Monthly Archives: February 2011

The Key to Answered Prayers–from “Conversations with the Seer”

“I don’t get why we have to pray all the time.  Pray without ceasing?  Who can do that?”  I asked the Seer.  In his teachings each week at the Mission he had been stressing the importance of prayer. 

“You are right.  A man can’t do that,” he said.

I was shocked that he would concede this point so quickly.  “I know the word says that we are to be ‘praying always,’ but I’ve tried, and I just can’t do it.” 

“You won’t be able to do these requests that the Father has made of us concerning prayer,  in your current way of thinking,” the Seer said.  “That is why you are perfectly correct when you say, ‘I can’t do it.  Nobody  can.'”

“Then why does God tell us to do something that’s impossible to do?”

“Ah,” the Seer said knowingly, smiling kindly at me.  “This is where the error of your thinking manifests itself.  The Master Himself said, ‘With God all things are possible.’  Also, the apostle Paul said, ‘I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.'”

“I don’t get it.  You have taught that the last piece of the armor of God in Ephesians 6 is ‘praying always.’  I just don’t see how it works.”  He could see, I am sure, my frustration, for I really had tried  to do it.

“Look.  You left out the most important part of that verse.  It says, ‘Praying always…in the Spirit.’  Christ is alive evermore and He through His Spirit is interceding for us all.  He is the High Priest, and His prayers will be answered, believe me.  But Christ is not just praying for us; He desires to pray through us.  When you  let go of the sensation that it is you that’s doing the praying and believe that it is Christ in you who is doing the praying, then you’ll get somewhere.”

“‘Christ in us, the hope of glory…'”

“For, you see, the key to praying like God wants us to pray is to believe that it is ‘no longer I that lives, but Christ that lives in me.’  How does Christ live in us?  By His Spirit that He has given us.  We must first truly believe that we have the Spirit of Christ dwelling in our hearts.  Then we must believe that it is the Spirit of Christ in us praying–not us praying in our own little strength.”

“We’ve got to get out of the way and let His Spirit in us do the praying?”

“Yes, and everything else.  Paul said, ‘I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.’ 

“It always goes back to faith in God,” I said.

“Always.  Faith is looking to and believing in the Invisible.  You can’t see the Holy Spirit of Christ in you, and yet, you still believe that He lives within you, and that it is no longer ‘you’ that lives in your body, the temple of God.  Let the High Priest pray through you, intercede through you.  We are to be God’s kings and priests, and this is how you do it.  But it takes faith.”

“Yes.  Lots of it,” I said.

“This solves your original frustration  about how do we ‘pray without ceasing’ and ‘praying always.’  In man’s strength, it is impossible, but the Spirit of Christ lives on, earnestly desiring to pray through another son and daughter of God, yearning for them to get the revelation that through His Spirit, they can be priests unto God in His wonderful kingdom of righteousness, which is reigning spriritually now in the hearts of God’s children, but soon will be expanded upon Christ’s return to the whole earth.  Remember: Christ will definitely get His prayers answered.  Let Him through His Spirit pray through you and you’ll have your prayers answered every time.”

“So what does Christ pray for?”

“It is pretty much summarized through His model prayer, known as the Lord’s Prayer.  But you have to strip away the old leaven associated with that prayer, for the wicked one has made it into a ritual and an incantation.  But more on this later.”  KWH [For more on what Christ prayed for, go to the “Archives” at the bottom of the left hand column under “June and July of 2008”]

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Filed under armour of God, belief, old leaven, prayer, sons and daughters of God, The Lord's Prayer

“God Is Love”–Our Aching Need to Be Loved

Love is the great magnet that attracts us, that draws us to others.  We need only to look back in our lives to see that we are drawn to and “like” those who take an interest in us, who approve of us, who make us feel special.  We are drawn to people who we believe like us. 

We love God because He, who is Love, “first loved us.”  When a person comes to the knowledge of His Love for us, then we are drawn like a magnet to Him, even though we cannot literally see Him.

The Universal Need

To be loved by another, then, is the universal need.  “Nobody gets too much love anymore,” someone once sang truly.  And so it is.  To be loved is the need that equalizes mankind.  It does not matter if you are rich or poor, black or white, or anything in between–that aching need deep down in our hearts to be loved still throbs and longs to be quieted.

Of course, we speak of the higher love, the divine love, the unselfish love that negates mere earthly lust/love and religates it to the ash dumps of the lowly earth.  Many marriages and relationships go out like fading embers because the original fire which ignited it  was the false flames of lustful passion, and never did it transcend the “weak and beggarly elements” of those carnal desires. 

“Youthful lusts” can never satisfy the spiritual man in the end.  And so we continue to look for this divine love, this love from above, which is the only satisfying kind.

God has placed into our hearts this need to be truly loved, and so we seek for it.  Realizing that this divine, agape love is God Himself is a life-changing revelation.  For we then will see that the love we crave from everyone we see can only be satisfied by Him who is Love itself.  We seek love from God’s image–human beings–instead of from the source of Love–God Himself.

And how does this God, who is Love, reach down and touch us and give us the wonderful feeling of being truly loved?   How does an invisible Spirit (Love) reach down through the ether and show us His heart of Love? 

He does it through His visible Son.   The greatest  love that one can show is to give up his life for others.  Does it not touch our hearts, bringing tears to our eyes, to see reports of firefighters, policemen, and soldiers laying down their lives in efforts to save another? These we call heroes.  “Everybody’s looking for a hero.”

But the ultimate Hero is God-in-human-form, God’s Son, called Jesus in English and Yahshua in His original Hebrew language.  God loved us so much that He yielded up His son, the only perfect man, so that we could feel what true love is and respond by doing likewise.  Christ is our example.  He provided the way at the cross for us to get rid of our selfish little heart and receive His heart of love.  And that same Spirit of Love now is shown through us.  God wants us now to give up our selfish lives in service to the King and to His subjects, our fellow human beings.

This is it.  This is the answer that mankind is seeking for.  For we all seek to be loved.  Now we must realize that we are loved by God, who is Love.  And now we share this love.  Mankind must channel God (Love) through their actions to others.

Tapping into this Love transforms us into the loving and the loveable.  The change is astounding.  We become that fountain of loving waters that quenches other people’s thirst to be loved.  In so doing, God is multiplied and magnified by Love’s very transformational spiritual properties. 

Perhaps you have already started this change.  We now are left the challenge to “go onto perfection,” perfecting His love within us.  We do this by loving.  For Love is an action verb, not just an idea/noun.  Now let Him give His gifts to others through us.  Kenneth Wayne Hancock



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Filed under agape, faith, gifts of the Spirit, love, Love from Above, Yahshua

Adam–The Temple of God

The story of Adam and his offspring is the Bible’s story.  For Adam was a special creation; God made him in His own image (Gen. 5:2).

And He made him a living soul, the one entity in all of creation with the ability and destiny to house God, the Eternal Spirit.  Adam was designed to be God’s dwelling place.

The Hebrew God Yahweh infused into Adam and his offspring a proclivity, a destiny, a longing to ultimately be used by their Father as His living temple for Him to dwell in.  Adam’s destiny was to be a place where his Father would reside.  For Adam was “the son of God” (Luke 3: 38).

Adam came out of the loins of God’s mind.  Out of His infinite wisdom, He fashioned a human family that had the inclination to seek after their Invisible Maker, the Holy Spirit who had created them for that very purpose.

They are so wired that to strive to accomplish any other purpose in life other than being God’s tabernacle, leaves them unfulfilled.  “All is vanity and vexation of the spirit,” warned Solomon in Ecclesiastes.  The greatest and richest man of his time, he was the king of Israel and he wrote, “all the works done under the sun,” all the riches a man can accumulate, all the women, all the lands, houses, orchards, gardens, and the laughter of drunken guests at the banquets held there–all the servants, all the gold and silver, “all the delights of the sons of men” like wine, women, and song–all this was his portion of all his labor for himself, and all was in the end meaningless, an emptiness and futility in the heart and soul.

All of man’s strivings and work for himself–if it is not for the advancement of God’s purpose–will be vain and of no profit in the end.  This is why the accumulation of material things does not bring happiness.  We are not supposed to be seeking them.  We are to seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness first.

A Restoration Is Needed

The children of Adam, then, must be restored to their original purpose, which is the destiny of becoming the temple of God.

But that is a tough sell as long as Adam’s descendants are “doing well.”  As long as they are “fat and sassy”  and believe they “have need of nothing,” they fall asleep after filling their bellies.

But God’s purpose in reproducing Himself in them will not be denied.  It will come to pass.  He will make sure of that by calling and choosing out some of His people.  How will He accomplish this?  Read the scriptures and see how He intervenes in the lives of His patriarchs and prophets of old.

First, God will make an impact on them.  Then He will put a burning passion in them to know the meaning of true Life.  He will sow into their hearts a gnawing hunger to fill the void left after years of pursuing the mirage of meaningless materialism.  Some of them will “hunger and thirst after righteousness” and truth and justice, and they will be filled with His Spirit.

For “righteousness” is that state of being right with God, or being right in His eyes.  For that is the only thing in the end that really matters.  In the latter days, many will imagine that they are right with Him and will be shocked when He casts them away and says to them, “I never knew you” (Matthew 7: 21-23).   Only those who do the will of the Father will enter His kingdom.

Being Right With God

And being “right with God” means to do and to be what He wants us to do and be in this earth.

And that brings us back full circle in fulfilling our destiny as one of the children of Adam, which is to serve God as a temple, a place where He resides and walks the earth, showing Himself as the loving God to those without.  Surrendering to His Spirit in this manner is “doing the will of the Father.”

But therein lies the problem.  Men and women like their lives and like serving themselves and their own wants.  But as Solomon said, their accumulations for self will be in vain, for everything will fall into the hands of those who please God–the children of faith, the children of God.  For they shall inherit all things–the earth and every thing in it.

In the end “God shall wipe away all tears…and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying…He that overcomes shall inherit all things, and I shall be his God, and he shall be my son.”  They shall rule and reign with Christ (Rev. 21: 4-7).

And so we cry out into the jaded airwaves, Be reconciled to God.  Realize His purpose.  Dig deep and prove every thing out through study and prayer.  Build your spiritual house upon the Rock.  Strive to fulfill your original calling and purpose in being on the planet.  Anything else is futile and meaningless in the end.                                       Kenneth Wayne Hancock


Filed under Adam and Eve, calling of God, end time prophecy, eternal purpose, Garden of Eden, sons of God

The Worst Financial Crisis Since the Great Depression: A Short History

Bob Chapman gives us a brief financial history and outlook:  “If you look back into the mid-1960s you will see the beginnings of today’s financial and economic problems. Inflation was beginning to raise its ugly head as clad coins came into being. We were collecting all the pre-1964 90% dimes, quarters and halves we could find. As we moved into 1968 few were to be found in circulation. War in Vietnam was draining the country and the buffoon Lyndon Johnson, another socialist, was leading America into the Great Society. What he was really doing was taking the US into socialism and debt.

“It got so bad that countries were demanding gold for dollars; particularly aggressive was President Charles DeGaulle of France. Then the beginning of the end came. On August 15, 1971 the dollar was moved off the gold standard and the dollar became just another fiat currency.

“Here we are almost 40 years later, and the dollar has lost 95% of its purchasing power and two breadwinners are needed in every family, as opposed to one in 1971. That is when social engineering began, as we know it today. We’ve seen many losers walk across the stage over the years – all with either their hands in the till or exuding incompetence. Most of the bright still excelled but 55% of Americans slipped into stupidity. What is sadder is they think they know it all, but they do not. From 1976 to 1981 gold and silver warned us of what was coming. We have had cycles of inflation, buildup of debt and a general degeneration of society.

“We had a purging of the system in the early 1980s but it certainly did not last long. Real estate collapsed starting in 1988 and the effects carried over into the early 1990s. During that period those in control had a great opportunity to again purge the system, but they refused to use that option and went right back to doing what they had done in the past. Gold and silver fell out of favor and we were subjected to the dotcom boom, which ended in tears for so many. Inflation was about, but worse, a great deal of wealth had been lost. We were fortunate enough to call the top of the market in the first week of April 2000, just two weeks after the actual top. Only 2% of economists, analysts and newsletter writers called the top. Being mostly outnumbered by the losers has its benefits. Presently 95% believe gold and silver are headed lower. Considering their track records we’ll stay long as we have been since the second quarter of 2000 when gold was $262.00 and silver was $3.50.

“Many professionals are looking for answers as to why the US economy and finances are in the state they are in. We have been pointing out for ten years that the Fed is the problem, but those who realize this are afraid to speak the truth. They won’t have their jobs long if they do speak out. Low or zero interest rates may have helped government and big business, but it has not helped small business and the unemployed. Are we to believe that the Fed had nothing to do with the real estate collapse? Of course they did – they planned and executed it. The zero interest rate policy still in place has created more grievous damage than any other aspect of economic causes.

“Framing failed policy in the context of the system and calling it mistakes and incompetence doesn’t cut it. The problems we have seen since 2000 were planned that way. Investors and professionals do not want to hear that. They do not want to look behind the facts because it’s not popular, and they may have to tell the truth, and that is very inconvenient for an employee’s financial health. Why do you suppose the Fed didn’t want anyone to know to whom the $13.8 trillion was lent to and why, and what collateral was presented?  A great part of the loan packages went to banks and others, which had been buyers of MBS from US syndicators. We would say the next logical step in this charade would be to clean up the rest of the toxic waste in the US and Europe and then come up with the $8 trillion to bail out Fannie, Freddie, Ginnie and FHA. We believe that either legislation or fiat order has to be set in motion at 5-1/4% to bring home the $1.9 trillion America’s transnational corporations have stashed in the Cayman Islands and in other tax havens. You notice you cannot do that, but these anointed corporations can. They can use the funds to again prop up the stock market, perhaps make the market go higher, make their company’s stocks go higher, so they can again cash out their options making billions and to help fund the Treasury, Agency and perhaps buy MBS-CDOs at $0.15 on the dollar. Don’t forget elitists control all these corporations or those who manage these firms are under elitist thumbs. We see this move as inevitable with the Fed already offside some $1.2 trillion. Eventual assistance to the housing agencies would fit perfectly with our prediction seven years ago that these agencies were broke, they would be nationalized, which they were, and funding by the Fed would lead to eventual 55% control of the US housing market. Over the next two generations almost all real estate half will belong to the Fed and government. This way they will be able to tell people where they will live and work and a myriad of other controls will be in place.

“Transnational conglomerates contend they need the ability to avoid taxation of the US, which runs from 35% to 40%. In Europe the range is 24% to 30%. Individual US taxes, after state and local taxes, run about 35%, but in Europe if you add in VAT the average is 70%. Therein lies the difference. The only way to deal with the problem is to set up tariffs to protect US jobs and industry from predators such as transnational conglomerates. The tariffs would fund government and debt and there would no longer be any reason to move jobs and industries offshore. That means the majority of jobs and industry would return to the US. Under current law there is no reason for US corporations to invest in the US because it is uncompetitive. We wrote about this in 1967, but no one was listening.

“If all this wasn’t damaging enough, most American municipalities are facing bankruptcy. Police, fire and social workers are already being eliminated, some with 15 to 25 years on the job. This dislocation is going to be devastating in communities. This is the result of pure incompetence and we predicted this result three years ago and recommended the sale of municipals. We must say that salaries and benefits at these government levels got totally out of hand. After 30 years on the job some retirements are $150,000 to $200,000 a year, which is totally absurd. This new wave of ongoing layoffs will add to core unemployment. Those lucky enough to find jobs will do so at a rate of 1/3 to 1/2 of previous salaries. This is why America desperately needs tariffs on goods and services. Unfortunately tariffs are a long shot as the elitists behind the scenes have purchased 95% of the members of our House and Senate and no such legislation could be passed. Then there still is the revolving door between Wall Street and the Fed and the Treasury. The latest in your face appointment to fill the shoes of Rahm Emanuel, as White House Chief of Staff, is Mr. Daley from JPMorgan Chase’s Midwest branch. Doesn’t the public see what is going on? Or do they care at all? We see 55% of know it all Americans not caring or being too dumb to understand.

 “In the world of CNBC, CNN and Bloomberg up is down and down is up. It is also evident that governmental deficits will never be liquidated, unless, of course, Washington steals Americans’ $6 trillion in 401Ks and IRAs, which they have every intention of doing. The bill has been prepared and our politicians and Wall Street are waiting for the right moment to jam it through. Just think of it, a lifetime of work wiped out in the blink of an eye. If you have these plans you had better think about liquidating them before it is too late.

“Gold has become again the world reserve currency. It is just that few realize the transition has already taken place. For the past 11 years every major currency has fallen in value versus gold from 13 to 20 percent annually. Versus silver, the figures range from 17 to 25 percent. This is a clear-cut ominous trend of a flight away from all currencies to gold and silver and quite a flight to safety. This movement by worldwide investors cannot be ignored. There obviously are many people that see what we see and in that process are dumping currencies for gold and silver related assets. Unfortunately, Americans are far behind in these changes with only 2% of the population participating. Ladies and gentlemen the second stage of the gold and silver bull market has just begun. Prices have fallen from their highs, what a great time to buy” [from The International Forecaster, ].


Filed under Economy, end time prophecy, Federal Reserve, One World Government