Monthly Archives: April 2009

TV Series “KINGS” Based on Bible’s King David and Saul Story

Those  watching the TV series Kings are witnessing a rare event–a series based on a story in the Bible.

Kings chronicles the downfall of an evil king and the rise of a young man of humble origins, destined to ascend to that very throne. Of course, this is the story of Saul and David, found in the book of   I Samuel.

I couldn’t help but wonder just how close the writers of the show were following the story.  They have Rev. Samuels taking the prophet Samuel’s part in the story.  King Saul has become King Silas, who is an ex-general like Saul was.

David, the shepherd king, has become David Shepherd, a young man in the army who takes out an enemy tank named “Goliath” and becomes a national hero.  This earns him, like in the Bible, a spot in the king’s court.  Instead of playing the harp to soothe the king, David is a pianist.  He falls in love with Michelle, the king’s daughter, whose character parallels Michal, Saul’s daughter.

I certainly don’t blame the series’ producers for wanting to adopt this story.  The rise of King David is a wonderful story.  I would hope that it will prompt viewers to go back and read the original story in the Bible.  There is so much revelatory truth to be received.

Setting the Scene in  I Samuel

In I Samuel, we find the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob already in the Promised Land of Canaan, being persecuted by the Philistines around 1060 B.C.  God has allowed this because of their sins.

Instead of loving and reverencing the LORD (Yahweh), they ask His prophet Samuel to anoint for them a king, like the other nations around them.  Here the people want to have one of their own rule them as king and not hearken to the prophet of God, who had been guiding them for decades.

The LORD (Yahweh) speaks to Samuel, Do what the people want.  They have rejected Me–not you.  But warn them from Me as to what their new king will do to them (I Samuel 8: 5-9).

So Samuel told the people: King Saul will “take your sons” and put them in his army to fight foreign wars.  He’ll have you fabricating “instruments of war.”  He will “take your fields” and tax you and “give it to his servants.”  He will, in other words, redistribute your wealth.  He’ll make you his servants (8: 10-18).  Sounds eerily familiar, as in what President Obama is doing and will do.

But the people loved their new king, and rejected the man of God’s warning.  And so, Samuel anoints Saul to be king of the 12 tribes of Israel.  Saul was a “choice young man,” standing taller than most.  But he did evil in the sight of the LORD, fulfilling all that was prophesied of him.

This Speaks to Our Day

The parallels are striking.  By studying divinely inspired writings, we may clearly see our own time.  For the scriptures are applicable for us in the latter days.

Our current President is like King Saul.  He carries himself like a king.  He is popular, trusted, and well-spoken, but he serves the interests of men who are against the principles of our forefathers, as Saul did.

Like Saul, his origins are tainted.  I think of Barack Obama sitting in Jeremiah Wright’s church, soaking in those spewings of hate, prejudice, and resentment for twenty years.  Whatever a man joins himself to, that he becomes.  For “how can two walk together except they be agreed?”  And yet, the sheeple still follow blindly this new “anointed” king Obama.

Oh, how America has fallen from the precepts of our ancestors.  And we, like they of old, will pay the price.

But out of the ashes will arise the spiritual sons and daughters of God, who will help Him usher in His Kingdom that will supplant the current puppet-masters’ world government scheme.

So, yes, study the story in I Samuel.  For it speaks to our day, of a new King coming, of which David, the shepherd king, is a type.  Christ, the Anointed One, shall return.


Filed under end time prophecy, entertainment, King David, One World Government

The Kingdom of Heaven Versus Man’s One World Government

At this time in history, we all need some good news.  So here it is.  The Kingdom of Heaven is coming to this earth–literally.  Not “floating around heaven all day.”  Not apple pie in the sky bye and bye.   No, Christ is literally coming back to this earth to bring in a new government to earth.

The new government coming is a kingdom, which is a form of government whereby one of royal lineage rules completely and with full authority.  A kingdom then whose roots have a celestial origin would be considered a “kingdom of heaven,” or a kingdom from heaven.

Now the sovereign ruler of the Kingdom of Heaven is the King and Creator of this universe.  His name has come down to English speakers as Jesus.  But His  name since before the beginning of time, His name in the original spoken language of heaven, is Yahshua.

The meaning of His name proclaims our very ticket into citizenship in His kingdom.  Yah (Yahweh, the self-existent One) Shua (Is the Savior).  His is a kingdom/government which, according to the scriptures of truth, will break and smash into pieces all the other governments of this world.

The prophet Daniel spoke about this very event.  He was interpreting a forgotten dream that greatly troubled the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar.    Daniel told him his dream and interpreted it, giving glory to God as the One who reveals secrets.

The Dream

Daniel told him, You saw a great image whose “head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, his legs of iron and part of clay.”  Then you saw “a stone…cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces…and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth” (Daniel 2: 28-37).

The Interpretation

He went on to interpret his dream.  The different parts of the image were different world empires.  The head of gold was Nebuchadnezzar.   “And after thee, shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee, and another third kingdom of brass…and a fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron “and shall break in pieces and subdue all things” (2: 38-40).

Here we see that Nebchadnezzar’s image in his dream was a vision of world empires, destined to rule the earth.  Scholars have universally said these four to be Babylonian, Media-Persia, Greece, and Rome.

Daniel continues the interpretation: “And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed.”  It will be an everlasting government.  “It shall not be left to other people.”  All of man’s kingdoms have an end when other people take their lands, riches, and buildings for their own–but not this heavenly kingdom.  This is the one kingdom that will never be vanquished.  “It shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms.”  This is the stone kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven, that wipes out man’s kingdoms once and for all.  And “it shall stand forever” (2: 44).  The Kingdom of Heaven is an everlasting government that shall be ruled and reigned over by the King Himself, Jesus (Yahshua) of Nazareth.  This is the gospel, the good news for us the inhabitants of the earth!

And what was the Babylonian king’s reaction to this seemingly negative and rash interpretation by this foreigner Daniel in the court of the king?  Instead of killing Daniel, the king “fell upon his face, and worshiped Daniel, and commanded that they should offer an oblation and sweet odours unto him,” and praised Daniel’s God.  He then made Daniel a “great man” and “ruler over the whole province of Babylon.”  He made him a viceroy, the chief governor of the kingdom.  So let us not be afraid what the enemy shall do unto us when we stand for the Kingdom of Heaven.

A Glimpse into the Future

Nebuchadnezzar was allowed to look down through 26 centuries to the time of the end, when a terrible world system with the mind of that “head of gold” still would be guiding the beastly image of world governance.

The image is one–one world governmental system.  The old Babylonian religion came to Rome on down to this very day.  Couple that with the political fascist fist of Rome which has now permeated the thoughts of the world’s ruling elite.  The last revival  of the old Roman Empire is the European Union, which is a precursor to a One World Union, presided over by the offspring of the old world kings and princes. (But because Christ’s kingdom “is not of this world,” His servants will not fight with man made weapons.  They will fight with the “sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Eph 6: 17).

And it is in the days of this last revival that the stone kingdom will come crashing down on the present world system, paving the way for the King and his heavenly kingdom to permeate the earth forever.  We are living in the time frame when He will come back.  That is the gospel, the good news.


Filed under end time prophecy, kingdom of God, new world order, One World Government, world system

It’s Just Your Great Love That Helps Us–A Poem/Prayer

It is just Your great love that helps us–

That reaches down through the ether,

Invisibly touching our hidden center of being,

That calmly holds us from the precarious perches

That we force ourselves onto.

Your love holds us close–

Now safe from falling,

Now safe from sliding back

Into the mire of mud-soaked sin.

You, who hold the key to our safety,

Have now transported us

On Your very own wings,

On which we now ride

Into the pastures of heaven.

Kenneth Wayne Hancock

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Filed under agape, love, Love from Above, poetry, sin

Taking the LORD’s Name in Vain–What Does It Really Mean?

One of the Ten Commandments reads, “Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD in vain” (Exodus 20:16). We were taught that this meant to not curse out someone using the phrase “G—d— you.” That is a sound teaching for all of us to follow. However, upon further investigation, this commandment really does not mean this.

First of all, we now know that the King James translators substituted the title “the LORD” for the Hebrew name of God, YHWH, or Yahweh. So it should read, “Thou shalt not take the name of Yahweh in vain.” “God” is a title and not His name.

But to “take” the name Yahweh—what does that mean? Looking up the word “take” in Strong’s Concordance, we see that it is translated from the Hebrew word nasaw, #5375, meaning “to lift up, to extol.” In too many references to mention, it is translated “to lift up,” as in, to lift up voices to heaven, to lift up hands, eyes, hearts, etc. In one place it is translated “extol.”

So, with this in mind, we can now read the commandment, “Thou shalt not lift up the name of Yahweh in vain.” Looking up the phrase “in vain” in Strong’s, we see that it means, “false, falsely.” The same Hebrew word is translated “falsely” in many passages.

The More Correct Meaning of This Commandment

Putting this knowledge into the commandment, we now can read it with true meaning: “Thou shalt not lift up and extol the name of Yahweh falsely.” His name is holy—“hallowed be thy name.” So, using His name in a false way, for false purposes, is breaking that commandment and is a sin against Him. His name is to be praised, for our very lives and salvation are coded into His name. Consequently, knowing how precious and powerful His name is, for us to invoke His name for selfish reasons would be breaking this commandment.

A blatant scriptural example of this comes to mind. Someone once said that no man’s life is absolutely worthless; it can always serve as a horrible example. Such is the case of Simon the sorcerer. Simon, who had bewitched the people into thinking that he was a “the great power of God” was witnessing the true ministry of Philip. Philip preached “the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Yahshua, the Messiah” (Acts 8:12). Simon’s followers believed Philip’s message, along with Simon himself, who was baptized, and followed Philip, “beholding the miracles and signs which were done.” The apostles in Jerusalem “heard that Samaria had received the word of God,” and they sent Peter and John, who prayed for the new believers, that they might receive the Holy Ghost. When Simon saw that the people received the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands, he offered the apostles money to buy this power. Of course, they rejected and rebuked him for his sin and folly. The point here is that he was lifting up Yah’s name in a false manner, for false pretenses and purposes, and it was sin.

I have to ask this question: Seeing that the phrase “taking the Lord’s name in vain” does not mean what we were taught growing up, how many other things about God have been erroneous? Kenneth Wayne Hancock

{You may read more about the Sacred Names in my online books found here:  or click on “My books online” on the Blogroll in the right hand column. Make a comment; share your thoughts with thousands worldwide. If this has been helpful to you, book mark it and share it with others}


Filed under Sacred Names, sin, Yahweh

YAHSHUA–In His Name–What Does It Mean?

{Order your free copy of Yah Is Savior or my new book The Royal Destiny of God’s Elect. It is totally free with free shipping to my readers. Just send your mailing address to my email address:   Specify which one.}

     One of the most trite and worn-out expressions in the English language is “in His name.”  We are to “do all in His name,” but what does that really mean?  We have uttered that phrase or a variation of it like, “In Jesus’ name” or “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”  But is that all there is to it? Just to use that phrase as an incantation or magic words to get answers to our prayers?

     No.  Profound meaning is hidden in this phrase; we must dig deep to find it. Now let us investigate and study these three words in a new light.  “In His name…” We’ve got to go in, inside, within the true name.  He is pointing us to go into His name, but it has to be into His Hebrew name, Yahshua, and extract the meaning from it.

    His name Yahshua means, “Yah is salvation” or “Yah is Savior.”  But to all who received him, who believed in His name, He gave power to become the children of God. John 1:12, RSV. Here, “receiving Him” and “believing in His name” are synonymous.

A Message in His Name to Be Believed


    “Believing in His name” implies that there is a message to be believed, a truth inherent in His name. We have seen that Hebrew names are prophetical. We have seen that the Savior was named Yahshua because “He shall save His people from their sins.”  And Yahshua means “Yah is Savior.”  So what is the message contained within His name?  That message is “Yah is the Savior.”

     “Believing in His name…”  The children receive the Spirit by believing in what His name means (by believing in His name).  We believe the meaning of His name—that Yahweh or Yah, the Eternal Spirit, came down to earth and poured His essence into a specially set apart human form who would become the sacrifice for the sins of mankind—so that mankind could take on His spiritual nature.

     Listen to the Spirit speak through the prophet Isaiah: For I am Yahweh thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour…I, I am Yahweh, and besides Me there is no savior…Verily thou art a God that hidest thyself, O God of Israel, the Saviour. Isa. 43:3, 11; 45:15.

     Yes, Yah did hide Himself well in a flesh body some 2,000 years ago.  But He makes it very clear from the above passages in Isaiah that He, Yahweh, is the Savior; He is the Creator.  The apostle John makes it very clear that the Spirit-filled human flesh body that he had walked with for three and a half years did the creating.  In the beginning was the Word…All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made…He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not…And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us…John 1:1, 3, 10, 14.

Believing What His Name Means

There is no contradiction here.  Yah did the creating, the forming, the redeeming and the saving.  And Yah, clothed in human flesh, took the name “Yahshua,” Yah-Is-Savior.  The very name of the Messiah points to the fact that it is the Father Yahweh who is doing the saving.  Yah was in that vessel, the Messiah, “reconciling the world unto Himself.”  The Spirit, Yah, pours Himself into His temple and works out of it to the world.  Yahweh in Yahshua of Nazareth is the Son.

    When a person believes in the name of Yahshua, he is believing what that name means—that Yah is the Savior in human form.  In fact, the act of believing in the name of Yahshua is a miniature of the Creator’s plan of kingdom redemption.

     If one has really received Him, that person will have believed in His name, which is to say, will have believed that the Father Yah was in human form, and that combination, Yahshua, is bringing salvation to the world.

Believing in Him Is Believing in His Name

     He who believes in Him is not condemned; he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God. John 3:18. When one does not believe in the Messiah, he is not believing in the meaning of His name.  For He said, “He that rejects Me, rejects Him that sent Me.”  If you reject the Son, you are rejecting the Father that dwells within the Son, for that is exactly where the Father Yahweh is.  “Know ye not that I am in the Father and the Father is in me?” He asked.

     The unbeliever in the Messiah is already judged for one reason: he has not believed in the name of Yahshua, which is saying that Yah was not in him, saving mankind through His death, burial, and resurrection.  Not believing in Messiah’s name, then, is equal to not receiving the Spirit of the Creator.

Not believing in the meaning of the name of Yahshua is equal to rejecting the light that is come into the world, and cleaving unto darkness, saying, I have no need for Yah in human form to save me (see John 3:19).

    The phrase “in the name,” then, has profound meaning and carries a weighty message.  First, we cannot believe  in  His  name  if we do not know His name.  If we seek, He will reveal to us His true name.  This knowledge, in turn, is an important key that will unlock the door that is keeping us from continuing our journey down the road to immortality.

     The Savior’s name is Yahshua, Yah-Is-Savior.  To believe in His name is to believe what His name actually means: Yahweh, the self-existent One that cried through Isaiah, who appeared and spoke to Noah, Abraham, Moses, and many others, offered up His perfect human incarnation and became the Author of eternal salvation for His people.     Kenneth Wayne Hancock

{This is an excerpt from my book Yah Is Savior: The Road to Immortality, ch. 9.  You can read more, just click ebook at top of homepage}


Filed under Sacred Names, Yahshua, Yahweh

Christ NOT Buried on Good Friday and Raised Up on Easter Sunday

Yes, it is a shocking statement, but before you tar and feather me, let me explain.

Christ could not have been buried on Good Friday afternoon and resurrected early Easter Sunday morning because that would be only a day and a half in the tomb–36-40 hours maximum.

“So what?” some may ask.  “So what if it’s just a day and a half; it was part of three days.  The important thing is that we believe that Christ arose.”

Yes, His resurrection is extremely important.  But  Christ Himself said that we should “dig deep and build our house on the Rock”–Him.  We cannot remain superficial on this.

No Other Sign Given–Three days and Three Nights in the Tomb

Christ gave only one sign to unbelieving mankind–one sign that would point out who the true Savior is.  His own words: “There shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: for as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Matthew 12:39-40).

But how long is a day and night?  Christ Himself said that there are “12 hours in the day” (John 11:9).   That would mean that there are 12 hours in the night.  This gives us the prophetical yardstick.  Three 12 hours days is 36 hours; three 12 hours nights equals 36 hours.  36 and 36 is 72 hours total time in the tomb, in the “heart of the earth.”

But What Difference Does It Make?

I’ll answer that question with another question.  If “Organized Christianity” can’t even get the one and only sign of the true Messiah right, then how can we trust them to teach us the deeper truths of God?

Hundreds of millions of professing Christians all over the world, many very sincere, will go to their respective church buildings and worship this Good Friday and Easter Sunday.  Yet hardly any of them will realize that their pastors, priests, and bishops have taught them error and un-truths concerning their Savior Jesus Christ.  How many other falsehoods are they teaching them?

If the Catholic and Protestant Denominations can’t even get the sign of the Savior right, how many other concepts that they teach about Christ and His gospel can be trusted?  If they have this sign wrong, how many other doctrines and traditions are wrong as well?

What Is the Fruit of This Error?

I believe that they are teaching a different concept of the Savior and another gospel.  Christ said, “You will know them by their fruits.”  What is the fruit of all the studies done in all the seminaries with all their doctorates in Theology and Divinity and Philosophy?  They have Christ in the tomb 36 hours! Please.

I share this, not to be disrespectful of anyone and their worship.  All pilgrims to the Heavenly Jerusalem are at “way stations” at present.  But I’m sharing this to alert those “who have an ear to hear” to dig deep!  “Prove all things.”  Know that if this only sign of  the true Savior is off, then something is dreadfully wrong with the whole spiritual building!

I share this, not to be argumentative, but out of concern–a concern that honest seekers of God must be told the truth about this one true sign of who He is.

Yet, Organized Churchianity keeps slugging on, teaching tired old erroneous doctrines  like this one–earnestly sharing half-truths, not realizing that “a little leaven (hypocrisy and falsehoods) leaveneth the whole lump.”

Therefore, we are admonished to “purge out the old leaven that the lump may be holy.”  We, the  spiritual body of Christ, His church, are supposed to be that lump of dough that turns into the bread of life after we suffer the fiery trials of this oven-like existence here on earth.  But we have to get rid of false doctrines and false concepts before we can be that holy bread of life that is to be broken and share with those hungering after righteousness.  “Take, eat, this is my body.”  We, His body, must be holy, and getting this right is a good place to start.

A detailed biblical account of how Christ was crucified Wednesday afternoon and resurrected Saturday afternoon is found here:

Kenneth Wayne Hancock

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Filed under church, Easter, false doctrines, old leaven, pagan holidays

Overcoming by the Word of Our Testimony

Those who overcome the evil do it by “the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony” (Rev. 12: 11) {See March 30, 2009 post}.

Faith in the cleansing power of Christ’s blood will set us into the position of being a testimony of God’s power in the earth.  First, to overcome we must be cleansed from sin, and then give testimony that God is real in our lives–that He is in control, that He is all powerful.

In other words, we must be a witness as to what He is doing, where He is going and taking us all, what His plan and purpose is, what He expects from His creation, what is His endgame.  We must go on record; we must take the witness stand here on earth and give our testimony as to what God has done in our life, and what He shall do in the lives of His true believers, and to those who will not believe in Him.  That takes surrender, study, and prayer.

It Is All About “Christ in You”

The “word of our testimony” is the same thing as this:  “And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.”  It is all about “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”  It is all about the Spirit of the living God walking around in us.  This is the word of our testimony.  It is when we grow to a point when our actions are the Spirit of Christ living out His life in us.  Then we are poised for the final overcoming, or the final victory.

The first victory is the victory over sin and sinning.  By believing this testimony that God gave us of His Son–that those who have faith and believe that God placed mankind’s sins on Christ, and when He died, our old heart and spirit died.  And when Christ was buried, our old lives were buried.  And when Christ was raised from the dead, we also were raised from the dead! A new life, a new walk, a new way, a new purpose–now poised to receive the ultimate blessing reserved for all of His overcomers–nothing less that immortality!

The Seven Levels of Overcoming

The outline of the seven levels of overcoming are found in the church ages in Revelation 2 and 3.  These two chapters detail what we are to overcome in this new life and what the rewards are for the victors.

And those who are victorious to the end have this astounding prophecy given over them by Christ Himself: “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne” (3: 22).

Those that are unafraid and go on to overcome all things–they will sit as princes and princesses on God’s own very throne!

And if that were not enough, we who get this  ultimate victory, we who allow God to fully manifest Himself in us–we shall inherit all things.  “He that overcometh shall inherit all things” (Rev. 21: 7).

Who Will It Be?

So–somebody will sit with Christ on His throne and will inherit all things–the greatest of which is immortality.  The question, then, is this: Who will it be?  Is it you or I who have just met on this page?  Will we be there as the immortal possessors of the universe, the sons and daughters of the King of the universe?

Or will we be among the “fearful and unbelieving”–those who will soon be eternally forgotten–those who wind up as just another broken common vessel that the Potter has discarded–broken potsherds having never made it to the kiln, never glazed with glory, never used to beautify His house. Kenneth Wayne Hancock

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Filed under death of self, end time prophecy, immortality, princes and princesses of God, sin