Category Archives: grace

God’s Will/Desire Is to Bring His Kingdom to Earth–Christ to Share His Throne with Us

We have seen that God’s will is His desire. God’s desire springs from His purpose, which is to reproduce Himself, Agape Love, in us. God has a plan that will fulfill His desire for you, me, and the rest of the inhabitants of earth. His desire will come to pass. It will supersede all of man’s self-centered yearnings. His desire is to have His government here on earth, a kingdom so full of wonder that it will erase the memory of mankind’s miserably failed epochs and eras.

The border of Christ’s Kingdom will not be entered illegally. He will bring order, His divine order. To help the interlopers, Christ will send ambassadors to the far-flung territories of the earth. These ambassadors will institute God’s righteous government, helping the people build a life of loving the King by loving and helping each other. After the Tribulation period, He will have rulers, judges, and officers carry out in love His desire for the people of this world. For all the citizens of earth will be taught about our righteous King’s wishes. We will teach them God’s will, desire, and intention.

Our King Yahshua is not a chump. He does not come this time as a Lamb sacrificed for the world’s sins. He comes back as the “Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David,” ruling with a “rod of iron” (Rev. 5:5; 2:27).

There are many openings right now in the King’s royal army who carry neither sword nor shield. He has a promise for those who answer His call to overcome all deceptions and delusions thrown their way. Here is His promise to His elect: “To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with Me in my throne…” (Rev. 3:21). It is the Spirit speaking to us. Are we able to hear and comprehend the vastness of His promise that He, in His infinite love, has given us a chance to really know Christ, to be loved by Him like the disciple John was loved by Him. To know Him as a real friend, as well as our Captain.

I just take my cap off now as I write this and bow my head in the presence of One so kind and humble. He is so gracious that He would offer this vessel a chance to be with Him, a chance to repent from diving into rabbit holes, and an opportunity to become like King David, a man after God’s own heart. To have one heart—Christ’s heart. To be one with Him, thus fulfilling His will/desire.

We are not talking about being saved. We are talking unabashedly about being used by Christ to rule the earth! Becoming a governor in His kingdom, a “ruler over ten cities,” is the big bait that I am casting out into the sea of mankind. He did say that He would make us “fishers of men.” So, no more casting the minnows of just-walking-the-aisle-and-accepting-Jesus. No. That will not fulfill Christ’s will/desire, which is this: You and I are to be the “big fish” that His Spirit is angling for. Big fish like King David.    Kenneth Wayne Hancock


Filed under agape, Christ, elect, eternal purpose, grace, King David, love, oneness

The Promise of the Holy Spirit

*****[BE SURE TO ORDER YOUR FREE COPY OF MY NEW BOOK THE ROYAL DESTINY OF GOD’S ELECT. JUST SEND YOUR MAILING ADDRESS TO MY EMAIL for your free promotional copy with free shipping in the USA. If outside the USA, email me and we will see that you get a copy. Put “New Book” on the subject line. It discusses God’s purpose of reproducing Himself in us! He is Love and He has a plan to be Love Incarnate in us. And all this has royal implications for us, the over comers! Don’t miss this book. It is my love gift to God and to you.]*****

God has not promised to fill us with His Spirit to make us feel good. He loves us, yes, but He created us for His pleasure. If He fills us with His Spirit, it will be for His own purpose. And that purpose is to fulfill His promise to Abraham and to his seed.

He promised Abraham that he would become the “heir of the world.” To inherit the world, one must have eternal life in order to be around for the inheritance. Abraham, the father of our faith, the believer of God’s promises, walked that faithful walk, never doubting God’s reasons for doing what He did. He knew of New Jerusalem and God’s plan to bring it to earth. He understood that it would be home to a “peculiar people, a royal priesthood, a chosen generation,” a people immortal, thanks to God’s granting them everlasting life.

Abraham realized this and searched for this great spiritual city, “whose builder and maker was God.” For he knew the King of this Kingdom and spoke with Him on several occasions. And so Abraham did not doubt the promises made to him by Yahweh-in-His-human-form.

We now, with the same faith of Abraham through Christ, must realize that nothing has changed. The promises are still valid, immutable. Though ancient, heroic edifices crumble under the sand-swept assault of time, and though very few humans are remembered forty years after their demise, God’s promise of filling His children with His Spirit remains a clean, shiny hope in the hearts of his people. For this hope is our silent prayer that we would be spared the indignity of a dark, black future where no one remembers our smile, our tears, our name.

Those who love Him will be spared, for He has promised them that He would shower them with Love and immerse them in His light. His promise to fill us is not to help us escape our lonely trials of these fleshly bodies, but rather to fulfill His purpose. This purpose is to reproduce Himself in us, thus multiplying Love, Joy, and Peace throughout eternity. He will grant the faithful like Abraham a new spiritual body and fill it with His Spirit of Love. That’s us, brethren. We are the children of Abraham.

And Yahweh will, with His residence within our new body, grant us everlasting life, a life that will endure forever, an immortal existence with Him in His kingdom. It is an eternal life, a life that is in His Son.

There we go, getting into the meat of the word again. Unfortunately, as a body of believers, we are not ready for all this just yet. God gives grace to the humble. He favors those with humility. We exercise a desire for humility when we without reservation humble ourselves by deliberately purging out the false teachings that we cling to. That is the humbling that we must endure for His sake. That’s part of the fellowship of His sufferings. We allow (or suffer) sometimes the wrenching pain of parting with doctrines that have been our “buddies” for a long time. It is a trial of our faith. It is in His plan. Only the pure of heart will see God’s way in this. Only those who are contenders and not pretenders will stay the course. It’s the parable of the sower in all three levels of growth.

But the attention span of many in the body of Christ is short. Most are lukewarm when it comes to their studies in His word. When you dig deep, you get blisters on  your hands and aches and pains in your shoulders. For this age of Laodicea, the seventh church age, this lukewarmness will not be welcomed by our King. He said that He would spue them out of His mouth.

And these are lukewarm for they are full of themselves, either because of physical riches or spiritual riches. God has blessed them materially. And, the many spiritual experiences that they have had over the years assure them that God is on their side and that they “have need of nothing.” And they do not know that they are “wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind and naked.” And so Christ counsels these Christians to buy from Him “gold tried in the fire, that you may be rich,” and white raiment that you be not naked, and eye salve to cure the spiritual blindness. Then in verse 19 tells them, “Repent” (Rev. 3: 14-19). We can’t escape the first apostles’ doctrine: Repentance.

Question: Who reading this will get the concordances out and Strong’s and dig these things out? Those who do will show the King that they are for real and not just pretenders…

Nevertheless, some will continue on their weary way, the grains of time slipping through their fingers. And with death’s smirk lurking just around the corner of their fears, the treachery of the mirror betrays their trust in these fragile, fleshly bodies.

God has promised us His Spirit, which will fulfill His purpose of having righteous inhabitants in His Heavenly City. We are those citizens with everlasting life, His life, and we will once again walk those halls of New Jerusalem. But there I go getting into the meat of the word again.   Kenneth Wayne Hancock


Filed under apostles' doctrine, belief, body of Christ, church, elect, end time prophecy, eternal life, eternal purpose, faith, grace, hope, humility, immortality, integrity, kingdom of God, old leaven, repentance, sons of God, Spirit of God, sufferings of Christians

Belief–The Key to Growing into the Manifestation of the Sons of God

Life is all about love and belief. It is all about believing the love that God showed to us when He had His Son give up His life to ransom us from the darkness of sin.

The “Life” we speak of is not the selfish little mortal life we first knew here on earth. No, we speak now about the life that  is in the Son of God. We speak of life without end, eternal life, life everlasting. Eternal life is the only true life, for life is not really life if it can die.

In order to exchange our first natural, mortal life for the eternal life that God is and wants for us, He merely requires us to just believe Him and have faith in His word concerning all this.

Our belief in His death [the death of our old life], His burial [the burial of our old life], and His resurrection [our being “raised to walk in a newness of life“] is the key. God has ordained belief to be the spark of spiritual energy that surges into our hearts, igniting the fire of life, causing us to begin to grow spiritually.

Like sunshine in spring upon the moist earth energizes the seed to awaken to its potential, even so we now spring to life in the garden of the King. In believing Him, we become His plants, flourishing in watered terraces, bearing the fruits of love, compassion, and justice for all to enjoy. For we are those trees He speaks of, trees planted by the river of life. Oh, how we should thank Him! And the sincerest form of thanks is belief.

Belief of God Is Elemental

We humans are created beings. Our origin, therefore, comes not from our own volition, but from the mind of a Superior Being who wanted us to be, to have life. Consequently, our sole responsibility is to believe the One who says that He is the Word. We are to believe His words. Belief is elemental and seminal in this walk on earth.

Belief, rendered “faith” in many verses, is profound, yet simple. In fact, the profound things of God, the mysteries, riddles, parables, precepts, and the puzzling enigmas that have perplexed prophets and wise men, and beggars and kings–they remain profoundly simple.

Remember the simplicity of the innocence of a little child that Christ spoke about? Unencumbered by the adult mind, the child believes simply. But man’s wisdom blunts the human mind like the granite rock dulls the sword that dares to strike it. The rock and the sword are not for each other. They are out of place, out of time. Such is the mind of old man Adam when endeavoring to comprehend the things of God.

Such are the mysteries of the mind of God. But childlike belief opens them up to our understanding. It is like when a child of three years plucks the petals of his first daisy or smells his first red rose. He does not need the botanist to analyze their parts. He needs no chart or graph depicting how to cultivate them. As the flower’s fragrance enters the child’s nostrils, he understands, yea, believes in the beauty and simplicity of the rose. He inhales its grace and its love. Of such belief, is the kingdom of heaven.

In like manner, let us savor the truth about how the Spirit grows within us to the point of God reproducing Himself. But it will take a childlike belief of God’s word, free from all doubt.

The “Greater Works”

As Christians we have wondered how it would be to have the same power to do good as the apostles of the early church. Through the Spirit, they raised the dead and healed the sick and did many astounding miracles. Whole denominations today have as their main purpose a return to the power of those early days.

Did Christ ever speak about this kind of growth? Did He ever promise us that we could grow to this point in Him? to do what He and His disciples did?

Yes, He did. He said, “He that believes on Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do…” (John 14: 12). There it is. “Belief” is right there. The person that believes on Him shall do not only the works of Christ, but “greater works” than what He did. It’s there in irrefutable black and white.

But wait. There’s a problem here. Hundreds of millions of believers of Christ are out there. Why aren’t we all raising the dead and healing the sick and doing these “greater works” that He promised? We believe that He not only existed as an historical figure, but that He also is the Son of God and that He arose from the dead. Why don’t we have the power of the early apostles?

To find out what the words “he that believes on Me” mean, we must back up to John 14: 1. Christ tells his disciples, You believe in God; believe in Me, also. In our Father’s house are many abodes, many dwelling places. I am going now to prepare a place for you to dwell. I’ll return and you will be with Me. You know where I am going. And you know the way (1-4).

Thomas then asks Him the famous question. We do not know where You are going, so how can we know the way to the Father (v. 5). Christ replies, “I am the way.” I am the way; I am the traveled road, that will get you to the Father. “I am the truth.” I won’t steer you wrong with bad directions on your road to the Father. I am full of grace and truth for all seekers of the divine. “I am the life.” Life dwells in Me. That is the truth. That is the way to the Father. In fact, “no man comes to the Father but by Me” (v. 6).

How to Believe on Christ

In John 14, Christ is, no less, telling us how to believe on Him so that we can do the “greater works”!

He is saying, You can’t get to the Father without Me. Besides, If you really knew Me, you would know My Father also. And from now on, after this teaching that I am giving you, you know the Father and you have seen Him (v. 7).

Christ is saying, Right now you are seeing the Father, who is an invisible Spirit, dwelling in the abode of His Son. Then Philip says to Him, If You will just show us the Father, we’ll be satisfied and contented (v. 8).

I am persuaded that Christ just shook his head and said, I have been with you for a long time and you don’t know Me? If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father. Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me? The Father dwells inside of Me, and He speaks the words through Me and does the works (vs. 9-10).

Christ in v. 11 is pleading with us, imploring us, commanding us: “Believe Me that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me.” Christ is “in the Father” because He is doing His will perfectly. The Son is a vessel, then, that is in the Father, in the Spirit. And the Father, in turn, is also in the Son as that same one invisible Spirit. Christ is saying, The miracles that I have been performing, only the Father can do, so believe what I am saying to you about the Father being now present with you in Me.

The above is the prologue to Christ’s promise to us that we will do greater miracles than what He and His disciples did (John 14: 12). This is an astounding promise that is predicated on our understanding of the following: “He that believes on Me, the works I do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall He do.”

“Believes on Me…” With the promise of growing up to become like–I am going to say it–like Christ, what do these three words mean? What kind of belief in Christ are we talking about here? We must believe that Christ is in the Father, and the Father is in Him. The invisible Spirit of Love, the Creator Himself, “dwelt bodily” in Christ. They are not sitting on two thrones; they are not a Twinity. Christ sits right now with the Father still inside of His vessel. The Father is invisible. The scriptures tell us this (Col. 1: 15; I Tim. 1: 17).

The question is this. Can we smell this rose as a little child? Can we simply believe, not my words, but Christ’s very own words: “The Father is in Me.” If we can believe on Christ this way, in child like faith, then our growth in Him is limitless.The great Yahweh, walking around in human form, left us with this commandment: Believe Me that I am in My Son. If we keep this commandment, nothing shall be impossible for us.      Kenneth Wayne Hancock

















Filed under belief, death of self, faith, fruit of the Spirit, grace, immortality, kingdom of God, love, Love from Above, manifestation of the sons of God, old self, resurrection, Spirit of God, spiritual growth, Spiritual Life Cycle, Yahweh

Some Have a Royal Destiny in Christ’s Kingdom

God loves all of us His children. All of us are precious in His sight. The Spirit operates in some degree in all of us. But there are “differences of administrations.”
There are “diversities of operations” but the same Spirit “working through all of [us]” (I Cor. 12: 4-13). Responsibilities differ for each member of His body.

Some may pastor small congregations, and others may teach at church. And some write articles and letters of edification and instruction to many throughout the world. Such was Paul’s calling.

The point is that we are His one body, and we all have our place in His body. And we are all being “transformed by the renewing of [our] mind” as we serve him in the capacity that He has called us.

We all have our gift from Him to the other members of His body, the church. How and why are there differences? Each differs “according to the grace that is given to us” (Rom. 12: 6). “Grace” is God favoring us in some way.

God shines His grace, His favor, on individuals in His body in different amounts and at different times in their lives. Some will have a problem with this, so let me explain.

Two Parables Reveal Wonderful Secrets

Consider the parable of the talents: “For the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey” (Matt. 25: 14-29).

Parables reveal secrets about God’s literal kingdom soon to come to this earth. Christ is in the “far country.” And He gave talents to His followers. The amounts differed according to their ability.” Some could handle more responsibility than others. The one with five gained five more. The one with a lesser amount of two did gain two more. And the Lord praised both of them and rewarded them with rulership over many things.  But the servant with only one talent was afraid and had no faith in his master, and he was banished and shamed for his error.

The one with two talents did not complain, but with a good heart did his best out of love for his Lord. As did the one with five. The fact remains here that grace/favor was given in different amounts according to the particular abilities of each servant.

We should tie this in with the different spiritual fruit production rates as seen in “The Parable of the Sower” (Matt. 13: 3-9). Christ reveals a secret when He tells us in this parable that some Christians will bring forth thirty fold fruit, some sixty fold, and some will bear one hundred fold fruit.

We see in these two parables that in His kingdom, He gives grace in different amounts, and this grace yields different amounts of spiritual fruit production.

Some Will Become Like Peter, James, John, and Paul in Our Day

Here it is. Some members of Christ’s body are predestined to be “conformed to the image of His Son” (Rom. 8: 29-33). Some will be the first to be glorified and transformed into an immortal state. Some will bear this 100 fold fruit and be like the Son of God. In fact, Christ will be formed fully in them. This is God’s choosing. We cannot work to be awarded this honor. These are His chosen ones for this honor. These are His first fruits, and they will overcome all things and will sit with Him on His throne (Rev. 3: 21).

Not all Christians are chosen for this. Some will spiritually mature later. They have their part to play that is very important. It’s like this. At Boeing Corporation, engineers design a new jet airliner. Machinists actualize their blueprints into real parts, and workers put the parts together to make the plane.  And the executives procure the financing, personnel, and materials to make the big picture happen. Everyone is important and indispensable in the process. All are needed to fulfill the plan and purpose.

And we all in the body of Christ are needed to fulfill God’s plan and purpose. We have His Spirit operating in us according to His grace and direction.

A Greater Need We Share

Look, we all need each other. But there is a greater need that we all share. It is to know in detail God’s Master Plan as seen in the scriptures of truth. God’s plan is not born from the imaginations of TV evangelists or their clones on every corner.

If God reveals to us that He is bringing some in the body to sit with Him on His throne and to rule and reign with Him for 1,000 years–should we not all hunger and thirst for more knowledge about their rise in these last days before the King’s return?

Should we not all aspire to become one of those who will reign with Christ? Should we not at least help them fulfill their calling–at least be supportive by first studying and praying for their arrival on the world’s stage?

For the whole creation is waiting “for the manifestation of the sons of God” (Rom. 8: 19). Should not all of us then have that same “earnest expectation” of this glorious event?

God’s elect are the ones God has chosen to be the first to completely come to maturity in God’s spiritual life cycle. They are destined to come to full fruition in these latter days. Their arrival on the scene is a surprise event that the world will not be ready for.

The question is–will we be ready? Will we embrace this light and help and edify them in their calling and election. If we do, then we will have passed the “selflessness test.” We will have proven that it is all for God and His plan. For we should all seek first His kingdom, which includes the King and kings who will be the “rulers over many cities” that He speaks about in the parables. We should all seek His will concerning this. And we should embrace His plan and purpose–even if we are not to be one of those who will bear 100 fold fruit. We should want to help them get there. In this we will show our love for God.    Kenneth Wayne Hancock




Filed under body of Christ, calling of God, church, elect, end time prophecy, eternal purpose, grace, immortality, kingdom of God, manifestation of the sons of God, sons and daughters of God, sons of God, spiritual growth, Spiritual Life Cycle

Understanding the 70th Week–The Tribulation Period

Nothing in the Bible elicits as much excited interest as well as stupefied perplexity as the Tribulation Period in prophecy. Honest questions arise as to how long it is. Is it 3 1/2 years or seven years. And just what will happen during that time?

Answers begin to emerge from comprehending the number “seventy.” Daniel “understood by books the number ” 70. He gained this grace from God in the first year of Darius the Mede in about 538 B.C. (Dan 9: 2). One of the books he studied was II Chronicles 36, which told of the Babylonian desecration of Jerusalem and its temple and the captivity of its people. This was allowed by God, for they had not repented of their sins against Yahweh (v. 16-20). This fulfilled the word of Yahweh through Jeremiah. “For as long as she lay desolate she kept sabbath, to fulfill threescore and ten years” (v. 21).

70 years. Important number that God would shed more light on to His prophet Daniel. For the great revelation that Daniel received was not that they would be in captivity for 70 years. That was given in v. 21 above. The revelation that he received from God was the significance placed on the number “70” not just the seventy years.

For the number 70 represented 70 weeks of years–a total of 490 years that would play a prominent role in establishing several milestones in the completion of the plan of God in bringing His literal kingdom to this earth. This is the “stone kingdom” that Daniel saw earlier (Dan. 2: 44-45).

There would be seventy “seven-year-periods” or seventy weeks-of-years that would assume supreme importance in God’s plan.
Gabriel himself came to the seeking prophet Daniel to expound the milestones leading up to His kingdom coming to earth. “Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city” to accomplish several things that Christ accomplished in His first coming (v. 24). This was done using 69 of the 70 seven-year periods (v. 25).

Then the remaining “one week” is mentioned in verse 27. During the time of the 70th week of years, a “prince…shall come and shall destroy the city and the sanctuary” (v. 26). This wicked ruler “shall confirm the covenant with many for one week” (v. 27). This is the remaining “one week of years” or a seven year period. Of course, the wicked prince is universally believed to be the Anti-Christ or the “man of sin.”

But the question arises. Which seven year period is it? And when will it take place? The answer is a key point in unlocking the mystery of when Christ sets up His kingdom here on earth and the milieu upon its arrival. “In the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease…and he shall make it desolate” (v. 27). All the key words–sacrifice, oblation to cease, abominations, desolate–point to a specific seven year period in scripture. And all of this happens “even until the consummation.” The word translated “consummation” is translated in other passages as “full end” and “utter end.” Sounds like the “time of the end” to me.

Christ confirms this time frame by quoting Dan. 9 in Matt. 24: 15. When this desecration, this abomination happens in the rebuilt temple, it will mark the “midst of the week,” the last half of the last of the seven-year-periods of the seventy weeks-of-years spoken of by the prophets.

It is generally believed by many that the tribulation in the form of the seven trumpets in Rev. 8 comprises the first 3 1/2 years. Much destruction worldwide ensues during this time. But the last half, the seven vials of wrath, is the “great tribulation” spoken of.

Of course, we have only received a very small ray of light as to what will take place. God is merciful and knows what our fragile hearts and minds can take at this time. Hope this has helped you. God bless you. Kenneth Wayne Hancock

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Filed under end time prophecy, false prophets, grace, great tribulation period, MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, new world order, Yahweh

How Miracles Happen: By Faith

Chapter 31 of Yah Is Savior: The Road to Immortality

Miracles defy earthly laws. The Spirit of God supersedes all of them. Laws of matter, energy, gravity, and inertia are subject to His every wish. He is not a man that He can be held to earthly expectations. All physical laws that men spend their lifetimes seeking to prove become null and void in the face of the Spirit. Just like earthly man is not subject to the law of God, neither, indeed, can be. For the first man, the earthly man is not spiritual, is not operating in the way, the avenue of the Spirit. Neither is the Spirit limited by earthly laws.

Because the fullness of the Spirit dwelt bodily in Yahshua, He was able to perform miracles that were absolutely impossible with men and their natural, earthly, physical laws. Biologists say that there is a certain molecular structure of every substance. The water molecule is different, say, from the molecule of grape wine. Yahshua is not limited by what man comprehends or says can be done.

With men it was impossible to change water into wine (John 2:1-11). The power of Yah was a mightier thing than mere earthly molecular cell structure. The Word-made-flesh made molecules, and He can change them right here on earth when He wants to because He was before the earth and has power over the earth and the things in it. By this miracle, this changing the water into wine, He made known his glory. And the fruit was that his disciples BELIEVED on him. This kind of power definitely yields belief. And this was a showing forth of His glory.

The glory of God does miracles. The glory of God overcomes death, hell, and the grave. It overcomes all laws of the earth. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. I John 5:4, NIV.

He said, “And nothing shall be impossible unto you…All things are possible unto him that believes…Believe and doubt not in your heart…” There are so many sayings of the Master about faith overcoming the world and everything in it. Let’s examine a few.

Faith is believing Him, and it pleases God. Faith localizes God. Faith is the evidence that God is true and real—that the invisible God is present with power to do his works here on the earth. Faith will have works to prove that God is real.

“Why could not we cast him out?”

The disciples were unable to cast out a devil that was vexing a child who had fallen into the fire. The Master then came and cast the devil out. Later they asked Him why they could not cast it out. Yahshua told them that it was because of only one reason: unbelief. He had rebuked with words the devil in the child, and it had come out. Again, it was the power of the spoken word of faith that did it. Unbelief hindered them from doing the work.

These disciples were no greater than any of us, and He told them, “If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.”

In other words, He was saying that a tiny speck of heavenly faith is more powerful than an earthly mountain. It is a heavenly faith, for it originated from heaven. And that heavenly faith is spiritual. When we believe, we are doing what God did, what the Spirit did in the beginning. Yahweh had faith and assurance in His own Word and that things would go right.

When we exercise faith, when we say, “Yes, I believe God is hearing me this instant and is answering my prayers,” when we believe His promises, then THAT is God’s Spirit within us in action! Faith, the heavenly faith, has then been localized! It is the faith once delivered to the saints!

It is written: “I believed; therefore I have spoken.” With that same spirit of faith we also believe and therefore speak…II Cor. 4:13, NIV.

Paul of Tarsus, who was called and taught literally by the risen Savior, tells us that the spirit of faith is this kind of action. The spirit of faith believes and speaks because of that belief. Speech of the word of God comes after one believes. This is the same Spirit of faith that happened in the beginning. And it comes right out of the mouth of the believer. When we believe, the words like rivers of life-giving waters, will come out of our mouths. All this is what the Spirit does through us which they (at that time before the Day of Pentecost) were to receive, for Spirit was not yet given because Yahshua was not yet glorified.

Faith speaks the word. The Master taught that if we had faith the size of a grain of mustard seed, we would say unto a mountain, Be removed and cast into the sea, AND IT WOULD OBEY YOU! We are to be like God insomuch that we should call those things that be not as though they already were! Do before you get it as you would if you had it. Belief! Faith! Faith knows that God is, without having to see it first.

Faith speaks. The spirit of faith produces words. Say unto this mountain. I’ve wondered in the past about my puny prayer life. I wouldn’t speak to God because I didn’t have enough faith. For the spirit of faith speaks–speaks to God in prayer, speaks to humankind about the One whom we address in prayer, speaks to ourselves in psalms and admonitions. And that is the Spirit of God in action.

What does the Spirit of God do? How do we know if the Spirit of God is present within us? Rivers of living water will flow out of our hearts (this he spake of the Spirit). And how does the Spirit grow within us? It grows when we hear our own self speak about God, and we hear God’s words come through our mouths, and faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God—coming, not only through the lips of another, but out of our own mouths. Faith praises God for what He has done, is doing, and will do for us, our families, and mankind. This then is how to add virtue, or power, to our faith, and thereby begin to add the divine nature of God into his temple, his body, us.

The power (virtue) is in the word. The word of faith by the word of His power. He spoke the word and healed them all. “Speak the word only and he shall be healed.” Jesus hadn’t seen that great of faith in Israel. Speak the word! Just say it and doubt not in your heart, and it will be done.

But some man will say, “All this power to do these miraculous great works like Yahshua did and the apostles did was just for their time. There is no indication that we in our dispensation of time can do these mighty deeds like they did.” In John 14:12 Yahshua is speaking: “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.” Yahshua did not qualify this as to a certain time frame of history. He said, “He that believeth on me…”

“Through their word…”

And to further clarify just who He was referring to, He is still speaking during that same discourse in his prayer of intercession in John 17:20: Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word… He has included all who come to Him through the witness and words of the disciples. That they all may be one; as you, Father are in me, and I in you, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that you have sent me. That He would include the likes of us who have sinned against Him so many times to be at one with Him.

In Matthew l7:14-21 the disciples did not really believe that the devil would come out of the boy. They were not convinced that God would do it. They did not have that assurance that what He had said over them in Mt.10:1 was going to happen: “…he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.” They did not trust Him, that what He said would come to pass. They did not trust that the Spirit would meet them there and back them up. They would learn. They did not get this faith to do miracles all in one day. It took time for them to grow up in this belief. Watching them in the book of Acts doing the very miracles that the Master said they would do is faith-building for us. It gives us hope, for He said that we who believe on Him through their word would do the same mighty works.

And one of the greatest miracles is when He changes one of us.

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Faith–How to Walk in the Newness of Life

Chapter 30 of  the Book Yah Is Savior: The Road to Immortality

How do we do it? How do we let the old self die? We reckon it done by faith/belief. How do we start walking in a brand new God-given life? We reckon it done by faith. Reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Yahshua Messiah our Master. Rom. 6:11.

We’ve got to reckon it done! The word “reckon” is #3049 in Strong’s. It means “to account it, to count it as such.”

God wants us to reckon it so, but He does it first! When we turn to Him, then He counts us righteous in His eyes even in our imperfect state. This is the way our Creator is. This is part of His nature—faith, belief. In fact, faith is the foundation of Yahweh’s divine nature, for we are admonished to be “partakers of the divine nature” by adding to the faith once delivered by Yah to his set-apart ones, virtue, and to virtue knowledge, on through agape-charity-love, the very essence of Him. But His nature starts with Faith. It is His nature to “call those things that do not exist as though they did.” Rom. 4:17, NKJV. If He is this positive, then He would want His children to be the same.

He wants us to follow in His footsteps! God “accounted” righteousness to Abraham because of his belief—before Abraham was righteous! “Accounted” here is the same word as the one translated “reckon.” We are commanded to RECKON some things done. Now we have to reckon our sinful self gone—by belief—as though it were already done—for that is how Yah looks at it! By belief! Reckon it done through Him and His faith. He said it. Let it be done. For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Rom. 4:3. Yahweh imputed, reckoned to Abraham the ability to live in a upright manner, keeping Yahweh’s laws and not sinning, by just believing that Yahweh had done it! We make it so hard through our hard heart of unbelief. He is looking for childlike faith, the belief of a small child. All we have to do is just believe that Yahweh has provided a way for us to actually put the old life to death and start living a new life in Him.

But the main reason that many do not want this is because they do not want to give up their old lives. Yah has provided everything for us to get the sin out of our lives, to clean out the temple so that He can take up His rightful abode. But people want to keep sinning and still be the people of God. They may claim it in words, but it is in words only and not in reality as far as Yahweh is concerned.

God must be getting tired of hearing how powerful sin is in our lives. I know that He wants to hear out of our mouths how great the power of Yahweh is—powerful enough to keep us from sinning. We must quit glorifying sin!

Do we think that Yah is pleased to hear our unbelief when we say, “I sin everyday. We all sin every day. We can’t live without sinning.” Oh, we are so quick to say that, almost as if it were an excuse that He would accept.

That’s like saying that the giants are too big; we can’t take the land. Is the giant Sin too much for us, or are we going to believe that Yahweh in us can slay that giant Sin in our life? Let not sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in the lusts thereof….For sin shall not have dominion over you. Rom 6:12-14. We’ve got to reckon our old man, our old self, our old nature dead to sin in the same way that Yahweh reckoned or credited righteousness unto Abraham because of his belief in the promises. Are we going to stagger at the promise that we can live a righteous life now?

But someone will say, “But we just can’t live without sin.” Yah knows that we can’t on our own strength. The question is, “Where is God in that statement?” What happened to, “I can do all things through Messiah Yahshua that strengthens me…” What about, “And nothing shall be impossible to you.” Nothing. Which is to say in reality, “Anything is possible. With God all things are possible.” All things means with His help even living without sin. Where’s our belief in His promises?

We Can by God’s Grace

Paul believed that we should live in a righteous manner before God right now. For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age. Titus 2:11, NIV.

Some have used God’s granting of grace as a possibility to keep on sinning and still get forgiveness. Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase. By no means! We died to sin: how can we live in it any longer? Rom. 6:1, NIV. On the other side of the fence, some practically throw out God’s grace in reckoning righteousness to us by believing Him because of the “cheap grace” people. The second group believe that we have to really work at this thing; we have to keep the laws and ordinances. This is true, but it is no longer “I” that lives, but Messiah’s Spirit that lives in me! He helps me to keep His laws—by His Spirit! The sad part is that both of the above camps still are in sin.

Where is our belief, our faith that overcomes the world? “My grace/favor is sufficient for you,” Yahshua said. My favor is all you need. That’s how important it is. Him choosing us out of the dunghill before the world ever was, writing our names down before we were ever born—that’s all we need.

Don’t say with a sad countenance, “I hope my name is written down in His book on that day.” Where’s the word of faith that Paul preached in that? Where’s the confidence we have with Him? Speak the word! That kind of timidity reveals a lack of belief that your name is there.

It is very near us, even in our mouths! Say it! Speak it into existence! Be like Him! Reckon it done! Count it as such in our own lives. Which takes more faith? Him counting us righteous or us reckoning our old man dead unto sin? For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be done away with…Rom. 6: 6, NIV. Instead of all the unbelief in His love to us, we need to thank Him for the absolute abundance of mercy and favor He has smiled down on our undeserving heads, and the power to bring forth fruit worthy of repentance.

Get off of this “we can’t do anything.” It is He that works in us! When are we going to get out of the way and let Him work in us? As long as we think it is ourselves either doing or not doing whatever, then He can’t do the job in and through us. We must decrease to nothing; He then will increase in us.

We will show our belief (faith) by what we do. We will believe Him for His Spirit, to do His laws and statutes. We are not going to impress Him, however, by doing “good Christian deeds” as if they were our duty while we still harbor doubts as to His ability to raise us up to walk in a newness of life—doubts as to the efficacy of His love and mercy and grace/favor towards us. He loves us. Loose Him and let Him go on out of the tomb of our bodies and unbind Him (the Spirit). Let him arise in our hearts, and let (we must reckon it so) the light so shine.

God who has “commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts…” (For what purpose?) “…to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Yahshua Messiah.” 2Cor 4:6.

 To keep us humble now for a season, Yah has us having the Spirit, Himself, the treasure, in these old earthly bodies, that we may know that it is Him and not us that does anything good in and through us.

Christ’s Life in Us–Now

2Cor 4:10–Always carrying with us the fact of the Savior’s earthly sacrificial death (since He died for our sins, now we die, following His example) “that the life also of Yahshua might be made manifest in our body.” The life of the Savior may be made known to the world in our earthly body. (Now someone will say, limiting Elohim and giving glory somewhere else, “Yes, He will make known His life when He gives us our spirit body at the resurrection.” One problem with that statement; that is not what it says! Go to verse 11. “For we which live (present tense–time is right now) are alway delivered unto death for Yahshua’s sake, that the life also of Yahshua might be made manifest IN OUR MORTAL FLESH.”

There. “In our mortal flesh.” You and I are mortal, and the apostle is telling us that it is possible for us to make known Yahshua’s life in our bodies. And His life does not include sinning.

One thing, though, is guaranteed; if you say today in your heart or out of your mouth, “I can’t show forth His life in my mortal body of flesh, then you will not! And you’ll go down as a “nay-sayer,” but all the promises of Yah are “yea.” Yes. Yes. Yes. Say it. Speak it into existence. By believing what is already there, reserved in heaven for you. By faith/belief. The giants are not too big. You have just got to reckon it so.     Kenneth Wayne Hancock

[To read this book in its entirety, go to the top of this page.  Just click “Ebook…”]

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Partakers of the Divine Nature–The Holy Calling to Be the Sons of God

True Christianity is not about a person striving to attain a collection of good deeds and contributions like regularly praying, attending church, paying tithes and offerings, or volunteering time.  The true walk with Christ is not an accumulation of good deeds in hopes of having a better relationship with God.  It is rather a remembering what we already had with Him before our time on earth began.

Our salvation and deliverance from sin and the evil in our old life was given us by God before we were ever born here on earth!

We were called by God to walk with Him on this earth in our earthly bodies before we were ever born here on earth!

Sounds crazy, I know, and you are probably thinking, Wayne, you are going too far now.  Come back to us.  You are drifting up too far into the stratosphere.

But bear with me a minute.  God has called us with a holy calling in accordance with His own plan and purpose, and we were in His plan and purpose and grace before our mothers gave birth to us here on earth!

Some may be asking, Where did you get this idea from?  It’s right there in the Bible–the same one grandma and momma had.  And this is what it says: “God who has saved us and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began” (II Tim. 1: 9) [Compare this to my paraphrasing of it in the above paragraphs].

This “holy calling” to be God’s son or daughter does not come down to us “according to our works.”  We do not attain it because of anything we have done or could do, but because we were already included in His purpose–His plan to favor us that way.  It is called grace, and this grace was given to us in Christ before time began on earth.  Remember what Christ said: “You have been with me from the beginning” (John 15: 27).  The word “beginning” in the Greek is the same one used in John 1: 1: “In the beginning was the Word…” denoting the timelessness of the origin of all things.

We must remember how the LORD (YAHWEH) questioned Job intensely about the creation: “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?…Who laid the cornerstone thereof when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?” (Job 38: 4-7).

The “sons of God” rejoicing at the creation of the earth?  Yes.  Isn’t that kind of like before the world came into being?  Yes.  And who are these sons of God?  The word of God says that we are the sons of God!  “Beloved, now are we the sons of God…and when He shall appear, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is” (I John 3: 2).

Also, we know that “as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” (Rom. 8: 14).  That’s us, brethren!  Things are going to work out great for us that love God.  If God is for us, who can be against us?  For “we are the called according to His purpose.”  He knew us before!  He gave us this destiny before!  This destiny “to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren” (Rom. 8: 28-29).   Hey, I know I’m not the only one getting this right now because it says “many brethren” are going to be just like Him!

And let’s just say it out loud: We who He has “predestinated” to be like Christ–He has called us, “and whom He called, them He also justified, and whom He justified, them He also glorified”! (v. 30).

Glorified us!  Notice this is in the past tense.  Already done in God’s way of reckoning and doing things.

Wow!  It is truly difficult sometimes for us to wrap our sometimes doubting little minds around these astounding promises, but there it is.  His words, not mine.  The “exceeding great and precious promises that Peter spoke of.  That we “might be partakers of the divine nature” (II Pet. 1: 4).

And this is all in Christ.  When we believe and trust in Him, then our inheritance manifests itself.  Let us walk on in faith and assurance of these promises, not letting worldly man-thoughts hinder us from achieving what God already has spoken into existence for us.  Kenneth Wayne Hancock



Filed under Bible, christianity, elect, eternal purpose, grace, kingdom of God, manifestation of the sons of God, sons and daughters of God, sons of God

The Elect of God and the Latter Rain

I have come to the point where I have stopped asking God questions like,  God, where are your elect in the earth?  And, when and how will they get on the same spiritual page so that they grow to a point to be able to do the 100 fold exploits that You said they would do in these latter days?

I am talking, of course, about His elect, His chosen few, His firstfruits, His princes and princesses, His “little flock,” His 100-fold fruitbearers in this final age before Christ comes back to earth to rule and reign for 1,000 years.

The Latter Rain

They go by many names in the scriptures, but few, sadly, in churchianity, speak about them.  Few know of these who are spoken of in Revelation 7 and 14, and in many books of the Bible.  Few believe that a group could “follow the Lamb whithersoever He goes” and “be strong and do exploits in the land.”  But many in churchianity will tell you that you cannot be like Christ.  Such negativity!  To them we must say, Well, if you won’t let me be like Christ, will you let me be like Peter, James, John, and Paul?  They started out just like us, and when infused and filled with the Holy Spirit, they were used mightily to heal the sick, raise the dead, and teach the kingdom of God and His righteousness.  To be like the early apostles–that will be close enough.

Yet Christ’s apostles were a type and a foreshadowing of the “glory that shall be revealed in us” (Rom. 18: 8).  Remember when Christ sent His twelve disciples  out and gave them power to heal and cast out devils?  That was a miniature glimpse of His elect going out all over the earth preaching the kingdom of God just before Christ’s return.  All the healings and miracles done by them were a miniature snapshot of the magnitude that will transpire in our day.  Later, that outpouring of His Spirit at Pentecost was the early rain of His Spirit, which came down moderately.  It came down on just a few 2,000 years ago.  The latter spiritual rain in our day will fall abundantly in order to cover the now seven billion people on our aging planet.  For all will see God’s Spirit moving through His manifested sons and daughters.

So I’ve stopped wondering when and where and how they will come forth.

Awaking Out of the Deep Sleep

The point is that they will come forth, for God will awaken them out of the worldly slumber that has anesthetized them with the drug of forgetfulness.  They at present don’t remember what they already were with Him in ages past (Eph. 1: 4).  But they are now stirring out of their comas, and they are waking up hungry for spiritual milk.  And they will suck the spiritual milk of His doctrine until they “are no longer children, tossed to and fro, and carried by every wind of doctrine” (Eph. 4: 14).  And they will desire the “stong meat” of the word of God.  And then they will fully realize and believe that God has chosen us “in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love.”

God is leading His elect into greener pastures of heavenly truth.
And they will long to know and do the truths that they have been called to do.  And in doing so, they will be.  They will become His fully manifested sons and daughters, “prepared unto every good work.”

They are out there.  I know that these words flowing out the tips of my fingers will be read by some of them, for I do believe that His word will not return unto Him void, but will accomplish what He sent it to do (Isa. 55: 11).

His elect are out there, scattered all over the earth.  Some are perhaps reading about themselves right now, their hearts being stirred by the movement of the waters of the Spirit of life, hearing about their destiny and becoming “established in the present truth.”

How do I know that they are growing and developing?  His word says that they are.  For He “opens a door that no man can shut” (Rev. 3: 8).  And no one can enter into that door of sonship except God open it.  It is all Him and His doing; it is His choosing and His favor that He showers on the blessed “few.”   That’s right–a few.  As Christ said, “Narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it” (Matt. 7: 14).  It is the Father that chooses us.  He’s the Great Fisherman, and when He sets the hook in our jaw, we shall be reeled in.

So knowing all this, it gives me peace to know that God is in charge of getting His body together and imbuing  them with power to get done what He wants done.

So, I’ve stopped agonizing about it all.  Patience is one of the fruits of His Spirit inside us.  It’s going to take patience to wait for His harvest to come.  My job is to write His plan with clarity the best I can and share it with those who are interested, and to rest, knowing that He will bring it all to pass in His own sweet time.      Kenneth Wayne Hancock

[For much more, visit my other website that contains my two books online which you can find at the top of this page.  Just click “Ebook…”]  Also, read “We Were with Him in the Beginning” found here: ]

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Grace and Faith and the Manifestation of the Sons of God

The Eternal Spirit (Yahweh) chooses out certain individuals to reveal Himself to, and they, in turn, become a witness for Him.  He chooses them out through no merit of their own.  There is nothing they can do before the fact to warrant His election of them.  They have already been selected before they ever came out of their mother’s womb.

It is not to the strong or swift in this world.  He elects or chooses, in fact, those who are weak in this world’s eyes.  In other words, when He was choosing out His disciples, He did not choose the emperor Caesar, the Roman governor, or the Jewish High Priest.  He chose out lowly, “uneducated” fishermen from Galilee.

God Does the Choosing (Electing)

He does the choosing; we don’t.  “You have not chosen me,  but  I  have  chosen  you  and  ordained  you  that you should go and bring forth fruit,” said the Savior.

So He chooses out certain people in the earth to reveal His plan and Himself to.  He “favors” these people by revealing Himself to them.  He gives grace unto them—spiritual gifts.  He deals with them and shows them of Himself.  Without this favor, they are nothing.  Without His favor (grace) they remain the walking dead.  Without Him favoring them by showing them His plan, they would remain lost in the daze and maze of this world system.  Without His grace, gifts, and favor man remains in the guilt and depravity and bondage of his sinful carnal nature—remaining there in that prison until the light of day deliver him—by His grace or favor.

How do we find this favor, this grace?  It is to be found in the Savior, who was “full of grace and truth” (John 1:14).  “Grace and truth” came by Him.  Knowing who the Savior really is and what He accomplished for His people is the key in understanding His favor.  But the kicker is that one can’t comprehend His favor unless He has given that person favor.  One has to have His favor in order to eventually comprehend it.


Some human beings are “predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son.”  These are the “greatly favored” ones.  They have a singularly marvelous calling, a magnificent fate in Him.  And yet, all of us who are called and chosen share in God’s favor.  For the “manifestation of the sons of God” is the final harvest of the Tree of Righteousness that Yahweh the Husbandman has planted some 6,000 years ago.  When the 144,000 sons of the living God stride forth in their resplendent immortal glory, they will be the final harvest that all of the prophets, patriarchs, apostles, and us have sowed toward for all these millennia.  We all have shared in and have been blessed by Yahweh’s incomprehensible favor or grace.

For  He  is  the Potter, and He makes the human vessel the way He wants to.  And to be created a vessel unto honor—for Him to mold us, a mere piece of clay, into something that could hold the living spiritual water that is His essence—is humbling, yet thrilling.

The Savior was “full of grace (favor, gifts) and truth.”  Our favor is found in and emanates from the Savior.  For “grace and truth” came by Him.  It is a favor, a gift, a benefit, a grace from Him that our sins could be blotted out, that we could have “no more remembrance” of past sins.  “Your sins and your iniquities I will remember no more,” He said.  “And I will write my laws upon your heart.” That is a promise and a favor unto us.  Deliverance from darkness is a gift, a grace, a favor from Him to us.

(This is an excerpt from Chapter 5 of my book, The Unveiling of the Sons of God found here: or click “My books online in the right column under “Blogroll”)

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