Category Archives: new world order

What Is Our End Time Response?

[Note to all of my subscribers and readers: Would you help me get this to more people by hitting the “Like” button? They say that it helps us climb up the search engines. And if you feel led, please make a comment. Thank you so much.]

I often wonder why scant few young adults respond to God’s message of love. Just compare their Saturday nights numbers with their Sunday mornings. Most are not even thinking about nor seeking the hidden, spiritual things. We speak about what we think about. Hence, the masses speak of material, temporal things and not the spiritual, eternal things.

And they especially think on and speak about earthly things when all is going well. On a personal level, it is only when a person hits rock bottom that they find that they have need of a Savior to deliver them from their addictive selfish behavior. I saw it in Viet Nam. Soldiers who a few hours before were sloshing through a dangerous jungle, cursing and looking to kill their enemy, were laying in a humbled clump on our ER table, vacant eyes looking into our eyes, asking, “Am I going to make it? God, please help me.” And we would say, “Yes you will,” knowing that they probably would not.

Thinking on a national, international and global scale, it is only when nations fall crashing down upon the rocks, that a nation will cry out for deliverance. When material dreams are shattered, people and nations will seek the invisible hand of Love. For it is only God, who is Love, that will cure mankind’s sickness.

God says that He will allow the downfall of this current world system. He will shake both persons and nations from their selfish pursuits so that they may glimpse the Invisible One in all His mysterious glory. If they are blessed, they will finally see the light of His ways.

The 6th Seal Reality

The 6th seal speaks of such a catastrophic time coming to the earth. When it is opened, the whole earth will be shaken to its foundations. “And, lo, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth [meteors and asteroids]…And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together, and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains and the mighty men…hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: for the great day of his wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand” (Rev. 6:12-17)?

They will know that it is the wrath of God. They will know that it is judgement time. The whole earth will become at this time a giant fox hole. And there are no atheists in a fox hole. Survivors worldwide will be crying to God as they see the whole economic system collapsing like the house of cards that it is. That day will be dark for mankind. But it is just the beginning of woes. The 6th seal is our sign that the Tribulation Period is about to start. How will we respond as we see that we are still on earth and not ushered away conveniently to safety? How will we respond to the “time of the end?”         Kenneth Wayne Hancock


Filed under great tribulation period, new world order, sufferings of Christians

Big Tech–Counterfeit Comforter

Big Brother is watching you and me. It is an old concept, but never more true. He knows our thoughts and desires, and he is well aware of our political, religious, educational, and economic inclinations.

Of course, we speak of Big Tech, who sprawls over the entire earth, digitally scratching the itch that humans have. That itch is to feel important and needed and appreciated, and to know that they belong.

But mankind does not know that Big Tech’s fingers scratch with silent talons, talons that tear into the subconscious minds of the vulnerable.  Through quiet machinations of the human psyche, Big Tech has become the provider of comfort.

It has almost entirely replaced the Hebrew God as mankind’s go-to savior. Feeling lonely? Turn on your electronic device. Go where you want to go. Listen to whom you want to hear. Bored? Same thing. In fact, Big Tech provides your every desire except one. It does not know the mind of the Spirit of God. It is not a Christ based endeavor. Therefore, it is “opposite of” Christ, or “instead of” Christ [Strong’s Concordance, G473: anti-]. So you extrapolate it (I John 2:22-23).

The addiction to social media has provided a counterfeit comfort. But God has promised us that He would come to us as our “Comforter” (John 14:16-18, 23-26). He would be the One who comforts and encourages us with His presence of Love, for He is love.

But, no. “All the world wondered after the beast” (Rev. 13:3). The beast at the time of the end will have the whole world marveling over its provisions to help mankind in their need to be comforted as their currencies collapse into ashes. Big Tech is the only entity that is universally filling that need today.

All of its social media platforms stand like the lesser pagan gods that each city state worshiped. Whatever itch one has, there is a lesser god to scratch it. Big Tech is the big one. But even it is made with man’s hands. It is a god that is tangible and can be turned on for instant gratification whenever the laity desires.

Nevertheless, Big Tech’s priests wield great power. They can include you in their services or excommunicate you. They then can cancel you and send you into that empty land where voices become silent echoes down the canyon of the American dream.

This is where we are at. The Hebrew God of the Holy Bible knows what is happening. In fact, He is enabling Big Tech’s power grab in hope: that a few of us would see through this electronic delusion and seek Him, the true Comforter, the Spirit of Truth. For there is no better comfort than knowing the truth about what is happening.

Just as He has scripted the world’s delusion in our past and present, He also has written the ending in our future. He will reproduce Himself in some, and they will stride forth in love. And Big Tech will fall at Christ’s return to earth to set up His kingdom, where “God shall wipe away all tears…and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying…” (Rev. 21:4). That is real comfort.   Kenneth Wayne Hancock


Filed under atheism, false prophets, great tribulation period, new world order, One World Government

Exposing the Spiritual Darkness of Political Correctness

“Something there is that does not love” political correctness [1]. Something deep down in the human soul repulses attempts by our fellow man to dictate how we should feel, speak, and act. Perhaps that something is that little spiritual spark that our Creator has placed in our hearts. That tiny luminescence is intended to kindle a fire that will illuminate the path back to our Father’s heart.

Thus, that little light that He has given each person knows that in the end, we all were made for God’s purposes and not to be slaves to the whims of other men.

Political correctness is just that–a subtle tyranny of thought control, enabled by fear. For it is fear of retribution from the herd that debilitates most. When their heads raise up in indignation at the despotic dictums foisted upon them by the P.C. police, most merely glimpse the woolly fleece in front of them and continue following, lowering their heads once again in resignation.

But “Something There Is that Does Not Love” Political Correctness

Politics is natural man governing other men. So when a small group of men dictates to the masses what to think and say, and the people acquiesce, then a quiet totalitarian regime is born, and the masses become compliant subjects of the few.

Therefore, it is an honor for me to say that I am not politically correct. For I am endeavoring to follow our Example, the Son of God. He shrank not from those who dictated “correct” thought and speech 2,000 years ago. He followed completely the spark within to its full growth cycle conclusion: the manifestation of the Son of God.

Our Example

And He is our Example, and He has shown us the way to the goal and vision of being just like Him. And He was not politically correct. He did not need for somebody to tell Him how men should think, “for He knew what was in man” (John 2: 25). He stood up and exposed the lies and deceptions of natural sinful man.

He even told the Pharisees, “You are of your father the devil” (John 8: 42-47). Hey, you hypocritical little tyrants, running around here, sitting in Moses’ seat, you stone my followers for loving their neighbor as themselves, and you bind heavy burdens on the people and never lift a finger to help them. Your father is Satan, and you are acting just like him. Satan is a serpent and you are a den of lying vipers just like him.

No, Christ was not politically correct. He told the truth and exposed the bastardized Judaic religion of His day for the hypocrisy that it was. He came against it vehemently. He is our Example. Are we doing what He did? Are we exposing the half-truths and outright errors that riddle organized Churchianity? Are we purging out the old leaven concepts?

Light Versus Darkness

Almost everything Christ said was not politically correct. Take the Sermon on the Mount. He said that we are not to hide the light that He gives us, but to let it shine. Light by its nature exposes and reveals what darkness hides. Light, therefore, is much more powerful than darkness, for it dispels and finally annihilates the darkness.

Political correctness is a form of darkness, demanding its victims to remain quiet and not expose its nature. P.C. says, Don’t let the light of truth and freedom shine because it will reveal just how small and petty I am.

Oh, something there is in the human heart that does not love political correctness. Truth and Love says, Letting your light shine glorifies the Father. For He is the Light, “the true Light, which lights every man that comes into the world” (John 1: 9).

Our wonderful Savior is the Light that has shined into our hearts with His Spirit and spark of new life in Him. He has promised us freedom from the slavery and bondage of sinful man’s expectations of how we are to think and speak in their new world order.

Oh, something there is that does not love political correctness, and that something is a Someone, and He is God. And man was created by Him to be the glory of God.  Our whole purpose is to exalt our King. It is branded into our DNA.

That is why we fairly bristle at political correctness. Agents of the kingdom of darkness impose the ideals of their father upon us. They are against the divine nature that we are to exhibit. This is the righteous spiritual nature that will glorify God. P.C. is against God and His sovereignty in our lives. It totally forgets God and His word and plan and purpose, superimposing “great swelling words of man’s wisdom” in their stead.

Our modern day political correctness is just the latest version of the same spiritual sickness. It is ultimately against God and His desire for us, which is this: He wants us to be exactly like our Example. He is known by English speakers as Jesus Christ, but known by a few as Yahshua, His Hebrew name.

But then, using the name “Yahshua” may not be politically correct in some quarters. I better let the Father Yahweh sort it all out.     Kenneth Wayne Hancock

[1] Robert Frost. Adapted from “Mending Wall.”

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Filed under atheism, eternal purpose, new world order, old leaven, Sacred Names, sin

Exposing the Darkness of Political Correctness–God Is Not P.C.

Something there is that does not love political correctness. Something deep down in the human soul repulses attempts by our fellow man to dictate how we should feel, speak, and act. Perhaps that something is that little spiritual spark that our Creator has placed in our hearts. That tiny luminescence is intended to kindle a fire that will illuminate the path back to our Father’s heart.

Thus, that little light that He has given each person knows that in the end, we all were made for God’s purposes and not to be slaves to the whims of other men.

For in the end, that is what political correctness is–a subtle tyranny of thought control, enabled by fear. For it is fear of retribution from the herd that debilitates most. When their heads raise up in indignation at the despotic dictums foisted upon them by the P.C. police, most merely glimpse the woolly fleece in front of them and continue following, lowering their heads once again in resignation.

But “Something There Is that Does Not Love” Political Correctness

Politics is natural man governing other men. So when a small group of men dictates to the masses what to think and say, and the people acquiesce, then a quiet totalitarian regime is born, and the masses become compliant subjects to the few.

Therefore, it is an honor for me to say that I am not politically correct. For I am endeavoring to follow our Example, the Son of God. He shrank not from those who dictated “correct” thought and speech 2,000 years ago. He followed completely the spark within to its full growth cycle conclusion: the manifestation of the Son of God.

Our Example

And He is our Example, and He has shown us the way to the goal and vision of being just like Him. And He was not politically correct. He did not need for somebody to tell Him how men should think, “for He knew what was in man” (John 2: 25). He stood up and exposed the lies and deceptions of natural sinful man.

He even told the Pharisees, “You are of your father the devil” (John 8: 42-47). Hey, you hypocritical little tyrants, running around here, sitting in Moses’ seat, you stone my followers for loving their neighbor as themselves, and you bind heavy burdens on the people and never lift a finger to help them. Your father is Satan, and you are acting just like him. Satan is a serpent and you are a den of lying vipers just like him.

No, Christ was not politically correct. He told the truth and exposed the bastardized Judaic religion of His day for the hypocrisy that it was. He came against it vehemently. He is our Example. Are we doing what He did? Are we exposing the lies and falsehoods that riddle organized Christianity. Are we purging out the old leaven that puffs up the bread from heaven, the true body of Christ?

Light Versus Darkness

Almost everything Christ said was not politically correct. Take the Sermon on the Mount. He said that we are not to hide the light that He gives us, but to let it shine. Light by its nature exposes and reveals what darkness hides. Light, therefore, is much more powerful than darkness, for it dispels and finally annihilates the darkness.

Political correctness is a form of darkness, demanding its victims to remain quiet and not expose its nature. P.C. says, Don’t let the light of truth and freedom shine because it will reveal just how small and petty I am.

Oh, something there is in the human heart that does not love political correctness. Truth and Love says, Letting your light shine glorifies the Father. For He is the Light, “the true Light, which lights every man that comes into the world” (John 1: 9).

Our wonderful Savior is the Light that has shined into our hearts with His Spirit and spark of new life in Him. He has promised us freedom from the slavery and bondage of sinful man’s expectations of how we are to think and speak in their new world order.

Oh, something there is that does not love political correctness, and that something is a Someone, and He is God. And man was created by Him to be the glory of God.  Our whole purpose is to exalt our King. It is branded into our DNA.

That is why we fairly bristle at political correctness. Agents of the kingdom of darkness impose the ideals of their father upon us. It is against the divine nature that we are to exhibit, which is the righteous spiritual nature that will glorify God. P.C. is against God and His sovereignty in our lives. It totally forgets God and His word and plan and purpose, superimposing “great swelling words of man’s wisdom” in their stead.

Our modern day political correctness is just the latest version of the same spiritual sickness. It is ultimately against God and His desire for us, which is this: He wants us to be exactly like our Example. He is known by English speakers as Jesus Christ, but known by a few as Yahshua, His Hebrew name.

But then, using the name “Yahshua” may not be politically correct in some quarters. I better let Yahweh sort it all out.     Kenneth Wayne Hancock


Filed under christianity, eternal purpose, false doctrines, false teachers, glorification, kingdom of God, Love from Above, new world order, old leaven, Spirit of God, spiritual growth, Spiritual Life Cycle, Yahshua

The False Vision and the True Vision

Two visions are given in the scriptures concerning this earth today. One is true and is from the Hebrew God Yahweh. And one is false. And both of these visions concerning God and His plan are out there on the airwaves, in cyberspace, and in the pulpits.

Since “there is nothing new under the sun,” and since “that which has been is now,” we look back to the prophet Jeremiah’s day. Then there were prophets speaking lies in God’s name to the people of Jerusalem. The Babylonian army was sweeping across the Middle East, and yet, they said that God was saying, “You will not see the sword, neither shall you have famine. But I will give you assured peace in this place” (Jer. 14: 13).

These “men of God” told the people what they wanted to hear–how God was going to spare them from Nebuchadnezzar’s army and how their “faithful worship” would be rewarded by God’s protection during the coming tribulation.

But Yahweh said to Jeremiah, “The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake to them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart” (14: 14). They were deceived and were predicting good things for the people in the face of imminent destruction. They wanted the “best” for their congregations and so were ripe to believe the lie that God would not punish their wickedness.

But Jeremiah had warned them earlier. “Be not proud…Give glory to Yahweh your God, before He cause darkness, and before your feet stumble upon the dark mountains, and while you look for light, He turn it into the shadow of death…Judah shall be carried away captive…and if thou say in thine heart, why come these things upon me? For the greatness of thine iniquity…” (13: 15-22).

And now I tell you that there is a sword coming upon us here in the West. The preachers today have told their flocks what they want to hear, how they will be lifted out of the earth just in the nick of time before the Tribulation Period starts. But like in Jeremiah’s day, today’s preachers, priests and prophets speak a “false vision” of what God will do during “the time of the end.”

A sword is coming upon the nations of this earth, upon the lost tribes of Israel, upon the West, and upon the whole world!

Devestation awaits the current edition of the world system, Babylon the Great, and its destruction will shake us all to our core. It will be so bad that only for His elect’s sake will God prevent total annihilation. Earthquakes, tidal waves, worldwide wars, famines, and cosmic catastrophes shall rack this earth and cause the survivors to wander in the “shadows of death.”

This world system is the rich man’s feeble attempt to rule this earth. It is Satan’s kingdom, and it is coming down. Read the vision of its fall in the book of Revelation.

The stage is being set for this final act. Devastation awaits, and Christians will suffer through the throes and agonies. And many will cry out to God, Why are these things coming upon us? We will suffer because of our iniquities–for tolerating the governments that legalized the murder of our helpless unborn babies; for condoning the addictions of drugs and pornography and the perversions of filthy movies and books; for sleeping while they shut our children’s mouths that just wanted to pray to the God of heaven; and for bowing our blindfolded eyes as they desecrated holy matrimony.

Holy matrimony. For few spoke up for God as they trounced the words of our King and Savior: “Have you not read, that He that made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder” (Matt. 19: 4-6). Male and female. Pretty simple.

No, the false prophets of our generation, from the presidents, premiers, and prime ministers, all the way down to the street corner pastor–preach a “false vision.” It is the “other gospel” that the apostle Paul warned us of. And because of the lies, our planet aches and groans in pain waiting and hoping for someone to rise up and say, No more lies.

For it is the truth about what is happening and what will happen to this earth and its inhabitants that will make us free. And the truth is that out of the rubble of the misery coming to the earth, the remnant of God will rise! His elect, His chosen ones, like Jeremiah, who after tortured tears cried for his people, wrote the true vision down for us. That we through “the patience and comfort of the scriptures” could find the map leading to the immortal city.

The whole world will suffer together during the end time wrap up. But out of this crucible of tears, a remnant of His people will shine forth as the sun. With their King’s Spirit, they with Him will lead the people who remain into a thousand years of peace. That is the vision that is true. That is the vision that Jeremiah and Isaiah and Daniel and the others saw. That is the true vision–the soon coming Kingdom of God established right here on this troubled planet with Christ the King of kings sitting on the throne–right beside His elect.   Kenneth Wayne Hancock


Filed under abortion, Bible, catching away of the saints, elect, end time prophecy, eternal purpose, false doctrines, false prophets, false teachers, gospel, great tribulation period, kingdom of God, Lost Sheep of the House of Israel, manifestation of the sons of God, new world order, old leaven, One World Government, princes and princesses of God, sons and daughters of God, sons of God, Spirit of God, sufferings of Christians, vision, Yahweh

Understanding the 70th Week–The Tribulation Period

Nothing in the Bible elicits as much excited interest as well as stupefied perplexity as the Tribulation Period in prophecy. Honest questions arise as to how long it is. Is it 3 1/2 years or seven years. And just what will happen during that time?

Answers begin to emerge from comprehending the number “seventy.” Daniel “understood by books the number ” 70. He gained this grace from God in the first year of Darius the Mede in about 538 B.C. (Dan 9: 2). One of the books he studied was II Chronicles 36, which told of the Babylonian desecration of Jerusalem and its temple and the captivity of its people. This was allowed by God, for they had not repented of their sins against Yahweh (v. 16-20). This fulfilled the word of Yahweh through Jeremiah. “For as long as she lay desolate she kept sabbath, to fulfill threescore and ten years” (v. 21).

70 years. Important number that God would shed more light on to His prophet Daniel. For the great revelation that Daniel received was not that they would be in captivity for 70 years. That was given in v. 21 above. The revelation that he received from God was the significance placed on the number “70” not just the seventy years.

For the number 70 represented 70 weeks of years–a total of 490 years that would play a prominent role in establishing several milestones in the completion of the plan of God in bringing His literal kingdom to this earth. This is the “stone kingdom” that Daniel saw earlier (Dan. 2: 44-45).

There would be seventy “seven-year-periods” or seventy weeks-of-years that would assume supreme importance in God’s plan.
Gabriel himself came to the seeking prophet Daniel to expound the milestones leading up to His kingdom coming to earth. “Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city” to accomplish several things that Christ accomplished in His first coming (v. 24). This was done using 69 of the 70 seven-year periods (v. 25).

Then the remaining “one week” is mentioned in verse 27. During the time of the 70th week of years, a “prince…shall come and shall destroy the city and the sanctuary” (v. 26). This wicked ruler “shall confirm the covenant with many for one week” (v. 27). This is the remaining “one week of years” or a seven year period. Of course, the wicked prince is universally believed to be the Anti-Christ or the “man of sin.”

But the question arises. Which seven year period is it? And when will it take place? The answer is a key point in unlocking the mystery of when Christ sets up His kingdom here on earth and the milieu upon its arrival. “In the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease…and he shall make it desolate” (v. 27). All the key words–sacrifice, oblation to cease, abominations, desolate–point to a specific seven year period in scripture. And all of this happens “even until the consummation.” The word translated “consummation” is translated in other passages as “full end” and “utter end.” Sounds like the “time of the end” to me.

Christ confirms this time frame by quoting Dan. 9 in Matt. 24: 15. When this desecration, this abomination happens in the rebuilt temple, it will mark the “midst of the week,” the last half of the last of the seven-year-periods of the seventy weeks-of-years spoken of by the prophets.

It is generally believed by many that the tribulation in the form of the seven trumpets in Rev. 8 comprises the first 3 1/2 years. Much destruction worldwide ensues during this time. But the last half, the seven vials of wrath, is the “great tribulation” spoken of.

Of course, we have only received a very small ray of light as to what will take place. God is merciful and knows what our fragile hearts and minds can take at this time. Hope this has helped you. God bless you. Kenneth Wayne Hancock

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Filed under end time prophecy, false prophets, grace, great tribulation period, MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, new world order, Yahweh

A Kingdom Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand–The Fall of the New World Order

Satan has a kingdom, and it is coming down, even as we write this.  More banks are failing while more governments are borrowing trillions from central banker thieves, thus putting the people more in bondage.

Satan has a globally connected kingdom–actually many national governments who are enslaving their people through corrupt economic practices.  For the very central bankers who were supposed to “prevent the people’s elected representatives” from making a mess of things, are now the very ones selling us all down the tubes.

But we sons and daughters of God must be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”  We must know the “wiles of the devil” as we are admonished by the holy apostles of Christ.

So let us realize and believe what the Holy One Himself said about this present world system.  The “wicked one” and destroyer of men is plotting now through certain rich men how to consolidate his power over all nations (see James 5: 1-6).

Satan has longed for the day when his “one world government” is realized.  It has been many centuries in the making.

Satan’s Kingdom Is the “One World Government” and the “New World Order”

Christ taught us that Satan has his own kingdom.  “If Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand?” (Luke 11: 18).   Earlier we see during the temptations of Christ, Satan saying, “All this power will I give you…for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.”  We see by this statement that the power of this present world system is Satanic and the power thereof is given to men from the wicked one.

Satan is the “god of this world.”  He is in control, for now, of all the power of the governments of men.

But Satan’s kingdom is a divided kingdom.  For instance, the West is at war with the Middle East; Christendom is at war with Islamic fundamentalism; capitalism is at war with communism/socialism; Hindu India vs. Muslim Pakistan; tribe against tribe; culture against culture, ad infinitum.

The United States is going into the One World Government.  Both Republican and Democratic Parties are taking us there through very similar policies.  Ever notice how neither decries the Federal Reserve System’s stranglehold on our economy.  Remember George Bush I’s  speech gloating about the “New World Order”?  What sheer audacity.  And what do the sheeple do?  Nothing.  Not a whimper, not a word.

The Difference in Our Two Parties

Here’s the difference in the two parties.  The conservatives want the USA to be the leading voice in the One World Government.  The Liberals want to weaken her, redistribute her wealth, and strip her of her power and make the USA just another third rate power, like a middle of the road European state.

And it is all heading that way–the way that biblical prophecy has proclaimed it to be.  The world will fall under the spell of a charismatic ruler, the Anti-Christ.  For seven years he will hold sway.  But the phony peace, held together by grey duct tape of lies, will fracture because of all the evil selfish egos, and Satan’s kingdom will disintegrate about the time of Christ’s return to set up His kingdom.

He’ll set it all aright here on earth, establishing a 1,000 year reign of peace.  And He will be using His sons and daughters as His administrators and ambassadors sent to the far-flung corners of the globe, spreading His love, hope, and righteousness.     Kenneth Wayne Hancock


Filed under end time prophecy, false doctrines, false prophets, kingdom of God, new world order, One World Government, sons of God

The Manifestation of the Sons of God–The Hope for Immortality, Christ’s Return, and the “Strong Delusion”

Turn on the news and what do you see? Suicide bombings, children slaughtered, ethnic cleansing, civil wars, domestic violence–the results of hatred at every turn. The “perilous times” that the apostle Paul wrote about are upon us. The Savior said as much. “In the world you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” And He promised that we could overcome also.

But what constitutes this overcoming the world? How did He overcome the world? We will find the answer in the power of His resurrection. This power spearheads the ultimate victory that He promised His followers. “You shall overcome also.”

You shall become like Me, He is promising. You shall walk with Me and be like Me in My immortal state. You shall receive an immortal spiritual body just like mine. John confirms this. “When He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is. And every man who has this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure” (1 John 3: 2-3). Our hope is to be like Him–immortal.

Let’s savor these words a moment. “When He shall appear, we shall be like Him.” Christ is immortal, and so will we be when He shall appear. So when will that be?

When will Christ appear?

Christ Himself said that He will appear upon His return to earth “immediately after the tribulation of those days” (Matt. 24: 29). Which tribulation? It will be “great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no nor ever shall be” (24: 21). It will be so destructive that God will have to intervene and stop it before all mankind is wiped out. “But for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened” (v. 22). God’s precious elect, His sons and daughters, will evidently be in danger, for He cuts the tribulation short to spare them from collateral destruction.

Furthermore, during this great tribulation period, deception and delusion will permeate the earth through the teachings of the false Christs and false prophets. They will be so convincing that it will almost deceive God’s elect, who are obviously still here on earth. For they could not be deceived by Satan if they were already with God in heaven. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Matt. 24: 24.

This is the environment of Christ’s return to earth. And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven…and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And He shall send his angels…and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds…

It is a time of “great tribulation” in the earth. Christ returns at the end of this tribulation. In fact, His presence brings peace and tranquility to the earth.

And when He shall appear at this time, then “we shall be like Him.” His Spirit will be living in us fully. And this is our hope. We shall receive immortality and become just like Him–right here on earth. Not in the sky by and by. No. Right here. How can I be sure of that? Because He has promised in His word that He is coming back to earth, the same way He left earth!

Our hope is to receive immortality, thus escaping a certain physical death that stalks humans on this earth.

Our hope of everlasting life

Paul admonished the church of the Thessalonians to have this very hope of receiving a new immortal body. He mentions that if you are sorrowful because of brethren who have died, you are acting like you have no hope (I Thess. 4: 13). Hope of what? He speaks of Christ dying and rising from the dead. The same power that raised Him from the dead will give the dead in Christ a new body when He comes back to earth. Those who die or “sleep” in Jesus (Yahshua), “God will bring with Him” (v. 14).

God will be bringing with Him His saints who have died before His return to earth. Where will He be bringing them from? And to where? The answer is found in verse 16: He “shall descend from heaven with a shout.” He is coming from heaven to this earth, and the dead in Christ will be coming with Him.

Those of us who do not die before His return will not precede the Christians that have died. “We which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent [precede] them which are asleep” (v. 15). Precede them in what? Those of the elect who are still alive at His return will not go before the dead in Christ in getting their immortal, spiritual body (See I Cor. 15: 23). They will get theirs first, then we will receive our immortal bodies, and we will join them, “caught up together with them in the clouds to meet Christ in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord” (v. 17).

Rapture doctrine erroneously based on one verse

The rapture doctrine has been built upon one major verse: I Thessalonians 4: 17. Of course, “rapture” is not in the scriptures. A closer study of this passage reveals events quite differently than what those waiting for the “rapture” envision. They imagine that they will be conveniently whisked away from the “time of trouble,” the great tribulation period, that shall ravage the earth at the time of His return. They base this primarily on one verse.

But let us dig deep into it and see what it really says. First, He is coming back to this earth. When He gets into the atmosphere of this planet, the dead in Christ will receive a new immortal, spiritual body, rising up to meet Him.  Those of us who are still living will join them “in the clouds…in the air.”

So there is a “catching away,” a rising up into our atmosphere. “Clouds” and “air” are components of the very atmosphere that we mortals breathe as we stand here on earth. The dead in Christ will join Him upon His return, and then those alive in Him will be changed and “caught up together with them in the clouds to meet Christ in the air.” Our change, when “this mortal shall put on immortality,” shall take place in the very atmosphere that we now breathe.

There will be air and clouds there. The Greek manuscripts are clear on this. Now take note of the next line in v. 17: “And so shall we ever be with the Lord.” This   part of the passage is never quoted. We will join up with Him in our atmosphere rising in our new spiritual bodies from the earth, and then we will come right back down onto terra firma! We will come back down to earth after that short ride because He is immediately coming back to earth. And we are coming back down to earth with Him, for we shall “ever be with Him.”

This is our hope–to be eternally with Christ

We will forever be with Him at this time–all of His people down through the ages and those of His who are alive when He returns. That is our hope! The first step that He will take will be right here on earth.

Paul continues to explain to the Thessalonians about how Christ’s return will be “as a thief in the night” to those who walk in darkness. “But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.” Those in spiritual darkness will not know when He is coming back, but the elect will know and not be overtaken. “You are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness’ (I Thess. 5: 2-9).

God’s children will be changed into immortals and will not be taken in the “sudden destruction” coming upon all those in darkness. Paul says that at the time of end, the world system will be trying to induce an artificial man-made peace throughout the globe. They will say that everything is fine now. “Peace and safety” will be the talk of the land, but real peace will not reside in the hearts of the earth’s inhabitants. In reality, a godless darkness will cover the land.

Yet, this earth in all of its end time spiritual darkness will be the stage for man’s greatest disaster and greatest triumph. The New World Order and its enforced peace will crumble under the onslaught of God’s missiles, His heavenly bodies that will literally crash down onto this earth, wiping out whole civilizations. It will be a “time of trouble” never seen before on earth.

Rising out of the ashes

But, rising out of the wasteland will come striding God’s chosen ones, His elect, His sons and daughters, His ambassadors–the princes and princesses of God’s kingdom. They will have God fully formed in them. Nothing will harm them, for they are from another dimension–a heavenly one that has transcended earthly matter. They will no longer be of this earth. They will have been “changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump.”

This at once terrible and glorious day will come on the world as “a thief in the night.” Darkness will envelop the land, literally and spiritually. But, as Paul exhorts, you are “the children of light…we are not of the night, nor of darkness” (I Th 5: 4-5). The very fact that we have the Spirit within us, will make us where we can see the “thief” who operates out in the night of the world system. God’s elect will know. We will know by the signs of the times, for we will be “sober, armed with the armor of God, “the breastplate of faith and love; and for a helmet, the hope of salvation.” This “hope of salvation” is the hope of our deliverance  from the dusty tombs of our mortal earthy existence. This “hope of salvation” is the looking forward to us receiving our new spiritual body at His coming–whether we be dead or alive upon His return.

At the end of this present age, the earth, totally immersed in the evil world system, will be a crucible of wrath, bathed in fire and blood. Yet this earth’s most painful travail will with supreme irony give birth to the sons and daughters of the great Father Yahweh. They will be the first immortals to take up residence on this earth since Christ Himself did for 40 days after His resurrection. They will have His Spirit fully residing within, and they “will build the old waste places” (Isa. 61: 1-4). Paul and the Thessalonians looked forward to this day, our day. In fact, their spirit still looks forward to the day of Christ’s return, which will fulfill our hope–our hope for immortality.







Filed under belief, elect, end time prophecy, eternal life, eternal purpose, false doctrines, great tribulation period, hope, immortality, kingdom of God, light, manifestation of the sons of God, new world order, princes and princesses of God, Rapture, resurrection, sons and daughters of God, Spirit of God

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Obama and the One World Government (2012)

Well, not exactly love. A better word would be understand why these things are happening.

Look, my fellow conservative-leaning  Americans, the 2012 election is over.  And many of you feel that sickness in the pit of your stomach–that same sick emptiness you felt when O. J. Simpson was found “not guilty.”  But we have to understand that it is God Himself who is allowing Obama to prevail.  Yes, that is right.  He, not Obama, is Sovereign.  He has a plan to save many people, but first they must be humbled by corrupt leaders before they will hit bottom and cry unto God once again.  After all, it is God who sets over mankind the “basest of men” as their rulers (Daniel 4: 17).  And God uses oppressor/rulers to accomplish His purposes.

It is a difficult pill to swallow, but America (and it hurts so deeply that it is difficult to pen these next words)–America, an Israelite nation in Biblical prophecy, will fail.  Our mighty nation that we grew up in–so full of liberty, promise and opportunity–is destined to be weakened and to go into a One World Government.  I hate it on one hand, for I love this country, have fought in a foreign war for this country, and have enjoyed the benefits of our free society.  But if we are to believe the prophecies in the book of Revelation, America’s federal government will become an integral part of a one world government.

“And the great dragon…Satan, which deceives the whole world was cast out into the earth…and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (1).  “And he causes all…to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell…” (2).  The “miracles” of technology for this is already in place.  Just google “rfid chip” or “microchip implant” (3).

Why This Is Happening

All this is being allowed by God to happen because we as a people have “grown fat” in this prosperous environment.  We are “increased with goods and have need of nothing” and don’t realize that spiritually we are “wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked” (4).  We as a nation say that we have need of nothing–especially God, the God of our ancestors, the Hebrew God of the Bible.  President Obama just declared to the world, “We are no longer a Christian nation,” even though the vast majority of Americans still say they are Christian.  Does he know something we don’t?

Into the Greatest Depression

This dive into the greatest depression is happening to America and Western Europe just like it happened to the 12 tribes of Israel back in Moses’ and the prophets’ days.  In fact, the LORD (Yahweh) through Moses warned the people what would happen after they entered the Promised Land.

He said that if you fear God and keep His commandments that He “will set you on high above all nations of the earth.  And all these blessings shall come on thee…” And He lists every conceivable blessing that a nation could enjoy.  The United States of America is the only nation in the history of the world that has fulfilled this prophecy!  “High above all nations of the earth…” (5).

But He goes on to warn them that if they do not obey His commandments and forget Him and dishonor Him, then all these curses will come upon us.  Why? “If you will not hearken unto the voice of the LORD…the LORD (YAHWEH) shall send upon you cursing…[because] you have forsaken Me” (6).

It will get so bad that “the fruit of thy land, and all thy labors, a nation which you know not shall eat up” (7).  This is happening to us right now!  Our income taxes are being given to other nations who have loaned our government money by the trillions—China, Japan, Saudi Arabia.  All our tax dollars go to them to cover the interest on the national debt!

What happened to the Twelve Tribes of Israel is happening to us right now.  When we feared God as a nation, we grew into a prosperous superpower.  But now we have forgotten God and we are being brought low by Him–just like He promised.

Deja Vu

And it is all happening again as it did in the days of old.  We now are enslaved by our own selfish appetites and are allowing our representatives to sign over our children’s future to the international bankers who control all three branches of the federal government.

We are letting them take our freedoms and responsibilities away–just as long as they give us our “bread and circus” the way the Romans did to the masses.  As long as we can eat and drink and play our games, we think we are okay.  The children of Israel, barely out of Egypt, “sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play (I Cor. 10: 7).  God called this idolatry, putting fleshly appetites before God.  That generation fell in the wilderness and did not make it to the Promised Land.  It was all written down as an object  lesson for us “upon whom the ends of the world are come” (v. 11).

A Government of, by, and for the People?  Please…

Ultimately it is we the people who are to blame for what is happening to our country.  During the past 100 years, we have become complacent and have allowed our dumb, spineless representatives in Congress to be bought by the rich oligarchy, and thus, they have enslaved us into paying income taxes, a key plank of the Communist Manifesto.

They have illegally bailed out their greedy Wall Street banker buddies who helped them get into office.  They have exported most of our good paying manufacturing  jobs overseas.  They brought in NAFTA and other harmful international trade agreements that have killed our jobs.  Remember Ross Perot warning us about the “sucking sound” of jobs going south if we go down that road?

It is our fault.  Our founding fathers warned us of foreign entanglements and central banks.  But we the people  did not hearkened to them.  The torches and pitchforks should have been gotten out long ago.  Our great-grandfathers sat idly by in 1913 as they ramrodded the Federal Reserve Act through Congress, creating a private central bank.  Our Congress shirked their duty in handling our economy, giving it over to greedy private bankers who have been pillaging America ever since.  For the Fed’s policies since then has led us into ruinous world wars, depressions, and burst bubbles–not prevented them!  And we have not thrown them out yet!

All These Things Must Come to Pass

But our decline into mediocrity has to take place; I’m sad to have to say it.  It has to happen to humble us.   It will take the debasement and final collapse of the dollar to start to wake us up.  Yet most will blindly be herded into a one world currency, which leads directly into the one world government.

But as all this takes place, some will cry out to God as our ancestors did, and it is precisely this chastening from the LORD (Yahweh) that will humble us.  And through our humility, God will be touched, and He will then grant us grace, and favor us again.  He’ll hear the prayers of a broken people enslaved by a foreign world government, and we will remember how great it was to be living in the “land of the free and the home of the brave.”  We’ll be broken-hearted and contrite and ashamed of our prideful and careless ways.

And we’ll be ashamed that we let our federal government take away school prayer to the Great God of Heaven–taken away by a Supreme Court who has the Ten Commandments carved into the front doors of the Supreme Court Building!  What a bunch of hypocrites!  And we will be ashamed that we let them give permission for the wholesale slaughter of the innocent unborn.   We the people did not demand that our representatives and state legislatures amend the Constitution of the United States to prohibit such atrocities.  It was in our power, but we did not have the will to do it as a nation.

So this is how I am learning to stop fussing and fuming every night during the evening news, as I see America being looted and hoodwinked.  They say that ignorance is bliss and being blind to all of this is easier.  Maybe they are right, for it is very difficult to see all of this come down.  But I am learning to understand that America and Western Europe have sown to their own demise by not seeking God.  And He is letting the likes of Obama and the other radical socialists strip us of our freedoms as we slide into a corporatist fascist state.

The strings on the puppet Obama are obvious to me.  I even see the hands of the puppet master as he choreographs Obama’s every movement.  And the puppet masters don’t even seem to care that they are spoiling the illusion of reality by coming out from behind the Bilderburg curtains.  I guess they realize that we the audience have been put asleep by the dope piped in by the mainstream media and will awaken just enough to be herded into another line for the next government handout.   KWH

  1. Revelation 12: 9; 13: 8
  2. Revelation 13: 16


4.  Rev. 3: 17

5.   Deut. 28: 1-13

6.   Deut. 28: 15, 20-37

7.   Deut. 28: 33


Filed under end time prophecy, eternal purpose, humility, new world order, One World Government

The Manifestation of the Sons of God–When?

The “manifestation of the sons of God” is what the whole creation is waiting for–whether they know it or not (1).   And with these powerful Christians striding the earth like the pattern Son Christ, great miracles will be performed as a magnificent witness to the errant inhabitants of the earth*.

These 100 fold followers of Christ will do the “greater works” that He promised some of His followers would do (2).  “He that believes on Me, the works I do, shall he do also; and greater works shall he do,” He said.

Greater Works than Christ?

Greater works?  What works did Christ do?  He performed mighty miracles that are legendary now–raising the dead; healing those with palsy; curing severe cases of insanity and leprocy–you name it.  And his early apostles did the same, for they had His same Spirit and growth.

But how can anyone do any greater things than what Christ and a handful of His early apostles did?  The answer to this question lies in the harvest time of this world age.  What they did was fruit borne after the “early rain” or “former rain” of the Spirit just after the Resurrection.  The fruit after the “latter rain” of God’s Spirit poured out of the mouth of His sons during the time of the end of our age will be abundant (3).

For tens of thousands of sons of God will do the miracles.  That is how His followers will do “greater works” than Christ did.  The sheer number of miracle workers will be how those greater works will get done.  There will be 144,000, to be exact.  There will be 12,000 from each of the lost tribes of Israel (4).  They will be the first humans to receive immortality and have God’s glory revealed through them.  They will be immortal, striding the globe healing the hurts of suffering mortals (5).

Harvest Time Is When the Manifested Sons Will Come

They will come onto the scene in our age, right on time–the time of the end.  It will be harvest time.  The present world system, the evil “vine of the earth,” will be uprooted, squeezed, and burned (6).

Great calamities will bring this world system to an end, and many people in many lands will be hurt thereby.  This time is called in many books of the prophets “the day of the LORD,” or more correctly put, “the day of Yahweh” (7).  It is mentioned 31 times in the O.T. and speaks of a day of God’s vengeance and the utter darkness at the heighth of man’s government on earth.  God will reign down heavenly missiles onto the earth, and the rich men’s futile attempt to rule the world will come crashing down (8).

God Taking Vengeance

But this day of vengeance wreaked upon mankind by Yahweh is so heart wrenching, so utterly unspeakable that few talk about it; it is that depressing.  In fact, Christians in most denominational churches have gladly received the false doctrine of a rapture that they believe will preserve them and prevent them from going through the Tribulation Period, which is that seven year “day of the LORD.”

We are talking about the demolishing of mankind’s godless socio-economic-political system.  It will be coming down, not as much through man destroying man, but through the trumpets and vials of wrath that pummel the earth in that day.  Movies and television have served as a kind of herald of the coming disasters, as we see on screen the asteroids hitting earth.  It is coming.  And Christians will have to go through it (9).

God will be wreaking vengeance on the ungodly of this world system called “Babylon the Great” (10).  It will fall by God’s own hand though mankind will try to thwart its destruction.  But man never could prevent “acts of God.”

Right now, things are changing rapidly.  Few can keep up with the technology which will usher in the counterfeit new world order.  As Thomas Friedman wrote in his The World Is Flat, the technology of the last 10 years ios shrinking the planet.  And as it gets smaller, it gets easier to rule from a centralized government.

One World Government and Ruler Must Come First

Make no mistake.  The new world order, the one world government, must come first to this earth before Christ comes back to set up His government, the Kingdom of God.  It must come first, as the counterfeit in His plan always comes first.  And the Anti-Christ, the false Messiah must come first, as well, before the true King Jesus Christ, Yahshua Messiah, returns.

100, 50, even 20 years ago the satanic kingdom could not stretch around the globe, but now it can.  The Information Age will usher in satan’s rise to total centralized dominance.  Power will be given to one man to rule the entire world system.  He has man names other than the Anti-Christ: the devil incarnate, Satan incarnate, “the man of sin,” the “king of the north,” the Assyrian.  He will be the apex of satan’s power in the earth’s history.  Many types have foreshadowed his rise to power: Nebuchadnezzar, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Charlemagne, and Hitler, to name just a few.  But it was not the time.  They all had that same spirit of satan; they were kith and kin of him, but the time of their rise prevented them from worldwide dominion.

That time is now.  And because satan’s kingdom is divided, many want-to-be’s are vying for world dominion.  Western Europe/U.S.A./Zionist Israelis  are at war with the Islamic fascists, and much more in-fighting will take place before the Anti-Christ steps out of the smoke and ash and takes center stage for seven years.  It is at this time, when God is raining down hailstones and asteroids, that satan will make his play at being very God.  Good news is he won’t succeed.  God will bring Him down.

The Sons of God Come on the Scene

All the countries of the world will be going up in smoke, “men’s hearts failing them for fear.”  It is during this seven year tribulation period that God will bring forth His manifested sons.  They will be that glorious witness to all human beings from God.  They will be nothing less than the saviors of mankind.  God in His infinite mercy will do this for us all.  The world and everyone in it will literally be brought to their knees, humbled to their core.  It is then that God can reach them, and He will do it through His manifested sons at that day–the “day of Yahweh.”

These immortal sons are God’s firstfruits of the great harvest of God’s offspring.  There is always a firstfruits in God’s plan.  These sons are the first to receive their new immortal bodies; the first to “not taste of death,” the first to dwell in a heavenly spiritual body, where “no weapon formed against them can prosper” (11).  God’s very nature is formed in them.

They will go out all over the planet bringing forth glad tidings of God’s government coming.  They will “preaching good tidings to the meek.  They will bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim libery to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound” (12).  And they will give those suffering “beauty for ashes, and the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.”

But this beauty will come out of the ashes of a destroyed man’s world system.  This is God in human form times 144,000.  It will be a powerful dose of love, joy, and peace for the earth and its lowly inhabitants.

And why does all this destruction come to the earth?  God says that He will take vengeance on the evildoers.  In so doing, His children will be broken hearted when they see the world wide destruction, and in their brokeness, they will turn to the Rock of their salvation, and they will be healed.   It has always been that way.  Moses warned the children of Jacob/Israel about getting too fat and sassy and turn from God’s laws and ways to serve other gods.  Then when they got conquered and lost everything, they would “cry unto the LORD,” and what?  He would raise up men of God to lead them out of the misery.

This is what the Bible stories from Exodus through Kings and Chronicles is about–examples for us to learn from.

And so now we find ourselves, like our Israelite forefathers, being brought low by the rich international banking cartel, who have devalued our money, taking our silver and gold circulating coins and our silver certificates and giving us an ever shrinking fiat currency, that is not worth much more that the paper it is printed on.  And we will be squeezed and squeezed until we either bleed to death or cry out unto our Maker and Savior.  Same song, different verse.  Except we are fast approaching the end of the song.   Kenneth Wayne Hancock

* [see my book The Unveiling ot the Sons of God found at the top of this page.  Just click “Ebook…”]

1.  Rom. 8: 18-23

2.  John 14: 12

3.  James 5: 7; Joel 2: 23; Zec. 10: 1

4.  Rev. 7: 3-8; 14: 1-5

5.  Rom. 8: 18; II Cor. 5: 1-4; I Cor. 15: 51-55

6.  Rev. 14: 18-19

7.  Isa. 13: 6; Jer. 46: 10; Ezk. 30: 3; Joel 1: 15

8.  Rev. 8; Rev. 16; Rev. 17

9.  See

10. Rev. 16: 19; 18: 21

11.  Isa. 54: 17; Matt. 16: 28

12.  Isa. 61: 1-5

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Filed under elect, end time prophecy, glorification, great tribulation period, humility, immortality, Lost Sheep of the House of Israel, manifestation of the sons of God, MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, new world order, One World Government, Rapture, sons of God