Category Archives: Economy

How Much of the Government’s Kool-Aid Have We Drunk?

First published in July 2010. Nothing’s changed. Still the same sad story for not just the USA, but for the whole world. Evil versus good. Looks like now that Evil is winning, but the Creator has something potent up His sleeve.

Immortality Road

Let’s face it.  Unless we have partaken of information from alternative sources, we are basing our world view on what they have permitted us to take in.  The mainstream media are hirelings whose reins are held by their bosses who are in bed with much more powerful personages than any of us can imagine. 

As we look out over the world scene, things seem to just happen by chance, and our hapless federal government, of course, is there to “react” to each “crisis” as it tumbles and shakes out like dice on the economic and political table of the world.

However, the media slips up occasionally, revealing glimpses of a “different” reality.  For example, a documentary on cable revealed that Hitler got his financing to build Germany’s war machine from international bankers in London and New York!  London and New York!  Very few watched this program, and most who did were probably so…

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Filed under Economy, end time prophecy, MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, One World Government, world system

The Great Last Day Move of God–When Will the Sons of God Appear on the Scene?

When God grants immortality to His sons and they go out and heal the sick and raise the dead and do the greater works that Christ promised that they would do–when this happens, it will be the greatest move of God the world has ever experienced. But when will this take place? What has to happen first?

In Biblical history, every great move of God is preceded by a catastrophe suffered by His people. The Bible is full of stories of God’s chosen people who at first are prosperous by  being blessed by their Creator. Then they turn from their Father and begin to serve other gods and disobey the laws that He has set down for their good.

God then allows His people to be conquered by an idolatrous nation that enslaves them. They are robbed and pillaged of their livelihood and heritage. When they hit bottom and finally have had enough of this destitution, they remember God, the great God of their childhood and their fathers, and they cry unto Him for deliverance.

It is only then that God hears their cries and calls out a savior (with a little “s”). This scenario has been played out time and again in the scriptures. God calls one of His few faithful out and empowers him to do the mighty works needed for delivering His people.

As the psalmist said, “Such as sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, being bound in affliction and iron; because they rebelled against the words of God…therefore He brought down their heart with labour; they fell down, and there was none to help. Then they cried unto the LORD (Yahweh) in their trouble, and He saved them out of their distresses. He brought them out of darkness…” (Psalm 107: 10-14).

We see this over again in the life experiences of the patriarch Joseph, the call of Moses, Gideon’s 300, Samuel and all the judges, and Elijah and Elisha, to name a few.

We are headed down the same road now

Before a great move of God we see this play out. And these things are happening now–with us. “Now all these things happened unto them for examples and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come” (I Cor. 10: 11).

Why would the last end time generation–us, my brothers and sisters–why would we need to be admonished by God through the history of His chosen people? Why did God have his prophets meticulously write down how His children strayed and how they were saved?

Could it be that God’s people have strayed from Him once again and have  cleaved unto a false way?

We see the U.S.A., Canada, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and most westernized countries all declining economically. The U.S. dollar is being debased at an alarming rate.  The U.S. government has borrowed 17.5 trillion from the privately owned corporation known as the Federal Reserve Bank–a staggering national debt. The Fed is creating 80 billion dollars a month out of thin air, inflating the currency. It will soon be worthless, for the lenders will soon not want the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. When the dollar is rejected, then the charade will be over. Experts are saying that it will crash along with all the world’s fiat currencies that are tied to the dollar.

Many are predicting this to happen soon. And the crash of the dollar will be a disaster for the West. “The borrower is servant (slave) to the lender.” We have been enslaved to the international bankers, and the great middle class of the U.S. and Western Europe will be brought very low on the economic ladder. When the dollar crashes and is rejected by the world as its reserve currency, then all those dollars will come flooding back to our shores causing hyperinflation. Savings, retirement accounts, and fortunes will be lost, and the Western nations will become impoverished because of it. Only the owners of gold and silver will be spared.

But this scenario should not come as a surprise to any student of the Bible. God’s people were always conquered by nations antagonistic towards Yahweh. They would suffer to the breaking point, and then they would cry out to God. And He would hear and call out a man of God.

Normalcy Bias

But this can’t happen to us, most will say, not aware that their normalcy bias is rearing its head out of the sand for a moment. Humans are inclined to believe that “all things will continue” the way they have for hundreds of years. Humans tend to believe that all things will remain normal, and anything abnormal, like the crash of the dollar, well, just cannot happen. Maybe it is just wishful thinking on their part. But the fact is that the abnormal happens to individuals, cities,  countries, and whole continents. Countless currencies have collapsed down through history because of excessive borrowing. And it will happen again to the U.S. currency. God’s children once again will be the slaves of cruel taskmasters as they were during Biblical times. This time it will not be with the sword, but with the pen, or rather the computer.

There is a reaping for the sins of our nations. And no safety net will spare us from the catastrophe. Of course, we would have written the end time story with us using a get-out-of-jail-free card, good for a ticket on the Escape Train. However, God is allowing this economic crash to happen that He may bring to pass the “manifestation of the sons of God.” The elect sons and daughters will endure much suffering along with the rest of His people in order to forge a special Sword of the Spirit in their hearts. They will assemble into His army as in the Bible stories of old, and God will raise them up to deliver His people. It is written in prophecy over and over.

But many Bible teachers are critics of this scenario and say that we will not have to reap the whirlwind of catastrophe. They say that God will provide a way out of all this misery. They say that no saviors and deliverers are coming. That Christ is the only Savior and that He is coming back and it could be tonight.

He’s Coming Back in a Body of Many Sons

Christ is coming back, all right, but He won’t be by Himself. He is the Head of His body, and His followers are the various members of the spiritual body of Christ, which is His church. His many membered body are the “saviours [that]shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau.” When?  It is that time when “the kingdom shall be the LORD’S” (Obadiah 17-21). That is as “end time” as you can get. These “saviours” are His elect, the immortal ones, the sons of God, who will do the “greater works” that Christ promised.    Kenneth Wayne Hancock           [ Immortality Road is a blog for all seekers in all spiritual growths–“children, young men, and fathers.” The articles found here are especially for those who are answering the high calling of becoming a part of the “manifestation of the sons of God.”  You can get on Immortality Road  here: ]





























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The Stone Kingdom and the Elect

The stage is set for the elect of God; the battle lines are drawn for these latter days.  The elect will know who the participants are in the battle, but they will understand that it is God’s fight.

For as the young David said to the seemingly unbeatable Goliath, exemplifying the very faith that the elect will project, “The LORD (Yahweh) does not save with the sword and spear, for the battle is the LORD’S, and He will give you into our hands” (I Sam. 17: 47).

In this one verse lies the template in which we may glimpse how it will all go down in these latter days.  Of course, we are talking about the bringing down of the current Babylonian world system, which Goliath is a symbol of.  He was huge, threatening, dominant, and invincible, much like the world governments appear to their peoples.  God will position His people in an impossible situation that oppresses them so much that they will cry unto Him for deliverance.  They will know that they are too weak to overcome the powers that be.  Then God will hear their cries, and He will “give our enemies into our hands” in a miraculous way.  God will fight our battle and will turn the tide in His elect’s favor.

The “Stone”

It was not by accident that God used a smooth stone to take down Goliath.  How will God, then, take down Satan’s world system?  He will use a stone.

The prophet Daniel interpreted King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, thus revealing to us the mystery of the “stone” and how this stone will be used to bring down the current world system, like David’s stone brought down Goliath.  The king of Babylon had a dream and could not remember it, much less understand its meaning.  Daniel told the king that “there is a God in heaven that reveals secrets… and makes known what shall be in the latter days” (2: 28).

Daniel relates to him the dream of a great image with a head of gold, breast and arms of silver, belly and thighs of brass, and legs of iron with its feet of iron and clay.  And the king saw “a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet…and brake them to pieces.”  In fact, the whole image was shattered and carried off like “the chaff of the summer threshing floors…and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth” (vs. 31-35).

Daniel interprets the image as four world gentile empires: Babylonian, Media-Persia, Grecian, and Roman.  The stone that smashed and destroyed these is the literal Kingdom of God that will be ushered in by a stone, not cut out with man’s hand.  The stone that smashes the world system are the stones that God will hurl with his cosmic slingshot—large stones of a heavenly origin, asteroids coming into the earth during the Great Tribulation Period, as depicted in the prophecies of Revelation.

Here’s the proof: The 6th seal kicks it off when “stars of heaven fell unto the earth” (Rev. 6: 12). Then comes the…

  1. First trumpet—“Hail and fire mingled with blood…cast upon the earth” (Rev. 8: 7)
  2. 2nd trumpet—“A great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea (v. 8)
  3. 3rd trumpet—“And there fell a great star from heaven…called Wormwood” upon the rivers (v. 10-11)
  4. 5th trumpet—Another star fell into the earth

In all these instances, we see a stone from heaven used by God as the instrument of destruction of the world system.  These are “acts of God” completely out of the realm of man.  That is why He said, “Vengeance is mine, saith the LORD; I will repay.”  We are to just believe Him and “stand fast and see the glory of the LORD.”

His soon coming kingdom is the stone kingdom.  For “in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed…and will break in pieces all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever” (Dan. 2: 44).  This is the good news; this is the gospel.  This is why Christ came to earth.  All roads lead to His government being established.  He will return to this sin-sick earth after the Tribulation period to assume His throne in this earth.  His elect, the 100-fold fruit-bearing sons of the living God will rule with Him, sitting with Him on His throne, for 1,000 years of peace.

The Stage Is Set

So, yes, the stage is set and ready for all of this to take place.  The battle lines are drawn.  “Two manners of peoples” are doing battle for dominion of the earth, as it was with Jacob and Esau.

The minions of Edom control the central banks and the economies of this present world system.  As Rothschild said, He who controls the money controls the world.  The international bankers then control the governments of this world.  They control, therefore, the political machinations, the media, the economy, and the educational trends.

It’s the parable of the wheat and the tares.  These rich men “heap treasure together for the last days” (James 5: 3).  They “wrap it up” (Micah 7: 3).  They sound and look like the chosen people of God, but are not, being wolves in sheep’s clothing.  Christ said to them, “You are of your father the devil” (John 8: 44).

And the sheep are asleep right now in their respective flocks/countries.  They are relying on their political and religious shepherds, who are bought and paid for by the wolves, and are fed with just enough food to keep them making money for their masters (read, the Fed and the other central banks of the world).  These are the tares.

But bad things are prophesied for Esau/Edom.  They will not continue forever, for their one world government will come crashing down (Obadiah, Malachi, Revelation).  Who will cry the loudest when the stones start falling, thus destroying this world system?  It will be the merchants and bankers (Rev. 18: 9-19).

And who are the wheat in the parable of the wheat and tares of Matthew 13?  They are the elect—those who God has awakened.  They are the very few whose eyes He has opened wide to see the current sad state of affairs of this world and all the misery caused by God’s enemy.  And they will begin to mobilize to prepare themselves to battle the monolith.  But not with physical guns and weapons.  No.  They will use the sword of the Spirit, the shield of faith and truth.  “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds…” (II Cor. 10: 4).

And those strong holds are the chains of this world system that the children of the wicked one has forged and fastened on the people.

For this is God’s fight really.  He is now looking for more people like David, who knew it was God’s battle and believed that what He had promised, He was quite able to perform.   Kenneth Wayne Hancock


Filed under armour of God, Economy, elect, end time prophecy, false prophets, Federal Reserve, King David, MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, One World Government, Parables, sons of God

Dr. Ben Carson’s Common Sense Defense of God at CPAC

Finally.  Someone on the national stage is making sense.  Here are some of Dr. Carson’s words about God at CPAC:

“We have to resist this war on God.  People don’t want to talk about God, and ‘don’t you dare ever mention Jesus Christ!’  And this is supposed to be a country where we have freedom of religion and freedom of speech?  It is absolutely absurd.

“Let’s let everybody believe what they want to believe.  And that means, P. C. police, don’t you be coming down on the people who believe in God and who believe in Jesus.  If they want to put something out that shows their belief, they have every right to do that…

“And we have to live by godly principles of loving your fellow man, of caring about your neighbor, and developing your God given talents to the utmost so that you become valuable to the people around you–of having values and principles that guide your life.  And if we do that, we not only will become a pinnacle nation, but we will truly be one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

I wish this man was president instead of Barack Obama, who divides and conquers.  As Dr. Carson brought out, a nation divided against itself cannot stand.


Filed under belief, Christ, Economy

“Don’t Lay Up Treasures on Earth”–Christ’s Words About the Time of the End

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth…but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,” said the Savior (Matt. 6: 19-20). Why did He tell us this?

Our first response might be that we need to think about God and not ourselves. True. True. But a deeper reason looms very large as we prepare for the sixth seal to be opened.

Certainly God’s sons and daughters see that the treasures of money and material wealth are fleeting and ephemeral, that the present money system of the world is a sham and a scam duping the masses into believing that they either have or are striving for real material wealth. We got that.

But also the Savior is warning us about striving for the treasures of power and prestige and fame and fortune.

Why not strive for this, other than God does not like for us to? The real reason is that this current world system–the governments, religions, and the economic systems–all of them will fail, fall, and crumble during the soon coming “time of the end.”

His directive to not trust and lay up the riches of this world system has held true for 2,000 years. In centuries past personal treasures failed through the death of the possessor of the treasures. He would die having to leave it all for the next generation to enjoy (Ecc 6: 2).

Solomon literally had it all. He was the richest man in the world with power, honor, and prestige. This included 600 wives and 300 concubines and palaces full of gold and precious stones. Yet he concluded that “all is vanity.” Everything this world can offer is just “chasing the wind,” which is what the Hebrew word translated “vanity” means. In short, a man will die and leave it all to–we can’t be sure who will get it, can we? Not really.

And then there is the very real possibility that your country will go belly up economically. In history, all–100% of the economies of the world–all who went to fiat paper money, their currencies failed, and untold fortunes were lost.

Treasures will fail also if revolution engulfs your country. The story is so common, that some say it is history, the taking of one civilization by another. And material treasures and fortunes are lost or taken by another…

“Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth…” Christ’s words ring down through the halls of history to our day. And our day has special significance, for it is very close to the time of the end. Christ’s return to this earth draws nigh. We are living in the last of the last days, the latter days.

And it is at this time of the end of this world system that the greatest loss of personal treasures will take place. For just before He returns, there will be “great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Matt. 24: 21).

This “time of trouble” is horrendous. It is called by the prophets “the day of the LORD” (1). It is the total destruction of this world’s current economic, political, and religious systems. Those heaping up personal treasures of all kinds will not be happy, for they will lose it all.

But for His elect, His followers and supporters, after the cataclysm they will see Christ set up His new government. And because He is the King, it is called the Kingdom of Heaven, for like its King, this government originates from heaven.
There will be much work for His followers to do, for the earth will be in rubble after the asteroids and tidal waves and wars and calamities.

This last scenario is especially why He told His people to “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you” (Matt. 6: 33).

Our take away from all this? Those still trying to chase the wind of earthly riches and treasures when Christ returns are going to miss it. They will miss His kingdom, and they will ultimately miss all of their dreams of riches and treasures for themselves and their families. It is going to be a sad day for those on the wrong side of history. Kenneth Wayne Hancock


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Filed under Economy, end time prophecy, great tribulation period, kingdom of God, sons and daughters of God

So Much Unbelief–Is It God’s Doing?

Ever wonder why there is so much unbelief out there?  You know, that stone cold stare of incredulity when you tell someone about Christ’s ability to “deliver us from the power of darkness” and to miraculously change our lives.  Why is that?  We can’t help but wonder how anyone could not believe in Him.

We have seen recently that it is God’s faith, His belief in Himself and His plan and His ability to perform it–it is His faith that He gives to certain individuals in the earth.  It’s the “faith once delivered” to His people.  After receiving it, we are admonished to “add to your faith” seven spiritual attributes that helps us “grow up into Him.”  They help us to always be bearing the “fruit of the Spirit” [1].

And with these things come the true blessings God has promised.  But why, then is there so much unbelief?

In fact, most Christians start out “setting the woods on fire”–telling everyone and expecting everyone to respond and believe them about our Savior.  But most of us settle down a bit and scratch our heads and wonder, Why don’t more people believe?

Why So Much Unbelief?

Some may say, Well, their hearts are hard, and they have rejected Him.  This is partially true.

Others might say, The devil has deceived the unbelievers.  True again, but that is not the whole truth.  This blessed news of living a forgiven, free, and happy life in Christ is hidden from the many “lost, in whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light…of Christ…should shine unto them” (II Cor. 4:4).  So, yes, the devil has blinded them spiritually so that they cannot believe.  But that is not the whole story or the cause.

Still others, looking more deeply with eyes that only the Father could give, will see that it is God behind the current glut of unbelief in the world.  What?  I say this not as an accusation against God, but more in awe of His ways, which are past finding out.  I’m going by what He said in His word.

“All Things Are of God”

The apostle John saw this deep truth and expressed it.  “But though He had done so many miracles before them, yet they believed not on him…Therefore, they could not believe.”  They could not believe?  Why couldn’t they believe?  They had all the miracles proving that it was God in Christ doing it all.  But they could not believe.  Why?  “Because Isaiah said, He has blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart, that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them (John 12: 37, 39-40).

God has blinded them?  Yes.  He is behind it; that’s a tough one.  John was quoting and elucidating what the Spirit was saying through Isaiah (6: 9-11).  And how long will the deafness and blindness of the masses last?  How long will the unbelief reign in the hearts of mortal Adamic man?

“And he answered, Until the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate.  And the LORD (Yahweh) have removed men far away, and there be a great forsaking in the midst of the land” (v. 11).

The masses will continue on in unbelief until the great catastrophes of the time of the end come upon the whole earth.  When destruction comes upon the people, then they will cry unto God, and then their hearts will turn and believe.

Catastrophes That Happened to Ancient Israel Warn Us of Things To Come

We need only look into the scriptures of truth to see the type and shadow of our modern day reality.  The children of Israel in the “Old Testament” serve as a painful example of this, for “that which has been is now, and that which is to be has already been” (Eccl. 3: 15).  “These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the fulfillment of the ages has come” (I Cor. 10: 11, NIV).  If we want to know how it is all going down in our day, we need only to look in the scriptures.

Many will begin to seek God and to believe Him when the disasters come to this earth, just like in the days of old.  The nation of Ancient Israel would enjoy the blessings of God, then they would get fat and complacent and forget God, and then He would allow other nations to conquer them and desolate their lives, and then they would cry unto Yahweh, and He would hear and come down and deliver them.  There would be revival for a time, and then the cycle would begin again.

We are in that same cycle right now.  We are growing fat and sassy.  Look at America, allowing our representatives in government to allow and fund the killing of our innocent children, and they have taken prayer and thanksgiving to the God of the Bible out of our schools.  And the people have allowed this!  And they have taken our complete money system out of the hands of the people’s representatives and given it over to a private banking corporation, a central bank.  I won’t even get into all the military adventures that have cost millions of innocent lives, with all their false flags.

We have sinned as a nation in so many ways, and most of us are complicit in these atrocities through our lack of courage.  Most have drunk the kool aid they have given us and have taken the government as our sole benefactor.  We have grown fat and lazy and do not “look to the Rock from whence we are hewn.”

And so, at the end of this age, which is coming very soon, God will bring us down.  He will break the pride of our power and humble us through unimaginable catastrophes where cities will be wasted and destroyed during the horrendous “Great Tribulation Period” that will come upon the whole earth.  And it will touch all those who are alive on the earth; that includes Christians, His elect, those He has chosen out to first believe in Him [2].

There is an elect, a remnant, those chosen by Him to be “a kind of firstfruits,” those destined to be the first to trust in Him and believe Him.  And it is left to us to edify each other as best we can, sharing truth with those who can believe at this time.  Maybe all of the above is why Isaiah cried out, “Who has believed our report? (53: 1; John 12: 38).

And it is left to us that have His faith to add to it the seven spiritual qualities  that will help us grow into full maturity.  Somebody is going to do it; it might as well be us.

Of course, the churches do not teach this.  You won’t hear this on Sunday morning anywhere, but I’ll stick with Isaiah and John.   They saw deeply into the heart of God, revealing secrets to those who can believe at this present time.  For most can’t–at this time.        Kenneth Wayne Hancock




Filed under abortion, belief, Economy, elect, end time prophecy, Federal Reserve, great tribulation period, manifestation of the sons of God, Rapture

Peter Schiff Prediction: Economic Collapse for America Worse than 2008 and Europe

Peter Schiff predicted the 2008 crash.  Should we listen to him now?  “You shall know them by their fruits,” said our Master and Savior.  Schiff has been generally right for many years now, and those who followed his advice have been rewarded handsomely.  If we are wise, we will pay attention to this guy who was right before.

Check out this video from Yahoo Finance along with an article detailing what we should be doing to ride out the economic storm:

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Filed under Economy, One World Government

“What’s It All About–Algae?”–Energy and the “Power of Darkness”

I’ve been seriously thinking about the energy problem, but the President’s got me singing that song (with apologies to Bacharach/David).  He really does.

We’ve got crippling gasoline prices, but algae?  Really?  Is that what it’s really all about.  Hey, Mr. President.  We need relief now–not ten to twenty years from now.

The President’s reluctance to open up federal lands and offshore waters for oil drilling confounds me.  Many experts say that it would quiet the speculators and show the world we mean business in getting hold of our energy crisis.  It would bring down crude prices much faster than all the alternative energy sources combined.

“Is it just for the moment we live?”  Not drilling–is it just to appease your base, Mr. President, for this moment of re-election?  Or should it be a government “of the people, by the people, and FOR THE PEOPLE” and their well-being?  Because people are hurting.

I mean–don’t make me go out and buy a Suzuki 250 to ride to work on.  Or worse yet, a Chinese 150cc scooter–although 83 miles per gallon is very enticing.

“What’s it all about when you sort it out, Mr. President?  Wait a minute.  That really is the question that needs answering.  What is it all about, anyway–concerning this big picture stuggle I find myself in?  For I am wrestling in my mind with members of both political parties over the future of our world.

And then a “wrestling” scripture comes to mind, and I am grateful for a word of truthful sanity because what both sides are saying just does not make any sense whatsoever.  For we are not wrestling “against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places” (Eph. 6: 12 NLT).

Wow.  You want to whip out a can of political incorrectness?  Here is a taste.  Our political and economic leaders are being led by “rulers of the darkness of this world,” as it says in the KJV.  The apostle Paul called those entities that motivated political leaders “the rulers of the darkness of this world.”

But Paul is not talking about the physical men in political power.  He is talking about the spirit in them that works through them.  He calls these spiritual powers “the wiles of the devil,” reflected in the earthly face of our world leaders (v. 11).

Some would say that Paul the apostle was too harsh.  But he was just following his example, Jesus Christ (Yahshua the Messiah).  For He said the same thing.

An example of this spiritual power of Satan working through the leaders of this world system is in the gospel of Luke.  The “chief priests and captains of the temple, and the elders” came out to arrest Jesus/Yahshua, and then they took Him to “the high priest’s house.”  And these same quasi-political leaders “mocked Him, and blindfolded Him,” struck Him, and then demanded of Him, “Prophesy, who is it that smote you?”

Remember.  These are the leaders of the people.  Christ said that what they were doing to Him is “the power of darkness” (22: 52-53).  Paul in the KJV said that our struggle is not against human beings but against spiritual “powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world.”  Their statements are almost identical–truth established in the mouth of two witnesses.

So, what’s it all about?  Certainly not algae, although algae, like an evil spirit, does fly under the radar most of the time.  It is about the spirit of the Wicked One working through world rulers to hinder the people and harm their immediate pocketbooks, and that same spirit working to thwart the Kingdom of God by establishing their one world government.  That is what it is all about. KWH


Filed under Economy, end time prophecy, false prophets, false teachers, One World Government

“Debt Collapse The Case for $20,000 Gold” by Mike Maloney–Crucial Info for All God’s Children

“If you know how the world financial system works, you know the game that we are playing…And if you don’t know the game and the rules that we are playing by, you are going to get slaughtered.  You are going to get slaughtered…Our entire currency system is imaginary.  It doesn’t really exist.  It is just that we are all dreaming the same dream.  If anybody chooses to wake up, it is over with…”

These are the opening words of Mike Maloney’s video Debt Collapse–The Case for $20,000 Gold.  This is the clearest presentation of what is really happening in the financial world today.  We will either be part of the gullible sheeple, or we will walk on as the “children of light.”  We are admonished by Christ to “be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove” (Matt. 10: 16).   He also said that “the children of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of light” (Luke 16: 8).  Why?  Because most of God’s children are asleep spiritually, having been lulled into a coma by TV, internet, movies, sports, and music so that they are blind and deaf to what the “rulers of the darkness of this world” are doing to enslave us all (Eph. 6: 12).

To be as wise as a serpent, we must know what the serpents are doing.  And make no mistake; there are two-legged serpents out there in the world.  Christ called them out: “You serpents, you generation of vipers” (Matt. 23: 33). 

We don’t want to be  those sheep led to the slaughter by those who are controlling this world system, who in turn are controlled by “the god of this world” (II Cor. 4:4). 

The video is found here:

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Filed under Economy, end time prophecy, false prophets, new world order, One World Government, sons and daughters of God

The Worst Financial Crisis Since the Great Depression: A Short History

Bob Chapman gives us a brief financial history and outlook:  “If you look back into the mid-1960s you will see the beginnings of today’s financial and economic problems. Inflation was beginning to raise its ugly head as clad coins came into being. We were collecting all the pre-1964 90% dimes, quarters and halves we could find. As we moved into 1968 few were to be found in circulation. War in Vietnam was draining the country and the buffoon Lyndon Johnson, another socialist, was leading America into the Great Society. What he was really doing was taking the US into socialism and debt.

“It got so bad that countries were demanding gold for dollars; particularly aggressive was President Charles DeGaulle of France. Then the beginning of the end came. On August 15, 1971 the dollar was moved off the gold standard and the dollar became just another fiat currency.

“Here we are almost 40 years later, and the dollar has lost 95% of its purchasing power and two breadwinners are needed in every family, as opposed to one in 1971. That is when social engineering began, as we know it today. We’ve seen many losers walk across the stage over the years – all with either their hands in the till or exuding incompetence. Most of the bright still excelled but 55% of Americans slipped into stupidity. What is sadder is they think they know it all, but they do not. From 1976 to 1981 gold and silver warned us of what was coming. We have had cycles of inflation, buildup of debt and a general degeneration of society.

“We had a purging of the system in the early 1980s but it certainly did not last long. Real estate collapsed starting in 1988 and the effects carried over into the early 1990s. During that period those in control had a great opportunity to again purge the system, but they refused to use that option and went right back to doing what they had done in the past. Gold and silver fell out of favor and we were subjected to the dotcom boom, which ended in tears for so many. Inflation was about, but worse, a great deal of wealth had been lost. We were fortunate enough to call the top of the market in the first week of April 2000, just two weeks after the actual top. Only 2% of economists, analysts and newsletter writers called the top. Being mostly outnumbered by the losers has its benefits. Presently 95% believe gold and silver are headed lower. Considering their track records we’ll stay long as we have been since the second quarter of 2000 when gold was $262.00 and silver was $3.50.

“Many professionals are looking for answers as to why the US economy and finances are in the state they are in. We have been pointing out for ten years that the Fed is the problem, but those who realize this are afraid to speak the truth. They won’t have their jobs long if they do speak out. Low or zero interest rates may have helped government and big business, but it has not helped small business and the unemployed. Are we to believe that the Fed had nothing to do with the real estate collapse? Of course they did – they planned and executed it. The zero interest rate policy still in place has created more grievous damage than any other aspect of economic causes.

“Framing failed policy in the context of the system and calling it mistakes and incompetence doesn’t cut it. The problems we have seen since 2000 were planned that way. Investors and professionals do not want to hear that. They do not want to look behind the facts because it’s not popular, and they may have to tell the truth, and that is very inconvenient for an employee’s financial health. Why do you suppose the Fed didn’t want anyone to know to whom the $13.8 trillion was lent to and why, and what collateral was presented?  A great part of the loan packages went to banks and others, which had been buyers of MBS from US syndicators. We would say the next logical step in this charade would be to clean up the rest of the toxic waste in the US and Europe and then come up with the $8 trillion to bail out Fannie, Freddie, Ginnie and FHA. We believe that either legislation or fiat order has to be set in motion at 5-1/4% to bring home the $1.9 trillion America’s transnational corporations have stashed in the Cayman Islands and in other tax havens. You notice you cannot do that, but these anointed corporations can. They can use the funds to again prop up the stock market, perhaps make the market go higher, make their company’s stocks go higher, so they can again cash out their options making billions and to help fund the Treasury, Agency and perhaps buy MBS-CDOs at $0.15 on the dollar. Don’t forget elitists control all these corporations or those who manage these firms are under elitist thumbs. We see this move as inevitable with the Fed already offside some $1.2 trillion. Eventual assistance to the housing agencies would fit perfectly with our prediction seven years ago that these agencies were broke, they would be nationalized, which they were, and funding by the Fed would lead to eventual 55% control of the US housing market. Over the next two generations almost all real estate half will belong to the Fed and government. This way they will be able to tell people where they will live and work and a myriad of other controls will be in place.

“Transnational conglomerates contend they need the ability to avoid taxation of the US, which runs from 35% to 40%. In Europe the range is 24% to 30%. Individual US taxes, after state and local taxes, run about 35%, but in Europe if you add in VAT the average is 70%. Therein lies the difference. The only way to deal with the problem is to set up tariffs to protect US jobs and industry from predators such as transnational conglomerates. The tariffs would fund government and debt and there would no longer be any reason to move jobs and industries offshore. That means the majority of jobs and industry would return to the US. Under current law there is no reason for US corporations to invest in the US because it is uncompetitive. We wrote about this in 1967, but no one was listening.

“If all this wasn’t damaging enough, most American municipalities are facing bankruptcy. Police, fire and social workers are already being eliminated, some with 15 to 25 years on the job. This dislocation is going to be devastating in communities. This is the result of pure incompetence and we predicted this result three years ago and recommended the sale of municipals. We must say that salaries and benefits at these government levels got totally out of hand. After 30 years on the job some retirements are $150,000 to $200,000 a year, which is totally absurd. This new wave of ongoing layoffs will add to core unemployment. Those lucky enough to find jobs will do so at a rate of 1/3 to 1/2 of previous salaries. This is why America desperately needs tariffs on goods and services. Unfortunately tariffs are a long shot as the elitists behind the scenes have purchased 95% of the members of our House and Senate and no such legislation could be passed. Then there still is the revolving door between Wall Street and the Fed and the Treasury. The latest in your face appointment to fill the shoes of Rahm Emanuel, as White House Chief of Staff, is Mr. Daley from JPMorgan Chase’s Midwest branch. Doesn’t the public see what is going on? Or do they care at all? We see 55% of know it all Americans not caring or being too dumb to understand.

 “In the world of CNBC, CNN and Bloomberg up is down and down is up. It is also evident that governmental deficits will never be liquidated, unless, of course, Washington steals Americans’ $6 trillion in 401Ks and IRAs, which they have every intention of doing. The bill has been prepared and our politicians and Wall Street are waiting for the right moment to jam it through. Just think of it, a lifetime of work wiped out in the blink of an eye. If you have these plans you had better think about liquidating them before it is too late.

“Gold has become again the world reserve currency. It is just that few realize the transition has already taken place. For the past 11 years every major currency has fallen in value versus gold from 13 to 20 percent annually. Versus silver, the figures range from 17 to 25 percent. This is a clear-cut ominous trend of a flight away from all currencies to gold and silver and quite a flight to safety. This movement by worldwide investors cannot be ignored. There obviously are many people that see what we see and in that process are dumping currencies for gold and silver related assets. Unfortunately, Americans are far behind in these changes with only 2% of the population participating. Ladies and gentlemen the second stage of the gold and silver bull market has just begun. Prices have fallen from their highs, what a great time to buy” [from The International Forecaster, ].


Filed under Economy, end time prophecy, Federal Reserve, One World Government