so doing, His children will be broken hearted when they see the world wide destruction, and in their brokeness, they will turn to the Rock of their salvation, and they will be healed.   It has always been that way.  Moses warned the children of Jacob/Israel about getting too fat and sassy and turn from God’s laws and ways to serve other gods.  Then when they got conquered and lost everything, they would “cry unto the LORD,” and what?  He would raise up men of God to lead them out of the misery.

This is what the Bible stories from Exodus through Kings and Chronicles is about–examples for us to learn from.

And so now we find ourselves, like our Israelite forefathers, being brought low by the rich international banking cartel, who have devalued our money, taking our silver and gold circulating coins and our silver certificates and giving us an ever shrinking fiat currency, that is not worth much more that the paper it is printed on.  And we will be squeezed and squeezed until we either bleed to death or cry out unto our Maker and Savior.  Same song, different verse.  Except we are fast approaching the end of the song.   Kenneth Wayne Hancock

* [see my book The Unveiling ot the Sons of God found at the top of this page.  Just click “Ebook…”]

1.  Rom. 8: 18-23

2.  John 14: 12

3.  James 5: 7; Joel 2: 23; Zec. 10: 1

4.  Rev. 7: 3-8; 14: 1-5

5.  Rom. 8: 18; II Cor. 5: 1-4; I Cor. 15: 51-55

6.  Rev. 14: 18-19

7.  Isa. 13: 6; Jer. 46: 10; Ezk. 30: 3; Joel 1: 15

8.  Rev. 8; Rev. 16; Rev. 17

9.  See https://immortalityroad.wordpress.com/2012/08/04/no-rapture-further-proof/

10. Rev. 16: 19; 18: 21

11.  Isa. 54: 17; Matt. 16: 28

12.  Isa. 61: 1-5

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Filed under elect, end time prophecy, glorification, great tribulation period, humility, immortality, Lost Sheep of the House of Israel, manifestation of the sons of God, MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, new world order, One World Government, Rapture, sons of God

“What’s It All About–Algae?”–Energy and the “Power of Darkness”

I’ve been seriously thinking about the energy problem, but the President’s got me singing that song (with apologies to Bacharach/David).  He really does.

We’ve got crippling gasoline prices, but algae?  Really?  Is that what it’s really all about.  Hey, Mr. President.  We need relief now–not ten to twenty years from now.

The President’s reluctance to open up federal lands and offshore waters for oil drilling confounds me.  Many experts say that it would quiet the speculators and show the world we mean business in getting hold of our energy crisis.  It would bring down crude prices much faster than all the alternative energy sources combined.

“Is it just for the moment we live?”  Not drilling–is it just to appease your base, Mr. President, for this moment of re-election?  Or should it be a government “of the people, by the people, and FOR THE PEOPLE” and their well-being?  Because people are hurting.

I mean–don’t make me go out and buy a Suzuki 250 to ride to work on.  Or worse yet, a Chinese 150cc scooter–although 83 miles per gallon is very enticing.

“What’s it all about when you sort it out, Mr. President?  Wait a minute.  That really is the question that needs answering.  What is it all about, anyway–concerning this big picture stuggle I find myself in?  For I am wrestling in my mind with members of both political parties over the future of our world.

And then a “wrestling” scripture comes to mind, and I am grateful for a word of truthful sanity because what both sides are saying just does not make any sense whatsoever.  For we are not wrestling “against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places” (Eph. 6: 12 NLT).

Wow.  You want to whip out a can of political incorrectness?  Here is a taste.  Our political and economic leaders are being led by “rulers of the darkness of this world,” as it says in the KJV.  The apostle Paul called those entities that motivated political leaders “the rulers of the darkness of this world.”

But Paul is not talking about the physical men in political power.  He is talking about the spirit in them that works through them.  He calls these spiritual powers “the wiles of the devil,” reflected in the earthly face of our world leaders (v. 11).

Some would say that Paul the apostle was too harsh.  But he was just following his example, Jesus Christ (Yahshua the Messiah).  For He said the same thing.

An example of this spiritual power of Satan working through the leaders of this world system is in the gospel of Luke.  The “chief priests and captains of the temple, and the elders” came out to arrest Jesus/Yahshua, and then they took Him to “the high priest’s house.”  And these same quasi-political leaders “mocked Him, and blindfolded Him,” struck Him, and then demanded of Him, “Prophesy, who is it that smote you?”

Remember.  These are the leaders of the people.  Christ said that what they were doing to Him is “the power of darkness” (22: 52-53).  Paul in the KJV said that our struggle is not against human beings but against spiritual “powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world.”  Their statements are almost identical–truth established in the mouth of two witnesses.

So, what’s it all about?  Certainly not algae, although algae, like an evil spirit, does fly under the radar most of the time.  It is about the spirit of the Wicked One working through world rulers to hinder the people and harm their immediate pocketbooks, and that same spirit working to thwart the Kingdom of God by establishing their one world government.  That is what it is all about. KWH


Filed under Economy, end time prophecy, false prophets, false teachers, One World Government

Parable of the Tares in the Field–Who Are These “Children of the Wicked One”? Part II (Conversations With the Seer)

“Wait a minute. God is saying in this parable that both the good and the evil have to grow together in this world. You mean that God is allowing the evil to exist in this earth?”

“Exactly. You must realize that God is the One who created evil in the first place. He says through Isaiah point blank, ‘I create evil.’

“But why would He do that?”

“Go back to the parable. ‘Let both grow together until the time of the harvest.’ The children of God grow along side the children of the evil one. In fact, He said that if you were to get rid of the evil prematurely, then the growth of the children of God would be halted. They would be ‘rooted up.’ It’s a paradox, it seems, but we need the evil out there in the world in order to facilitate our own maturing process.”

“Surely not,” I said. I could not believe what I was hearing. We need the evil in order to grow in God?

“Oh, but it is true. Remember what He said: ‘My ways are not your ways; my thoughts are not your thoughts.’”

“If I were God, I would just get rid of the evil ones, along with the suffering and pain and misery.”

“But we are not God, and this profound mystery of evil persists, and we ponder it, and we deal with the evil in our own personal lives, and this is what helps us mature and grow in God. His Spirit within us grows as we overcome the things that the devil and his evil intentions throw our way. This is why there is evil out here in the world. And on a worldwide scale, this is why we have ‘children of the wicked one’ growing more powerful each day.”

“So Christ is talking about literal people walking around on the earth whose father is the devil?” I asked. The words sounded unreal and other-worldly and frankly, a bit hokey.

“Let me ask you a question. Do you believe that there are children of God literally walking around the earth right now?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Then is it a stretch to believe that there are children of the wicked one doing the same thing?”

“No, I guess not? Well, who are the devil’s children?” I asked.

“They are not grotesque monsters that you find in the movies. They are the leaders of the people. In Christ’s day they were the Pharisees and the Sadducees, the members of the Sanhedrin council, the spiritual leaders of the people.  They were rich and high up on the social ladder in Judea.  Remember what the apostle Paul said that Satan would transform himself into angels of light.  They come in God’s name, but their hearts are far from the true God.”

“How do you know that?” I asked the Seer.

“Because Christ called them out.” The Seer turned to the gospel of John and began to read. “‘You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him…He that is of God hears God’s words: you therefore hear them not, because you are not of God. Then answered the Jews, and said unto Him, Say we not well that you are a Samaritan and have a devil?’ (8: 44-48). Christ says here that the religious leaders of the Jews have a father, who is the devil. And that they are doing what their father the devil desires for them to do. The devil was a murderer from the beginning, and his children, the high priests and Pharisees and Sadducees had Christ crucified. They tried to kill Him many times before the Crucifixion, but He would slip out of their traps, for His ‘hour was not yet come.’(John 8: 20). Christ told them, ‘But now you seek to kill me,’ and ‘You do the deeds of your father’ (8: 40-41).”

“He really let them have it.”

“They were the leaders of the people. They wore the long robes of the day and claimed to know God, but they were the children of the devil and were doing his bidding every step of the way. We are talking about the high priest and his followers, who were in collusion with the Romans, the central political power in control at that time. Isaiah said, ‘For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed’ (9: 16). And so it is today. Paul said, ‘For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms’ (Eph 6: 12). The devil is that spiritual force of evil in this world, and he has taken up residence in the ‘rulers of the darkness of this world’ system. It is our task to search it all out and find out who is our real enemy in this world, who really has the power in this world system. Then the mystery of iniquity will be solved. Then we will know who the tares in the field really are.”






Filed under end time prophecy, false prophets, new world order, One World Government, Parables

The “Cap and Trade” Bill–A “Totally Bogus Scam”

For those who really want to know what this bill means, the following is a must read.  What is the “Cap and Trade” Bill?

“Why, it’s a totally bogus scam, which will be based on the world class fraud that manmade greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide are the cause of global warming, which, oops, has now reversed and become global cooling (but never mind that).

“Why is Cap and Trade so important?  Because the Cap and Trade bill calls for the creation of what are called “carbon credits.”  So why is that significant?  Well, that is because carbon credits will be used to back the new world reserve currency called SDR’s.  Carbon credits will be used in lieu of gold, oil or any other tangible physical asset.  After all, carbon credits are the ultimate when it comes to creating a new fiat valued asset or commodity.  The Illuminists can make these carbon credits appear out of thin air just as they do with our Federal Reserve Notes based on totally subjective and politically controlled standards that will be used to bring profits and financial benefits to Illuminist cronies (that would include Obama, Maurice Strong and Goldman Sachs, to name but a few of the partners in, and potential beneficiaries of, the Cap and Trade scam).  At the same time these carbon credits will be used to destroy Illuminist enemies and to control their serfs (that would be you, Joe Public) by moving the wealth of the non-Illuminist serfs and the non-Illuminist businesses of the developed world into the international banking cabal’s SDR’s and also into third world nations in a move calculated to level the playing field in preparation for implementation of world government.

“Recently the Jackasses have been pushing a partial Cap and Trade bill into their pending climate change and energy legislation which would only apply to certain utilities.  This is not acceptable in any way, shape or form.  This is just a “foot in the door” move by Illuminist miscreants in Congress to get the carbon credits and the carbon credit exchanges up and running so they can have their SDR’s backed by carbon credits on albeit a reduced basis.  This will then be extended to cover greater areas of the economy by making it look like the system is working with the usual false statistics we can expect from our “beloved” government, or by sneaking in extensions of the original “utility only” Cap and Trade bill to cover greater areas of our economy into some monstrously long piece of legislation that no one will read in full and that will have nothing to do with cap and trade or carbon credits.  It will just suddenly appear on everyone’s radar screen as the people are impoverished not knowing what has even hit them.  We don’t care by what name the Illuminist boot-lickers in Congress call it, any legislation that will have any elements of Cap and Trade or carbon credits, or greenhouse gas credits, or whatever they wish to call the elements of this rip-off system, the whole scheme is based on the false premise that manmade greenhouse gasses are the cause of global warming, and therefore any such legislation is a totally bogus scam no matter how small the sector of our economy might be that it would impact.  Pound your Congressmen until they ask for mercy.  Do not allow any element of the Cap and Trade system to appear in any legislation whatsoever, no matter what they call it, or how they sugarcoat it, or how they try to hide it through obtuse language or by sneaking it into some other bill that is totally unrelated to environmental issues.  NO, NO, NO should be your only answer to anything involving this scam.  If they get any kind of carbon credits going, it is all over but the crying, unless we can break the gold suppression, boot out all the incumbents and undo all the damage these miscreants have done to our country.

“But if carbon credits are nothing more than paper credits, how does that benefit the banking cabal?  Another good question, and this is where that diabolical Illuminist thinking kicks in again.

“First, we start by noting that the use of paper contracts created out of thin air certainly seems to work in the banking cabal’s favor at the COMEX and LBME, where all they ever do is use naked short paper contracts to manipulate the prices of commodities around the world.

“But the system of carbon credits goes much further than merely making fraudulent paper manipulations in this or that market.  This will be fraud, thievery and criminality on a worldwide scale.  The Illuminists will use this system of carbon credits to suck out the real, hard-earned wealth generated by the productivity of the developed countries, which will then be used to secure the international banking cabal’s SDR’s, while the old currencies of the serf bourgeoisie proletariat remain backed by absolutely nothing but thin air.  Remember, people are going to have to take real money out of their profits to fund and purchase these credits, which will be traded on a carbon exchange run by the wicked cabal of international bankster-gansters in the same manner as they run the COMEX and LBME.  On top of all that, the Illuminists plan to institute a new global carbon tax to be assessed against the people of developed nations around the world, which will then be used to fund the apparatus they intend to use to establish world government through organizations like the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the World Bank (WB), the floundering World Trade Organization (WTO), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the United Nations (UN) as well as various non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) and other Illuminist-sponsored concerns.  The cabal will also use their new influx of wealth from the Cap and Trade scam in the form of carbon credits and a carbon tax to fund loans to the third world nations ostensibly to help them increase their productivity and standard of living, but the money will come with strings attached that will enslave these underdeveloped countries to the international banking cabal.  This is exactly what the IMF and World Bank have done to third world nations for decades, but now they will be on steroids.  It will be business as usual on a much larger scale.  

“The Cap and Trade bill is, in reality, the newest iteration of the income tax, but on a global scale.  Cap and Trade is simply another way of sucking money out of the masses to pay for government overspending which in the US is currently funded by the Federal Reserve which makes loans to the US Treasury at interest to fund ongoing government corruption and profligacy.  Virtually every country on the planet operates in this fashion.  The Illuminati intend for the carbon exchange to become the new Federal Reserve, where carbon credits will be created out of thin air instead of Federal Reserve Notes, and where the world reserve currency will become global in nature instead of being limited to the currency of one nation.

“This scheme to replace the dollar with SDR’s backed by carbon credits will cause the predominance of the US in world trade to fade away, and the power of the US will be reduced to that of a third world country as US citizens are impoverished down to levels that will give them continual nightmares for decades to come.  And we can assure you that the same people who have ownership interests in the Federal Reserve will also own interests in the new carbon exchange, or should we say exchanges, because every Illuminist region will want to have one for fun and profits.   That is the plan, unless you stop them, and we mean NOW!!!

“By use of the new Cap and Trade system of carbon credits, the Illuminists will be able to charge utilities and corporations, in a totally subjective and political manner, for their greenhouse gas emissions, thus greatly increasing the cost of producing energy, as well as the cost of producing virtually every other product and service on the planet (talk about inflation).  Most of these increased costs will be passed on to the consumer in the form of higher utility bills and higher prices for virtually all goods and services.  This will reduce the competitiveness of companies in developed countries and will force many of them to move their operations overseas where carbon credits will either not be charged or will be assigned at much lower levels.  This process of forcing companies overseas is just more of the same financial destruction reeked by free trade, globalization, off-shoring and outsourcing, as well as by both legal and illegal immigration.  It’s just the same old, same old in a different package.  Yes, we are starting to hear that “large sucking sound” again as US jobs disappear at an ever-increasing rate.  And mind you that we now have nearly one out of every four Americans out of work already.” {The above was written by Bob Chapman in his “International Forecaster” found here:        http://theinternationalforecaster.com/International_Forecaster_Weekly/The_Fed_Participates_In_The_Destruction_Of_The_Economy

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Bob Chapman: Deflationary Depression Coming Soon After Inflation

Bob Chapman is forecasting some dark times for all of us.  The world economy is going belly-up as evidenced by the the economic collapse of several countries.  He writes:

“The collapse of currencies and nations won’t happen overnight, because their demise has been planned, and a subtle collapse is in process. Our guess is that next year is when the collapse will finally take place followed by one of the greatest deflationary depressions of all time. During the last 2-1/2 years all the toxic investments have been and will continue to be transferred from the Illuminist banks, brokerage houses, insurance companies and transnational conglomerates to the public.

“The Federal Reserve is the repository for this junk, which includes Treasuries and Agencies. That means the public foots the bill. Every government and bank in the world will be affected. This magical game of 3-card-Monte will never work and the Illuminists know it won’t work. That is why they have war on demand to distract the public and to escape punishment for the devastating thing they have brought upon mankind.

“What we are facing is as bad if not worse than the collapse of the Lombard system in Venice in 1348, the year of the plague and the collapse of the Hanseanic League in the 1600s, the creation of the Medici’s. For starters we already have 19 bankrupt or near bankrupt major countries and many others that will be pulled into the vortex of financial and economic calamity. In each country we see the Illuminists doing their evil work, legends in their own minds, in a system that they know cannot survive. They are waiting for orders to pull the plug in each and every country. These masters of the universe all know that prosperity cannot be created by printing money and issuing credit indefinitely. They know full well that such a system cannot survive…

“The idea of too big to fail will persist even after any deflationary collapse. Nothing will change unless the elitists want it to change – the concept is at the base of power in the financial world. This finance bubble can only be disrupted by the failure of national economies. There are 19 in that position presently, and what it boils down to is whether and when these elitists want to pull the plug on liquidity and seriously want to enter a deflationary era. For the time being, over the next 18 months, inflation and perhaps hyperinflation will prevail. Politicians are 90% in the pockets of these people, so unless we can unseat more than half of the incumbents in Congress, the elitist grip on our society will prevail. In the meantime it is inflation and or hyperinflation followed by deflation this year and next year…

“Just as in the 1930s the Federal Reserve will eventually take us into a deflationary depression. That is what Greece was all about. The table is being set for the end of inflation probably within the next two years…

“We see a general contraction of credit worldwide and unless reversed the inevitable will unfold. What is even more dangerous than in the 1930s is the enormous leverage that exists today. When this come down it will be with a thundering roar. That is because few have the ability to pay. It is totally inconceivable that the US government can pay back its liabilities. That means that other nations that hold 60-1/2% of their foreign exchange in US dollars will take tremendous losses from which they won’t easily recover. China and Japan, along with Middle East oil producers, will take unbelievable losses. All creditors will be big losers.

“In this wringer no nation seems to want to reduce spending or is prepared for any kind of austerity. Greece is a good example. Each day sees more and more demonstrations. No one wants to take the economic and financial pain. The good days are supposed to go on endlessly. Not only does the public not want reduced employment, but they also do not want increased taxation. What is extremely interesting is that those in charge of monetary theory at the Fed know that monetary inflation does not work. They also know that the minute they can no longer control deflation with inflationary monetary policy the game is over. The Fed and other central banks are currently playing a very dangerous game. That is keeping inflation up, but only enough to stop hyperinflation. This is like sitting on the edge of a knife. One false move the game is over. Global credit is evaporating and the Fed and others are attempting at the same time to remove some of the excess in the system. We do not think it will work. If it does not work it is depression for many years to come.”  [http://theinternationalforecaster.com/International_Forecaster_Weekly/Pondering_Our_Collapse_While_We_Watch_Others_Fall

Pretty dark stuff.  Our initial reaction is to slay the messenger, laugh scornfully, or make like an ostrich.  What we need to do is check out the track record.  Was Bob Chapman right before?  If so, we better listen.  KWH

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“Bankers Create Money out of Nothing”–from Quigley’s “Tragedy and Hope”

Professor Carroll Quigley, President Clinton’s mentor at Georgetown, tells how the international bankers have taken over the world in his book Tragedy and Hope.  He was an historian who actually applauded the bankers in their endeavors and was not a wild eyed critic of their “One World Government” aspirations.

Quigley writes in Chapter 20:  “The powers of financial capitalism had [a] far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands, able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.  This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences” [emphasis mine].

“Secret agreements”?  “Private meetings”?  “Financial Control” of the world?  This might have been called a conspiracy in the 20th Century, but now it is out in the open.  Read this excerpt from Chapter 5, how “Bankers Create Money out of Nothing”:

“Bankers Create Money Out of Nothing

For generations men had sought to avoid the one drawback of gold, its heaviness, by using pieces of paper to represent specific pieces of gold. We call such pieces of paper gold certificates. Such a certificate entitles its bearer to exchange it for its piece of gold on demand, but in view of the convenience of paper, only a small fraction of certificate holders ever did make such demands.

It early became clear that gold need be held on hand only to the amount needed to cover the fraction of certificates likely to be presented for payment; accordingly, the rest of the gold could be used for business purposes, or, what amounts to the same thing, a volume of certificates could be issued greater than the volume of gold reserved for payment of demands against them. Such an excess volume of paper claims against reserves we now call bank notes.

In effect, this creation of paper claims greater than the reserves available means that bankers were creating money out of nothing. The same thing could be done in another way, not by note-issuing banks but by deposit banks. Deposit bankers discovered that orders and checks drawn against deposits by depositors and given to third persons were often not cashed by the latter but were deposited to their own accounts. Thus there were no actual movements of funds, and payments were made simply by bookkeeping transactions on the accounts.

Accordingly, it was necessary for the banker to keep on hand in actual money … no more than the fraction of deposits likely to be drawn upon and cashed; the rest could be used for loans, and if these loans were made by creating a deposit for the borrower, who in turn would draw checks upon it rather than withdraw it in money, such “created deposits” or loans could also be covered adequately by retaining reserves to only a fraction of their value.
The Dynasties of International Bankers

The merchant bankers of London … brought into their financial network the provincial banking centers, organized as commercial banks and savings banks, as well as insurance companies, to form all of these into a single financial system on an international scale which manipulated the quantity and flow of money so that they were able to influence, if not control, governments on one side and industries on the other.

The men who did this, looking backward toward the period of dynastic monarchy in which they had their own roots, aspired to establish dynasties of international bankers and were at least as successful at this as were many of the dynastic political rulers. The greatest of these dynasties, of course, were the descendants of Meyer Amschel Rothschild (1743-1812) of Frankfort, whose male descendants, for at least two generations, generally married first cousins or even nieces.

In concentrating, as we must, on the financial or economic activities of international bankers, we must not totally ignore their other attributes. They were, especially in later generations, cosmopolitan rather than nationalistic. They were usually highly civilized, cultured gentlemen, patrons of education and of the arts, so that today colleges, professorships, opera companies, symphonies, libraries, and museum collections still reflect their munificence. For these purposes they set a pattern of endowed foundations which still surround us today.
Bankers Felt Politicians Could Not Be Trusted With the Monetary System

The influence of financial capitalism and of the international bankers who created it was exercised both on business and on governments, but could have done neither if it had not been able to persuade both these to accept two “axioms” of its own ideology. Both of these were based on the assumption that politicians were too weak and too subject to temporary popular pressures to be trusted with control of the money system; accordingly, the sanctity of all values and the soundness of money must be protected in two ways: by basing the value of money on gold and by allowing bankers to control the supply of money. To do this it was necessary to conceal, or even to mislead, both governments and people about the nature of money and its methods of operation.

In most countries the central bank was surrounded closely by the almost invisible private investment banking firms. These, like the planet Mercury, could hardly be seen in the dazzle emitted by the central bank which they, in fact, often dominated. Yet a close observer could hardly fail to notice the close private associations between these private, international bankers and the central bank itself.

Two of the five factors which determined the value of money are the supply and the demand for money. The supply of money in a single country was subject to no centralized, responsible control in most countries over recent centuries. Instead, there were a variety of controls of which some could be influenced by bankers, some could be influenced by the government, and some could hardly be influenced by either.

Central banks can usually vary the amount of money in circulation by “open market operations” or by influencing the discount rates of lesser banks. In open market operations, a central bank buys or sells government bonds in the open market. If it buys, it releases money into the economic system; if it sells it reduces the amount of money in the community. The change is greater than the price paid for the securities [due to the fractional reserve system].

Central banks can also change the quantity of money by influencing the credit policies of other banks. This can be done by various methods, such as changing the re-discount rate or changing reserve requirements. By changing the re-discount rate, we mean the interest rate which central banks charge lesser banks for loans. By raising the re-discount rate the central bank forces the lesser bank to raise its discount rate in order to operate at a profit; such a raise in interest rates tends to reduce the demand for credit and thus the amount of deposits (money). Lowering the re-discount rate permits an opposite result.

The powers of governments over the quantity of money are of various kinds, and include (a) control over a central bank, (b) control over public taxation, and (c) control over public spending. The control of governments over central banks varies greatly from one country to another, but on the whole has been increasing. Since most central banks have been (technically) private institutions, this control is frequently based on custom rather than on law.

The powers of the government over the quantity of money in the community exercised through taxation and public spending are largely independent of banking control. Taxation tends to reduce the amount of money in a community and is usually a deflationary force; government spending tends to increase the amount of money in a community and is usually an inflationary force. The total effects of a government’s policy will depend on which item is greater. An unbalanced budget will be inflationary; a budget with a surplus will be deflationary.
Money Power—Controlled by International Investment Bankers—Dominates Business and Government

On the whole, in the period up to 1931, bankers, especially the Money Power controlled by the international investment bankers, were able to dominate both business and government. They could dominate business, especially in activities and in areas where industry could not finance its own needs for capital, because investment bankers had the ability to supply or refuse to supply such capital. Thus, Rothschild interests came to dominate many of the railroads of Europe, while Morgan dominated at least 26,000 miles of American railroads.

Such bankers went further than this. In return for flotations of securities of industry, they took seats on the boards of directors of industrial firms, as they had already done on commercial banks, savings banks, insurance firms, and finance companies. From these lesser institutions they funneled capital to enterprises which yielded control and away from those who resisted. These firms were controlled through interlocking directorships, holding companies, and lesser banks. They engineered amalgamations and generally reduced competition, until by the early twentieth century many activities were so monopolized that they could raise their noncompetitive prices above costs to obtain sufficient profits to become self-financing.

But before that stage was reached a relatively small number of bankers were in positions of immense influence in European and American economic life. As early as 1909, Walter Rathenau, who was in a position to know (since he had inherited from his father control of the German General Electric Company and held scores of directorships himself), said, “Three hundred men, all of whom know one another, direct the economic destiny of Europe and choose their successors from among themselves.”
The Power of Investment Bankers Over Governments

The power of investment bankers over governments rests on a number of factors, of which the most significant, perhaps, is the need of governments to issue short-term treasury bills as well as long-term government bonds. Just as businessmen go to commercial banks for current capital advances to smooth over the discrepancies between their irregular and intermittent incomes and their periodic and persistent outgoes, so a government has to go to merchant bankers (or institutions controlled by them) to tide over the shallow places caused by irregular tax receipts.

As experts in government bonds, the international bankers not only handled the necessary advances, but provided advice to government officials and, on many occasions, placed their own members in official posts for varied periods to deal with special problems. This is so widely accepted even today that in 1961 a Republican investment banker became Secretary of the Treasury in a Democratic Administration in Washington without significant comment from any direction.

Naturally, the influence of bankers over governments during the age of financial capitalism (roughly 1850-1931) was not something about which anyone talked freely, but it has been admitted frequently enough by those on the inside, especially in England. In 1852 Gladstone, chancellor of the Exchequer, declared, “The hinge of the whole situation was this: the government itself was not to be a substantive power in matters of Finance, but was to leave the Money Power supreme and unquestioned.” On September 26, 1921, The Financial Times wrote, “Half a dozen men at the top of the Big Five Banks could upset the whole fabric of government finance by refraining from renewing Treasury Bills.”
Montagu Norman and J. P. Morgan Dominate the Financial World

In addition to their power over government based on government financing and personal influence, bankers could steer governments in ways they wished them to go by other pressures. Since most government officials felt ignorant of finance, they sought advice from bankers whom they considered to be experts in the field. The history of the last century shows, as we shall see later, that the advice given to governments by bankers, like the advice they gave to industrialists, was consistently good for bankers, but was often disastrous for governments, businessmen, and the people generally.

Such advice could be enforced if necessary by manipulation of exchanges, gold flows, discount rates, and even levels of business activity. The powers of these international bankers reached their peak in the last decade of their supremacy, 1919-1931, when Montagu Norman and J. P. Morgan dominated not only the financial world but international relations and other matters as well.

On November I l, 1927, the Wall Street Journal called Mr. Norman “the currency dictator of Europe.” This was admitted by Mr. Norman himself before the Court of the Bank on March 21, 1930, and before the Macmillan Committee of the House of Commons five days later. On one occasion … Mr. Norman is reported to have said, “I hold the hegemony of the world.” It might be added that Governor Norman rarely acted in major world problems without consulting with J. P. Morgan’s representatives.”

This is but a short piece of Quiqley’s 1,300 page epic.  To read more, go here: http://www.wanttoknow.info/articles/tragedy_hope_banking_money_history

“The truth shall make you free,” said the Savior Christ.  He knew about “them,” of course, and encouraged His followers to “know them that labor among you.”  This knowledge is especially important for these latter days.   KWH

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How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Obama and the One World Government

Well, not exactly love. A better word would be understand why they are being allowed by God to destroy America as we know it.

For America (and it hurts so deeply that it is difficult to pen these next words)–America, an Israelite nation in Biblical prophecy will fail.  Our mighty nation that we grew up in–so full of liberty, promise and opportunity–is destined to go into a One World Government.  I hate it on one hand, for I love this country, have fought in a foreign war for this country, and have enjoyed the benefits of our free society.  But if we are to believe the prophecies in the book of Revelation, America’s federal government will become an integral part of a one world government.

“And the great dragon…Satan, which deceives the whole world was cast out into the earth…and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (1).  “And he causes all…to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell…” (2).  The “miracles” of technology for this is already in place.  Just google “rfid chip” or “microchip implant” (3).

Why This Is Happening

All this is being allowed by God to happen because we as a people have “grown fat” in this prosperous environment.  We are “increased with goods and have need of nothing” and don’t realize that spiritually we are “wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked” (4).  We as a nation say that we have need of nothing–especially God, the God of our ancestors, the Hebrew God of the Bible.  President Obama just declared to the world, “We are no longer a Christian nation,” even though the vast majority of Americans still say they are Christian.  Does he know something we don’t?

Into the Greatest Depression

This dive into the greatest depression is happening to America and Western Europe just like it happened to the 12 tribes of Israel back in Moses’ and the prophets’ days.  In fact, the LORD (Yahweh) through Moses warned the people what would happen after they entered the Promised Land.

He said that if you fear God and keep His commandments that He “will set you on high above all nations of the earth.  And all these blessings shall come on thee…” And He lists every conceivable blessing that a nation could enjoy.  The United States of America is the only nation in the history of the world that has fulfilled this prophecy!  “High above all nations of the earth…” (5).

But He goes on to warn them that if they do not obey His commandments and forget Him and dishonor Him, then all these curses will come upon us.  Why? “If you will not hearken unto the voice of the LORD…the LORD (YAHWEH) shall send upon you cursing…[because] you have forsaken Me” (6).

It will get so bad that “the fruit of thy land, and all thy labors, a nation which you know not shall eat up” (7).  This is happening to us right now!  Our income taxes are being given to other nations who have loaned our government money by the trillions—China, Japan, Saudi Arabia.  All our tax dollars go to them to cover the interest on the national debt!

What happened to the Twelve Tribes of Israel is happening to us right now.  When we feared God as a nation, we grew into a prosperous superpower.  But now we have forgotten God and we are being brought low by Him–just like He promised.

Deja Vu

And it is all happening again as it did in the days of old.  We now are enslaved by our own selfish appetites and are allowing our representatives to sign over our children’s future to the international bankers who control all three branches of the federal government.

We are letting them take our freedoms and responsibilities away–just as long as they give us our “bread and circus” the way the Romans did to the masses.  As long as we can eat and drink and play our games, we think we are okay.  The children of Israel, barely out of Egypt, “sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play (I Cor. 10: 7).  God called this idolatry, putting fleshly appetites before God.  That generation fell in the wilderness and did not make it to the Promised Land.  It was all written down as an object  lesson for us “upon whom the ends of the world are come” (v. 11).

A Government of, by, and for the People?  Please…

Ultimately it is we the people who are to blame for what is happening to our country.  During the past 100 years, we have become complacent and have allowed our dumb, spineless representatives in Congress to be bought by the rich oligarchy, and thus, they have enslaved us into paying income taxes, a key plank of the Communist Manifesto.

They have illegally bailed out their greedy Wall Street banker buddies who helped them get into office.  They have exported most of our good paying manufacturing  jobs overseas.  They brought in NAFTA and other harmful international trade agreements that have killed our jobs.  Remember Ross Perot warning us about the “sucking sound” of jobs going south if we go down that road?

It is our fault.  Our founding fathers warned us of foreign entanglements and central banks.  But we the people  did not hearkened to them.  The torches and pitchforks should have been gotten out long ago.  Our great-grandfathers sat idly by in 1913 as they ramrodded the Federal Reserve Act through Congress, creating a private central bank.  Our Congress shirked their duty in handling our economy, giving it over to greedy private bankers who have been pillaging America ever since.  For the Fed’s policies since then has led us into ruinous world wars, depressions, and burst bubbles–not prevented them!  And we have not thrown them out yet!

All These Things Must Come to Pass

But our decline into mediocrity has to take place; I’m sad to have to say it.  It has to happen to humble us.   It will take the debasement and final collapse of the dollar to start to wake us up.  Yet most will blindly be herded into a one world currency, which leads directly into the one world government.

But as all this takes place, some will cry out to God as our ancestors did, and it is precisely this chastening from the LORD (Yahweh) that will humble us.  And through our humility, God will be touched, and He will then grant us grace, and favor us again.  He’ll hear the prayers of a broken people enslaved by a foreign world government, and we will remember how great it was to be living in the “land of the free and the home of the brave.”  We’ll be broken-hearted and contrite and ashamed of our prideful and careless ways.

And we’ll be ashamed that we let our federal government take away school prayer to the Great God of Heaven–taken away by a Supreme Court who has the Ten Commandments carved into the front doors of the Supreme Court Building!  What a bunch of hypocrites!  And we will be ashamed that we let them give permission for the wholesale slaughter of the innocent unborn.   We the people did not demand that our representatives and state legislatures amend the Constitution of the United States to prohibit such atrocities.  It was in our power, but we did not have the will to do it as a nation.

So this is how I am learning to stop fussing and fuming every night during the evening news, as I see America being looted and hoodwinked.  They say that ignorance is bliss and being blind to all of this is easier.  Maybe they are right, for it is very difficult to see all of this come down.  But I am learning to understand that America and Western Europe have sown to their own demise by not seeking God.  And He is letting the likes of Obama and the other radical socialists strip us of our freedoms as we slide into a corporatist fascist state.

The strings on the puppet Obama are obvious to me.  I even see the hands of the puppet master as he choreographs Obama’s every movement.  And the puppet masters don’t even seem to care that they are spoiling the illusion of reality by coming out from behind the Bilderburg curtains.  I guess they realize that we the audience have been put asleep by the dope piped in by the mainstream media and will awaken just enough to be herded into another line for the next government handout.   KWH

  1. Revelation 12: 9; 13: 8
  2. Revelation 13: 16

3.   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microchip_implant_(human)

4.  Rev. 3: 17

5.   Deut. 28: 1-13

6.   Deut. 28: 15, 20-37

7.   Deut. 28: 33


Filed under abortion, end time prophecy, Federal Reserve, Lost Sheep of the House of Israel, One World Government

The Rise of the Sons and Daughters of God–The Last Shall Be First, and the First Shall Be Last

During the destruction of the Satanic One World Government coming soon to this earth, God shall debut His crowning creation–His sons and daughters (See “Time of the End…” posted June 13, 2009).

The prophets of old and all the apostles spoke of their time, which now is our time in the earth.  They are the fulfillment of God’s eternal purpose in reproducing Himself in the laboratory called earth.  They saw into our time, when God would bestow immortality to a select few (1).

Seeing into the Future

They saw into the future and saw the chosen ones destined for completeness in Christ, perfected because of His Spirit dwelling fully in them.  The apostle Paul said that, aware of it or not, the entire created realm here on earth is “waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God” (2).  The world is groaning for heroes to arrive on the scene.  You can see it in popular culture, books, and movies.  We all want someone to look up to, to lead us out of the political confusion and economic morass we find ourselves in.

All the prophets and apostles saw our day, saw our era when our Father would end the evil reign of our adversay and usher in the return of the King Jesus (Yahshua) along with the princes and princesses of God.  For we must remember that He has promised us that we will sit on thrones as judges in His kingdom.  The overcomers “will sit with Him on His throne” (3).

These overcomers will stride forth, rising like a phoenix out of the ashes of what is left after the Great Tribulation and bring glad tidings of real peace to the remaining inhabitants of the earth after tribulation.

“The Last Shall Be First” and “The First Shall Be Last”

God has saved the best for last.  “The first shall be last,” said the Master.  And these sons and daughters are the first who were in the Father’s heart before the worlds were ever created.  They were in His heart before the Play ever started here on earth and are the end product of His plan to reproduce Himself.  They will come forth during the last act of The Play.  Their entrance onto the world stage has been reserved for our present time–the “last” days.  These also will be the first to “not taste of death”–mortal death.  For their bodies will be changed “in a twinkling of an eye, at the last trump” (4).

And “the last shall be first.”  These glorious offspring of God will be the last on the present scene here on earth.  They will come forth during our present era of time.  They shall be the first to “not taste of death.”  They’ll be the first to be fully manifested, fully matured with the Spirit of God dwelling in them in its fullness.

We now must all pull together to nurture each other, for who knows?  Your brother or sister in Christ just may be one of these future princes or princesses of God.  I should be our goal in life to be yoke-fellows with Christ to help implement God’s plan in the earth.  For these sons and daughters of God will be called out of their present sinful condition, and thr0ugh many growing pains, they shall walk with Him in white.

Kenneth Wayne Hancock

{For more type in “sons of God” into “Search” above.

  1. I Peter 1: 10-12; II Peter 1: 21
  2. Rom. 8: 18-19
  3. Rev. 3: 21
  4. Matt. 19: 13; Mark 9: 1; John 8: 52; I Cor. 15: 51-52

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Filed under end time prophecy, eternal purpose, great tribulation period, immortality, sons of God

Crying in the Wilderness*

Rich bankers’ international conspiracy

Wants to imprison the minds of your family

To give themselves to the mark of the beast.

Prepare your heart for the coming of the LORD.

That’s why we’re crying in the wilderness–

The voice of one crying ’cause the world is in a mess.

People, awake out of sleep.

Prepare your heart for the coming of the LORD.

The Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and those Esau dukes

All claim to be God’s people, but they’re being used

By Satan to subvert the minds of all who’ll choose

To go their way into one world government.

That’s why we’re crying in the wilderness–

The voice of one crying ’cause the world is in a mess.

People, awake out of sleep.

Prepare your heart for the coming of the LORD.

Crying, crying, you know we’re crying, we’re crying.

People, awake out of sleep.

Prepare your heart for the coming of the LORD.

The devil’s last attempt now is to dethrone God,

And it’s taking place through rich men even while you nod,

And sleep and say, “Everything’s going to be all right.”

Prepare your heart for the coming of the LORD.

That’s why we’re crying in the wilderness–

The voice of one crying ’cause the world is in a mess.

People, awake out of sleep.

Prepare your heart for the coming of the LORD.

Well, God has Gideon’s army that He’s coming through.

So join the rank and file ’cause He’s calling you

To be just like the Captain Jesus and to do

The same works as our soon coming King.

That’s why we’re crying in the wilderness,

The voice of one crying ’cause the world is in a mess.

People, awake out of sleep.

Prepare your heart for the coming of the LORD.

Kenneth Wayne Hancock

*{Lyrics to a song I wrote in 1976.  Little did I realize that David Rockefeller would make this bold, confirming statement 15 years after I wrote the song}

“This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long – We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”

Quote by:
David Rockefeller
(1915- ) Internationalist billionaire, CFR kingpin, founder of the Trilateralist Commission, World Order Godfather
Sept. 23, 1994
Quote from David Rockefeller

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time
Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended
our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost
forty years.”

“It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world
if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years.
But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a
world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite
and world bankers is surely preferable to the national
auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

Quote by:
David Rockefeller
(1915- ) Internationalist billionaire, CFR kingpin, founder of the Trilateralist Commission, World Order Godfather
June 1991 Baden, Germany
Bilderberger Meeting, Baden, Germany


Filed under end time prophecy, great tribulation period, new world order, One World Government, poetry