Monthly Archives: March 2012

Speak the WORD

The world system has conditioned us Christians to not talk about God.  I remember when I taught public school, the teachers rarely spoke of God, and that was in a conservative small school in the middle of the Biblebelt!  Maybe once or twice in fifteen years did I hear a fellow teacher openly talk of Christ.  The secular setting had done its browbeating.

But I was fortunate, for I taught English and American Literature all those years.  The writers in our culture spoke and wrote about God and the Bible until the 20th Century began .  Scriptural allusions and metaphors ran constantly through Shakespeare, Milton, Chaucer, our Puritan writers. Even our Founding Fathers spoke and wrote openly of the Supreme Being, mixing freely religious and political ideas.

So I was able to talk about God in the secular classroom all the time using the literature books that they provided me. But Satan has done a thorough job in squelching God’s voice coming through His children.  We have almost quenched the Spirit in our reluctance to speak.

But Christ and His early apostles did not play that game.

They had a very important job to do, and they were not about to let another spirit dominate them and what they had to do–which was to lay the foundation for the building of the LORD’s temple (us).  It was also, to use another of His metaphors, to let the early rain of His Spirit fall freely on the thirsty gr0und, the hearts of men.  And this was the former rain; now is the time for the latter rain, His Spirit now falling in our era.

So, Jesus (Yahshua) and His apostles labored mightily.  They spoke the Word, the Logos, which is the eternal purpose and plan of God.  And they wrote His vision for this earth down for us to be able to study and prepare ourselves for the end times.

Now we, the sons and daughters of the latter rain must follow our example–Christ.  “For herein He has left us an example that we should follow His steps, who did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth” (I Pet 2: 21-22).  We are to follow our Example. 

We are to be like Him.  “For we know that when He shall appear, we shall be like Him…” (I John 3: 2).  Don’t let any gainsayer try to tell you differently–not your mom or dad, brother or sister, wife or husband, best friend or feared enemy.  We should be like Christ, and with His Spirit within us, we can and will be like Him.  In fact we are to live “godly in this present world”! (Titus 2: 12).

This is our hope–and His hope.  This is our vision–and His vision.  This is our destiny–and His destiny for us (1).

There–I’ve said it.  Now that the cat’s out of the bag, we are free to speak this vision of manifested sonship throughout the entire planet earth–wherever you are.

Speak the word.  Speak the truth.  For when you speak this truth, you are speaking the WORD.  You are speaking Him, for He is the WORD, and the WORD is thereby becoming flesh one more time–in you and in me and now through us! Speak the Word.        KWH

1.  I John 3: 3; Rom. 8: 18-30

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Filed under Bible, Christ, end time prophecy, eternal purpose, manifestation of the sons of God, sons and daughters of God, truth, Word

Faith–How to Walk in It–How to Partake of the Divine Nature of God

How do we do it? How do we let the old self die? We reckon it done by faith/belief. How do we start walking in a brand new God-given life? We reckon it done by faith. Reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Yahshua Messiah our Master. Rom. 6:11.

We’ve got to reckon it done! The word “reckon” is #3049 in Strong’s. It means “to account it, to count it as such.”  God wants us to reckon it so, but He does it first! When we turn to Him, then He counts us righteous in His eyes even in our imperfect state. This is the way our Creator is. This is part of His nature—faith, belief. In fact, faith is the foundation of Yahweh’s divine nature, for we are admonished to be “partakers of the divine nature” by adding to the faith once delivered by Yah to his set-apart ones, virtue, and to virtue knowledge, on through agape-charity-love, the very essence of Him. But His nature starts with Faith. It is His nature to “call those things that do not exist as though they did.” Rom. 4:17, NKJV. If He is this positive, then He would want His children to be the same.

He wants us to follow in His footsteps! God “accounted” righteousness to Abraham because of his belief—before Abraham was righteous! “Accounted” here is the same word as the one translated “reckon.” We are commanded to RECKON some things done. Now we have to reckon our sinful self gone—by belief—as though it were already done—for that is how Yah looks at it! By belief! Reckon it done through Him and His faith. He said it. Let it be done. For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Rom. 4:3. Yahweh imputed, reckoned to Abraham the ability to live in a upright manner, keeping Yahweh’s laws and not sinning, by just believing that Yahweh had done it! We make it so hard through our hard heart of unbelief. He is looking for childlike faith, the belief of a small child. All we have to do is just believe that Yahweh has provided a way for us to actually put the old life to death and start living a new life in Him.

But the main reason that many do not want this is because they do not want to give up their old lives. Yah has provided everything for us to get the sin out of our lives, to clean out the temple so that He can take up His rightful abode. But people want to keep sinning and still be the people of God. They may claim it in words, but it is in words only and not in reality as far as Yahweh is concerned.

God must be getting tired of hearing how powerful sin is in our lives. I know that He wants to hear out of our mouths how great the power of Yahweh is—powerful enough to keep us from sinning. We must quit glorifying sin!

Do we think that Yah is pleased to hear our unbelief when we say, “I sin everyday. We all sin every day. We can’t live without sinning.” Oh, we are so quick to say that, almost as if it were an excuse that He would accept.

That’s like saying that the giants are too big; we can’t take the land. Is the giant Sin too much for us, or are we going to believe that Yahweh in us can slay that giant Sin in our life? Let not sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in the lusts thereof….For sin shall not have dominion over you. Rom 6:12-14. We’ve got to reckon our old man, our old self, our old nature dead to sin in the same way that Yahweh reckoned or credited righteousness unto Abraham because of his belief in the promises. Are we going to stagger at the promise that we can live a righteous life now?

But someone will say, “But we just can’t live without sin.” Yah knows that we can’t on our own strength. The question is, “Where is God in that statement?” What happened to, “I can do all things through Messiah Yahshua that strengthens me…” What about, “And nothing shall be impossible to you.” Nothing. Which is to say in reality, “Anything is possible. With God all things are possible.” All things means with His help even living without sin. Where’s our belief in His promises?

Paul believed that we should live in a righteous manner before God right now. For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age. Titus 2:11, NIV.

Some have used God’s granting of grace as a possibility to keep on sinning and still get forgiveness. Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase. By no means! We died to sin: how can we live in it any longer? Rom. 6:1, NIV. On the other side of the fence, some practically throw out God’s grace in reckoning righteousness to us by believing Him because of the “cheap grace” people. The second group believe that we have to really work at this thing; we have to keep the laws and ordinances. This is true, but it is no longer “I” that lives, but Messiah’s Spirit that lives in me! He helps me to keep His laws—by His Spirit! The sad part is that both of the above camps still are in sin.

Where is our belief, our faith that overcomes the world? “My grace/favor is sufficient for you,” Yahshua said. My favor is all you need. That’s how important it is. Him choosing us out of the dunghill before the world ever was, writing our names down before we were ever born—that’s all we need.

Don’t say with a sad countenance, “I hope my name is written down in His book on that day.” Where’s the word of faith that Paul preached in that? Where’s the confidence we have with Him? Speak the word! That kind of timidity reveals a lack of belief that your name is there.

It is very near us, even in our mouths! Say it! Speak it into existence! Be like Him! Reckon it done! Count it as such in our own lives. Which takes more faith? Him counting us righteous or us reckoning our old man dead unto sin? For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be done away with…Rom. 6: 6, NIV. Instead of all the unbelief in His love to us, we need to thank Him for the absolute abundance of mercy and favor He has smiled down on our undeserving heads, and the power to bring forth fruit worthy of repentance.

Get off of this “we can’t do anything.” It is He that works in us! When are we going to get out of the way and let Him work in us? As long as we think it is ourselves either doing or not doing whatever, then He can’t do the job in and through us. We must decrease to nothing; He then will increase in us.

We will show our belief (faith) by what we do. We will believe Him for His Spirit, to do His laws and statutes. We are not going to impress Him, however, by doing “good Christian deeds” as if they were our duty while we still harbor doubts as to His ability to raise us up to walk in a newness of life—doubts as to the efficacy of His love and mercy and grace/favor towards us. He loves us. Loose Him and let Him go on out of the tomb of our bodies and unbind Him (the Spirit). Let him arise in our hearts, and let (we must reckon it so) the light so shine.

God who has “commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts…” (For what purpose?) “…to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Yahshua Messiah.” 2Cor 4:6.

To keep us humble now for a season, Yah has us having the Spirit, Himself, the treasure, in these old earthly bodies, that we may know that it is Him and not us that does anything good in and through us.

2Cor 4:10–Always carrying with us the fact of Yah’s earthly sacrificial death (since He died for our sins, now we die, following His example) “that thelife also of Yahshua might be made manifest in our body.” The life of the Savior may be made known to the world in our earthly body. (Now someone will say, limiting Elohim and giving glory somewhere else, “Yes, He will make known His life when He gives us our spirit body at the resurrection.” One problem with that statement; that is not what it says! Go to verse 11. “For we which live (present tense–time is right now) are alway delivered unto death for Yahshua’s sake, that the life also of Yahshua might be made manifest IN OUR MORTAL FLESH.”

There. “In our mortal flesh.” You and I are mortal, and the apostle is telling us that it is possible for us to make known Yahshua’s life in our bodies. And His life does not include sinning.

One thing, though, is guaranteed; if you say today in your heart or out of your mouth, “I can’t show forth His life in my mortal body of flesh, then you will not! And you’ll go down as a “nay-sayer,” but all the promises of Yah are “yea.” Yes. Yes. Yes. Say it. Speak it into existence. By believing what is already there, reserved in heaven for you. By faith/belief. The giants are not too big. You have just got to reckon it so.

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Filed under crucified with Christ, death of self, elect, faith, forgiveness, manifestation of the sons of God, repentance, sin

What Prevents Christian Growth–The Deceitfulness of Sin

As the sons and daughters of God, we are called to do one thing– “to  fulfill the word of God” (Col. 1: 25).  That is our destiny and what we are to do.

God has spoken from the beginning His word about what will transpire on this earth.  And it is a mystery to unregenerate natural man.  It is also a mystery to babes in Christ whose senses have not been exercised “to discern both good and evil” (Heb. 5: 14).  What God has spoken and written down for His earthly creation is a “mystery which has been hid from ages and from generations,” but now it is being made known to His elect, the ones He has chosen for the end time happenings (Col. 1: 26).

It is then to His elect that He is revealing this mystery, which is “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (v. 27).  To get Christ fully formed in His elect–to present every man perfect in Christ Jesus/Yahshua”–that is the work of His called out ones.  That is the “word of God” that we are “to fulfill.”

What Hinders the Spiritual Growth to Get to “Christ in You, the Hope of Glory”?

What hinders the new Christian’s growth?  In a word–sin.  For they are taught by their pastors, preachers and priests that they will never stop sinning. But that is a lie. The apostle Paul urges new Christians to “be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive” (Eph. 4: 14).  The way of growing from a spiritual child to a spiritual adult is not be deceived any longer by cunning and crafty men who teach false doctrines.

Paul already has said in this same chapter that God has given apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers “for the perfecting of the saints”!  Perfection of Christians sounds like a stupendous growth in God.  You mean it is possible?  I mean, to grow up and be just like Christ?  Paul believes so.  In fact, he says that this perfecting through the teaching of the truth will continue “till we all come…unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ!”! (4: 11-13)  And we know that this perfection cannot be attained if one is still sinning.

Paul spends most of the rest of the book of Ephesians urging new followers to put away sin out of their lives and “put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness” (4: 24).  No more lying, selfish anger, no more stealing, filthy talk, and malice (4: 25-31).  In other words–No more sinning.  “For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.  Let no man deceive you with vain words” (5: 5-6).  How can a man deceive the new Christian with vain words? By

telling him that he can do all these things and still have an “inheritance in the kingdom  of Christ and of God.” Or to put it another way: You can be a Christian in good standing and still sin.

This Is a Hard Saying–Who Can Hear It?

Many reading this will stop and say that I’ve gone too far.  That’s fine.  “They that have ears to hear, let them hear.”  This message is for the few–like I stated in the previous post last time.  But this is crucial for those wanting to grow all the way in this thing.  It is to you I am writing anyway.  All others with God’s help will be what they are meant to be.  My job is to teach the truth to the elect so that they can grow.  And He has shown me that this concept is what will hinder the elect from growing.  This is crucial.  Bear with me, and let me explain more fully.

Faith (Belief) Is the Key

Now this growth process inside of a believer is an invisible spiritual happening.  It takes belief without seeing first.  Faith is believing, having not seen the evidence as yet (Heb. 11: 1).  It is believing what God said, not what some man said He said.  And this goes for the sin question, too.  It is all about believing His word as to how to get rid of sin (and sinning) in our lives.

Sin is deceitful.  It is born in deception and it breeds deception.  It was born of a lie and it spawns more lies.  And its most powerful lie tells new Christians that they can’t escape its clutches.  Organized religions keep people in the prison of sin through the lie that they can’t live without sinning–that you are a sinner and will die a sinner.  Ironically enough, some preachers pridefully preach this every Sunday!  They say that you will always be held captive by sin–that you cannot escape its bondage!  In other words, they tell the people that God is not strong enough to break sin’s hold on you.  But be not dismayed; God will accept you even though it is impossible to stop sinning against Him, if you just accept Christ.

But wait a minute!  I thought “with God all things are possible” (Mark 10: 27).  And, “With God nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1: 37).  And, “All things are possible to him that believes” (Mark 9: 23).  I mean, even the LORD, Yahweh Himself, answered Sarah’s incredulity about having a baby with this question, “Is any thing too hard for the LORD/YHWH?” (Gen. 18: 14).

And so He is asking every one of us: Which is easier for Me to do?  Grant Sarah a child in her old age, despite the “deadness of her womb,” or grant unto you a new heart that does not sin against Me?  Which is the “easier miracle” for Him to perform?  To God it is all the same.  If it is in His will, He makes it happen.

The preachers say that you are in bondage to sin; you can’t escape.  But God says “he that is dead is freed from sin” (Rom. 6: 7).  The preachers say, “I sin every day.”  But God says, “He that is born of God does not commit sin, for His seed remains in him and he cannot sin because He is born of God” (I John 3: 9).  If we are not saved from sin, then what have we been saved from?

You won’t hear the message contained in Romans 6.  “Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?”  Shall we go on sinning, breaking the Ten Commandments, so that His grace can be exercised to its fullest extant?  Answer:  “God forbid.  How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein” (Romans 6: 1-2).  Since the true salvation experience begins at the cross, baptized into His death, how can we continue to sin when sin has died inside of us (6: 3-11)?

Of course, very, very few will be preaching on this come next Sunday morning [or Saturday, for that matter].  Even if they know about this message, very few understand it, and fewer yet believe it, so they stay away from Romans 6 like the plague.

But it is this very message of the death of our old sinful self that opens the door.  What door?  The door to the mystery of “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”  The door to the secret of Christian growth.  The door to the overcoming of sin in our lives  and growing up to be like Him.

This “hope of glory” is not just a ticket to heaven, which is what the little babe in Christ wants from the Father.  No.  This “hope of glory” is our hope that Christ would be fully formed in us during these latter days–that the “greater works” that He promised His followers would do–that would be fulfilled in and through us!  That we could actually walk like the early apostles and the prophets of old!

That we could be the “called according to His purpose.”  That we could actually be those He knew before we were ever born, those who He gave a destiny before we were  born “to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.”  And so He pre-destined us, called us, justified us, and soon, oh, so very soon He will glorify us! (Romans 8: 28-31).

And there is nobody that can separate us from Christ’s love for us.  And there is nobody who will succeed in stripping away our glorious growth into His manifested sons through lies and deception.

But this vision of full spiritual Christian growth hinges on getting past the deceitfulness of sin.  “The counsels of the wicked are deceit” (Prov. 12: 5).  Or, in other words, The words of the sinner are deception.

Their unbelief in God’s power to deliver keeps people in bondage to sin and sinning.  This is where the deception lies.  A Christian cannot grow when they believe that they cannot keep from sinning with God’s help.  This is the key that will unlock the door to Spiritual growth.

Through Christ we receive a new heart; the old heart is passed away once and for all.  Man says that it is impossible to be rid of sin in your life.  But God says, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God” (Luke 18: 27).  Christ’s own words.  Hallelu Yah!

[If you find someone that teaches these things, you have found a very precious thing.  Hold them near and dear and never let them go.]  KWH


Filed under belief, children of God, crucified with Christ, death of self, elect, faith, false doctrines, false teachers, manifestation of the sons of God, old self, perfection, sons and daughters of God

Letter to the Future Sons and Daughters of God–You Are Not Alone

Yes, we do have a calling–a calling that sets us apart.  It is a calling from God that makes us at times feel lonely, whether we are sitting in a megachurch with its tens of thousands or in our room longing for someone to fellowship with.

But wherever we reside, the more light that He gives us, the darker it gets around us.  We try to share a revelation that we know is from God, and it is either rejected or attempts are made by our Christian brethren to redirect our thinking because they are so sure that it can’t be right because that revelation just does not fit the standard operating procedures of our denomination/fellowship/church.

And so it is a lonely walk, this walk with the invisible Father–this walk to sonship “until Christ be formed in you” (Gal. 4: 19).  But, of course, we are never alone, as long as we look after the Spirit (John 8: 29).

This road to immortal kingship that we have been called to walk is not easy.  Christ warned us to “count the cost,” to see if we are made of the right stuff for this difficult journey (Luke 14: 28).  It is not easy.  And few of the masses of humanity will find it.  The Master taught us to “enter through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Matt. 7: 13-14).

The Wide Gate That Leads to Destruction

Some will read that passage in Matthew 7 and stop after verse 14.  But the real revelation comes in the next verse.  Christ shows us who is opening up the wide gate that is swallowing up Christians by the hundreds of millions.  In the very next breath after saying few will find this way of truth, He warns, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves” (v. 15).  Go to where the many are entering through the wide gate–where the massive numbers of professing Christians are, and you’ll find that they are being led by false prophets and teachers, who come with a peaceful message about Christ that seems harmless enough.  However, they will eat you up like a wolf with the end product of their teachings leading the masses to destruction.

Few are going to find this way of truth.  So few, in fact, that the prophets of old thought at times that they were the only ones following “the true way.”  Elijah, who was hunted down like an animal in the wild, cried in desperation, “Yahweh, they have killed your prophets and have digged down your altars, and I am left alone, and they seek my life.”  To which God replied, “I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal” (Rom. 11: 3-4).

There are just a few of us, but we are not alone.  Millions will be saved and will walk as babes and children of God in His soon coming kingdom.  But there will be but a few thousand who will “walk with Him in white”–who will “follow the Lamb whithersoever He goes” (Rev. 14).  Even though we are few and scattered to the four corners of the earth, the encouraging part in these latter days before He returns is that we have the internet.  He did say that “knowledge shall increase.”  We can communicate with brethren from around the world instantaneously.

Many of us have already experienced some things and have come out of churchianity.  I rejoice with you and encourage you to continue your walk.  Prove all things out–old things that you were taught back in the day about God, and also prove out new things that are introduced to you or that you get on your own.  Prove out through prayer and study both things you believe to be the truth and also things you don’t believe to be the truth.

Remember: If some are not receiving any new truth, then one of two things is happening.  Either they have all truth already and “have need of nothing”– or the Spirit is not guiding them into all truth.  I doubt that the former is true.  So that leaves some in the terrible position of God not fulfilling John 16: 13 in their  lives:  “However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth.”

Christ is our guide on this quest for the Ultimate Truth, and with Him we are not alone.  KWH


Filed under body of Christ, calling of God, elect, false prophets, kingdom of God, manifestation of the sons of God, princes and princesses of God, sons and daughters of God, truth