Monthly Archives: March 2009

Overcoming by the Blood of the Lamb

People are pressed down by this old world system.  The world’s economies are skidding down into a gigantic depression.  People are under extreme pressure, some even going crazy, killing their families and themselves.  They are losing their jobs, their homes, cars, their lives as they know it.

In lieu of all this, Christ’s words ring with the crystal clarity of truth: “In the world, you shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

But here is a newsflash:  We shall overcome also!  But how do we overcome the world and all of its tribulation, trouble, and anguish?

The First Overcoming

The first overcoming, which leads to all of the overcomings, or victories in Christ, is the victory over sin in our lives.  It is a direct victory of the power of the devil in our lives, for “he that commits sin is of the devil.”  But to get rid of sin in our lives was the “purpose the  Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil” (I John 3: 8).

How is this done?  “They overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony” (Rev. 12: 11).  Our victory over the evil comes through these two things.

Many talk a good Christian ballgame, but few deliver through the lives that they lead.  Many claim to follow Christ, yet they still do secret sins, which emanate from the dark recesses of an unregenerated heart–a heart that is old and carnal–a heart that has not climbed Calvary’s hill to submit to the death of the cross along with Christ.

By the Blood of Christ the Sacrificial Lamb

He is the sin sacrifice–the “Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.”  He takes away the sin of the world. When He gets through, we don’t have it anymore.  But we must identify our old sinful heart with Him that day of the Lamb’s death some 2,000 years ago.  This is how the Lamb’s blood cleanses us.  When it drained out of Him, the life and energy and power of sin died out.  When His blood was all spilled out, then the lifeforce of sin in us drained out as well. This is how we overcame the devil.  It is from this cleansing of sin through the death of our old nature, of our old spirit, of our old heart.

Yet, sadly, chances are very slim that you will hear this in today’s church houses and Sunday schools.  It is “too strong, too harsh.”  It is not politically correct and is a sure fire way for the hired preacher to lose his pastorship.  But the old preachers of past centuries taught these very things I have shared here.  John Wesley taught it, yet you won’t hear this in a modern Methodist church.  Martin Luther taught it, but today’s Lutherans won’t hear it in church.  Spurgeon taught it, but most Baptists won’t hear this stark message in their churches.

But this is how we repent from sin.  The very first apostles’ doctrine was “repentance from dead works.”  Sin, the breaking of the 10 Commandments, is a “dead work,” for it leads to death.  And getting rid of sin in our lives is the very cornerstone in the sure foundation Christ talked about.  Without this start in Christ, the foundation is shaky, and the house will fall when the devil winds blow.   Kenneth Wayne Hancock

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Filed under apostles' doctrine, cross, crucified with Christ, death of self, repentance

“Though Our Outward Man Perish”–On Becoming Older in the Kingdom of God

In the world of men, the older one becomes, the less valuable they become–especially in American culture.  For only the outward appearance is esteemed.  But in the kingdom of God, as our earthly bodies age, it ofttimes yields a needed wisdom on the inside.  And with wisdom, one finds much spiritual treasure.

A Sense of Our Own Mortality

As our earthly body begins its corruption through aging, we begin to get a sense of our own mortality.  When we were young, we never thought that one day we would expire–that one day we would have breathed our last breath of earth’s good air.  We careened through youthful roads with a reckless abandon, never contemplating the delicate balance between life and death.

And then one day, we wake up and realize that we cannot do the physical feats we did in our youth.  And if we are blessed, we will then turn to the inward spiritual country, a land prepared by the Master Surveyor, laid out for those of us who will seek that rare realm.  This great land of the heart is called “the Kingdom of God” and it “is within you.”

Feeling the Need for the Spiritual

And as we turn to go there, we begin to feel the need for the spiritual food to sustain on our journey.  We see the futility of clamoring after things for just our earthly bodies, and we begin to respect and reverence the Spirit that fathered us anc created and placed us down here on earth.

Becoming older brings wisdom, for the dreams and schemes of youth have run their race cars into a wall of disillusionment.  Survivors of the crash walk more circumspectly, more grateful for more time to now think about the eternal things of God. It takes time’s erosion of our earthly strength to help us realize that God has an eternal purpose in all our trials, temptations, and tears.

The Fisher of Men

God allows us spools of line as a fisherman does a giant, fighting fish.  And with that extra line and time, the fish flips and flashes and flaps and flails until all his dreams and schemes of his own vainglory are surrendered to the will of the Great Fisherman.

And so it is with us.  He gives us great latitude to pursue our own way of non-surrender.  As the years pass, some will work so hard to wrestle free from God, that He allows them to throw off the hook.

But a chosen few will realize that they are destined for greater things, spiritual things, “things kept secret from the foundation of the world,” and they will surrender to His will.  They will see that “though the outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.”  And because of this, these few will not look at the outward appearance, which shows the mere temporary things, but they will look on the invisible, into that dimension which is eternal (II Corinthians 4: 16-18).

And thus God brings them into His ship, into His heart, giving them a new spirit and a new in life–His life.

So becoming older can mean becoming wiser.  For with age comes spiritual clarity and more reverence for the Great Fisherman.  Youth are more likely to trust in the “arm of flesh,” which never has the strength to carry us down the road to immortality.   Kenneth Wayne Hancock

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Filed under immortality, kingdom of God, princes and princesses of God, sons and daughters of God

The Fall of Satan’s Kingdom (The One World Government) As Seen in Psalm 2

Satan’s got a kingdom?  Christ said that he did.  Christ, who even the atheists and agnostics say is a great teacher, confirmed this fact: “And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?” (Matt. 12: 26).  Luke quoted Satan saying that he held the power “of all the kingdoms of the world” during the temptations of Christ (4: 5).

Satan then has a kingdom, which is comprised of all of the world’s governments.  That is from the scripture of truth, which “cannot be broken” (John 10: 35).  I don’t care how much “the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing” (Psalm 2: 1-12).

And it is the governments of this world system, who are in the grips of Satan’s power, that are coming against the LORD (Yahweh) of heaven, their Creator.  “The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed (Christ)” (v. 2).

But God is not worried.  He is even laughing about the keystone-cop rulers of this world, for He “shall have them in derision” very shortly (v. 4).  For God’s wrath is soon to come up on Satan’s divided kingdoms; he will “vex them in His sore displeasure” (v. 5) and will “break them with a rod of iron..into pieces like a potter’s vessel” (v. 9).  For He has set up His Son Christ as His King (v. 6), and God has left all judgment to Him, to sort it all out during the 1,000 year reign of Christ.

And yet, despite the coming vengeance of the LORD on the ungodly at the end of this age, He in His great mercy still extends a hand to those in power who will come to Him: “Be wise now therefore, O ye kings; be instructed, ye judges of the earth.  Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.  Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled…” (v. 10-11).

But “how hard it is for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God” (Mark 10: 24).

Right now as we write this, the rulers of this world who “trust in riches” are in derision.  They are clamoring in their money schemes for a one world government that will be totally devoid of the love of Christ.  Many factions are wrestling against each other, jockeying for the ultimate position of power in Satan’s government.

Just look at the big powers: The Western international banking houses who have Europe and North America and the Israeli state in their hip pocket, China and the Asian block , the Middle East, Russia–all these powers are divided, for they all want to be the top dog in the coming one world government spoken of by God’s true prophets.  They are divided; these egomaniacs will help bring on their own fall.

The fall of Satan’s kingdom is coming  just before the Prince of peace Himself comes back to establish His wonderful rule in the earth–where there will be no more war, greed, nor evil allowed to ravage the innocent who scratch the bloody earth with their withered fingers.  No more empty smiling promises from jaded politicians.  Even so, come quickly, LORD.         Kenneth Wayne Hancock

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Filed under end time prophecy, kingdom of God, new world order, One World Government, world system

The Truth About the World Depression–Who Is Doing What?

It is so complicated–understanding this terribly deep recession/depression that we all find ourselves in.  What is really happening?  Who did this mess?  And why?   And more importantly, where is it all headed, and how can we prepare?  Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster, puts it in a  nutshell for us:

“In the financial markets, whenever you have losers, you also have winners. Someone sold the losing asset to someone else, receiving full value for it before the loss was incurred, with full value often being a fraudulent and fictitious figure, calculated with mark-to-model values based on bogus assumptions and even more bogus financial ratings and appraisals.

“The winners are always the Illuminist banks, investment banks and brokerage houses, who sold bogus paper at full value, and whose executives and employees take all the profits off the table via salaries and bonuses before the losses come back to haunt them when things like SIV’s and municipal auction rate securities.

“The bailouts are intended to prevent such losses from hitting Illuminist creditors by transferring the losses to the taxpayers, whose government creates money out of thin air to fund the bailout of such losses. The resulting monopoly money will eventually result in hyperinflation, the collapse of the dollar, the loss of the reserve status of the dollar, the downgrading of US treasury bonds, and, via higher interest rates and risk re-evaluation that will become necessary to bring this profligate flow of monopoly money under control, the collapse of the bond market, the real estate market, and the hundreds of trillions in interest rate swaps.

“The thermonuclear financial meltdown cometh, so be ready with gold, silver and their related assets. What has transpired thus far is just the tip of the iceberg that will send the US Titanic down to Davy Jones Locker.”

For another lucid voice explaining how our futures have been squandered,  listen to the prescient Peter Schiff here:

We, the sons and daughters of God, must know the truth about what is happening on the world economic stage, for this depression will inevitably lead the world into the One World Government prophesied in the book of Revelation.  “They” always start with control of the money–then they go on to the “souls of men.”   Our money will fail, as it did in Egypt, in the time of Joseph and his brothers.  Then the masses will have to play the bankers’ game to “buy, sell, or trade,” in order to survive during the Great Tribulation Period, which the church will have to go through.  KWH

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The Prosperity Doctrine–A “Damnable Heresy”

The true men of God never taught the “prosperity doctrine.”  They never taught that if you give money to the preacher, that God would give you more money back, more than in your wildest dreams.

The true apostles and prophets of God taught self-denial.  They taught that we should seek the spiritual things of God, and then God would take care of our material needs (Matt. 6: 33).

A “Damnable Heresy”

The apostle Peter warns us of these false teachers and prophets–how they will “bring in damnable heresies” that lead the hearers into denying Christ.  For if a person is in the “Get-all-you-can-get-from-God” mode, then their hearts will be unable to take in the Spirit of Christ (II Pet. 2: 1).

These false preachers are teaching this heresy.  They come in sheep’s clothing.  They speak about Christ, but Christ’s Spirit does not speak through them!  “And many shall follow their pernicious ways” (v. 2).  “Pernicious ways” is from the Greek word apoleia, meaning “perdition, destruction, and ruin.”  The “prosperity doctrine” is destroying people’s souls.

Give Us Your Money and You’ll Be Blessed

They promise their millions of followers prosperity.  They say, “Give money to our ministry and God will bless you with a hundred-fold more more than what you gave. Send us your tithes and offerings, and God will solve your financial problems.”  When in reality, they use the money to live lavishly as they feed off the baser human instinct to covet after earthly riches.  “And through covetousness (sin) shall they make merchandise of you” (v. 3).

Instead of caring for their flocks’ souls, these evil shepherds look for devious ways of extracting more money from them.

They “cannot cease from sin,” and they teach that very doctrine–that no one can ever truly be delivered from sin and sinning (II Pet. 2: 14).  Yet Christ tells us, as He told the prostitute, “Go and sin no more.”   Impossible command?  I don’t believe so, for He also said, “With God all things are possible.”

It’s All About the Love of Money

Peter says that they have followed  in the false prophet Balaam’s way, “who loved the wages of unrighteousness” (2: 15).   They get paid money for teaching this error!

What did this false prophet Balaam do?  He loved money and accepted it from Balak, the king of Moab, in payment for “putting a curse on the children of Israel.”  Balak presented to Balaam “the rewards of divination”–money, fame, honor from men–if he would curse the children of Israel.  But he could not curse whom God had blessed (Numbers 22: 7).

Balaam is the quintessential false prophet, a corrupt and weak lover of money.  Modern day prosperity preachers are hirelings who teach God’s people things that will “curse” them and lead them to destruction and perdition!

We Are Admonished to Flee from Them

The apostle Paul, likewise,  warns Timothy that they are “perverse…supposing that gain is godliness; from such withdraw thyself” (I Tim. 6: 5).

Likewise, the message to us: Get away from any preacher who speaks about money all the time, who promises that God will shower down finances to those who give money to their ministry.  Flee from them!

For true gain is “godliness with contentment” (v. 6).  Godliness is being like God–a spiritual existence with Him where material things no longer have a hold on us, where seeking wealth and riches and dwelling on material goods are not distractions any more.  “For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out” (v. 7).  All we really need is “food and raiment” and the Spirit of God in our hearts.  He’ll add anything else we need.

And then the stern warning: “But they that will be rich (they that even want to be rich) fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition” (v. 8-9).

For make no mistake.  These false teachers, which include many televangelists–they love money.  It is their lifeblood, for without it, they are washed up.  They are off the air, and their lavish lifestyles go to rags over night.

“For the love of money is the root of all evil” (I Tim. 6: 10).  This very famous passage of scripture is used in this warning to us about these false teachers and preachers.  Those who covet after money and what it will buy them “have erred from the faith.”

There it is in the mouth of two witnesses–Peter and Paul.  They knew about this damnable heresy of going after the money, for they had the “prosperity doctrine” back in the day.  And they warn us, who have eyes to see, to flee from this doctrine and those who teach it.  And run into the arms of the true Shepherd.  For He is all we really need.                        KWH

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Filed under false doctrines, false prophets, false teachers, prosperity doctrine

World Economic Collapse Seen Through God’s Eyes

This economic disaster must be seen through the spiritual lens of the Scriptures. “The love of money is the root of all evil,” said the apostle Paul. It has always been about loving money for the evil one and his breed. To wit, the “thirty pieces of silver,” the “taking of the widows’ houses,” the lust and greed of the filthy “moneychangers” who the Savior drove out of the temple–symbolically the place where all of their ilk are banished to.

Woe Unto You Rich Men

But we can take heart in this: “Woe unto you rich men, who heap treasure together for the last days” (James 5: 1-3). In the end, this present world economic system will collapse, a la the “merchants” {read “international bankers”} lamenting the crash of “Mystery Babylon the Great” (Rev. 18: 11-13).

What God Gets out of the World Economic Collapse

This notwithstanding, my brothers and sisters, it is not just the survival of us and our families that we should think on. Yes, that comes first. “He that does not provide for his family is worse than an infidel.”  That is our duty.  But to answer our “high calling” that God has placed on us, we must widen our spiritual lens so that we see all this from God’s view–What does He say He will get out of the economic depression and the ensuing world government? Out of the ashes, caked with the tears of His chosen ones, He will forge a body of “many sons and daughters” that He will “bring unto glory.”

God is sovereign. He is in total control of the Satanic Illuminist minions in the earth today. He is allowing them to do their thing.  He is stirring the cauldron; make no mistake. The “most High rules in the kingdom of men and gives it {man’s governments} to whomsoever He will, and sets up over it the basest of men” (Daniel 4: 17, 32) {See ).

God’s Eternal Purpose

I know.  I wouldn’t have wrote it like that either, for His “ways are not our ways; His thoughts are not our thoughts.” Nevertheless, we must get His “eyesalve” and anoint our spiritual eyes so that we may see things the way He sees them–through the prism of His eternal purpose:  HE WANTS TO REPRODUCE HIMSELF IN A SPIRITUAL ARMY of many sons and daughters!  Gideon’s army in the Book of Judges is a type of this.

And those who lack this knowledge will be fighting our adversaries blindly, merely “beating the air,” flailing about, not really knowing what God is doing. Some of you, of course, know of what I speak. To you I say, Keep walking in the light, and feed His lambs and sheep.

I have written two books that you may read on-line at fthe top of this page.  One, “The Unveiling of the Sons of God,” is dedicated to the future sons and daughters of God, His princes and princesses–the heirs and future rulers of the soon-coming Kingdom of God. Clothed in immortality, they will stride forth in the Spirit and power of the Great One, and will pick up the pieces after Tribulation of what is left of this old world, and together as one, they will be His ambassadors and viceroys in the earth–one Spirit, one faith (God’s), one hope, one God, in all and through all of them. Wow.

Thank you for all of your efforts and love to God’s people. You are the salt of the earth, above the curve, for He has guided you onto this hour’s stage. Continue in His love.  Kenneth Wayne Hancock

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Filed under calling of God, end time prophecy, great tribulation period, kingdom of God, new world order

God’s Faith Once Delivered to the Saints

Faith is extremely important but often misunderstood.  It is not us believing in something.  That is not the true faith of God.   No.  The true faith of God comes from Him to us, not from us about Him.  It is His belief in Himself that He gives to us.

Faith Is Not Something We Have to Muster Up

It is the “faith once delivered to the saints” (Jude 3).  Faith is a spiritual commodity from God that has been delivered to the people of God.  Who delivered it?  The Creator Yahweh did.  Faith is not something that has to be mustered up by His people.  We rather must receive it from Him.  It is something that originates from out of His nature and is given to us.  “For every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights.” That includes faith.


It is His faith that is transplanted into our hearts.  It is not something we muster up and finally believe about Him.  His faith in us is the first part of His divine nature to enter into the human heart.  But what is it exactly?  Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1.

God Has Assurance in the Things that He Hopes For

“Things hoped for…”  Because we are naturally egocentric, we think that it is the things we hope for.  No.  What does God hope for?  What are the desires of His heart?  What has He purposed?   Long  before  we were ever born, He saw us in our down-trodden state of sin and misery.  He also saw us rise with Him by His Spirit to vanquish sin and death in our lives.  He believed that this was a reality—that this was substance—having not yet seen it come to pass.  He believed and so therefore spoke and said that it was so.  He believed the best about us and His plan—not having seen the evidence yet of its fruition.  We as changed individuals are evidence that the invisible Supreme Being is real.  We are His witnesses that He is God.  And if He believes in His work in us before it comes to full fruition, then we should, too.  He is our example.


His divine nature is positive, full of faith and power.  All of His promises are “yes.”  Nothing negative flows from His heart.  He is positive; His attitude is positive.  In fact, He calls those things that are not, that do not exist as yet, as though they did exist.  He said that He will be all in all eventually.  We should then, right now, begin to walk around as if He already is all in you and me.  This will take belief that “it is no longer I that lives but Christ that lives in me.”

He is positive, giving “life to the dead and calls that which does not exist as existing.”  This is He.  This is how He thinks.  He is positive about His capabilities.  He has absolutely no doubt about His reserves and His resolve to get done what He wants done.  And what He wants done is the multiplication, the reproduction of Himself, within His creation.  He is an invisible Spirit; He wants to see Himself in action in human form.  This is the witness that He talks about in Isaiah.  We are to be His witnesses that He is the invisible Spirit/God.  His faith believes that not only we can change, but that we will change—that we are changed!  He seeks people to worship Him in this spirit and attitude and in this truth.  He needs people to worship Him in this way—to believe the way He believes.  

And it is to this faith, His faith, that we are to add several more  spiritual qualities as outlined by the apostle Peter (II Peter 1: 5-8).  These are the more advanced facets that the Holy Spirit gives to those going “unto perfection,” which is full maturity in Christ.                Kenneth Wayne Hancock

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Filed under apostles' doctrine, faith, princes and princesses of God, sons and daughters of God