Tag Archives: God’s sovereignty

God’s Sovereignty in the 2024 Election

Listen, O Democrats and give ear, O Republicans, and all you Independents who will vote in the presidential election of 2024.  

You agonize in vain because following man’s governments is like chasing the wind; there is no profit in it. Why? Because it is Yahweh who “rules in the kingdom of men, [and] gives it to whomever He will, and sets over it the lowest of men” (Daniel 4:11). God determines who will be the next president. At present He has set up flawed candidates, the lowest spiritually of men—Biden and Trump. He has His reasons that are steeped in secrets and mysteries, but He reveals them, as He desires, to those He chooses.

The takeaway? We should not yearn nor fret about politics. Yah is ruling as we speak. He has universal sovereignty, or else He would not be God. God is on the throne; He rules, and He allows unpleasant things to happen to us so that we will cry unto Him. Think about the twelve tribes of Israel in Egypt. God hardened pharaoh’s heart toward Israel. It was Yahweh who hardened his heart—so that His children would cry out to Him (Rom. 9:17-18).

God is in control of our personal lives, for everything that happens to us, God not only knows it, but He orchestrated it. “In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus [Yahshua] concerning you” (I Thes. 5:18).  

It is God’s will that we learn what will come very shortly in politics.  “But there is a God in heaven that reveals secrets, and makes known… what shall be in the latter days,” said the Spirit through Daniel. The literal Kingdom of heaven is coming to this earth upon Christ’s return. It is the stone kingdom that will destroy the present world system as a great stone crashing onto the feet of the world Gentile empires. It will finish it off. And this stone that “smote the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth” (Daniel 2:28-45). This was the Babylonian king’s dream that Daniel interpreted. The God of heaven shall set up His kingdom with Christ as King.

And here is the icing on the good news of His coming kingdom. He will invite a few thousand of His elect to sit on His throne with Him. They will be judges and will bring justice to the earth. This is the ultimate calling—to be like His Son—to be in a special place where all bitterness, disappointment, envy, and sadness is banished. And to sow this love and peace throughout the Kingdom. For it will be the Kingdom of God, full of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. So, keep this in mind when the weight of man’s political systems start to smother you. They will only come to power if God wills it. He sets over the governments of the world with the lowest of men. He is sovereign that way.   Kenneth Wayne Hancock


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God’s Sovereignty in Hardening Hearts and Casting Out Unclean Spirits

(from Journal, 3-18-19)

As His sons and daughters, we will see an unclean spirit in someone who needs deliverance. But before trying to help them, we first must have wisdom and knowledge from above. We must understand that they are spiritually afflicted by Satan and his minions.

This is major league stuff. Those evil spirits are fallen angels that we are dealing with. We must have understanding–which is “knowledge of the holy” about who these spirits are. They are ministering spirits for us, the heirs of salvation. Are not all angels our servants (Heb. 1:14)? All. The evil spirits in this case are providing an opportunity for us to show forth the power of God–in His timing—that He might be glorified in the showing of His mighty power to heal. We better know what we are doing before attempting to cast out an evil spirit. Remember in Acts when the spirit jumped on the unprepared follower?

At first glance, we might think that this is a bit outlandish for God to do this–that He would allow affliction—on saints and sinners alike. But we need to reflect upon pharaoh’s experience with Yahweh. He was the king of Egypt, and he was used by God to make a name for Himself. God hardened pharaoh’s heart against God’s very own will, but for a master purpose. God sent an evil spirit into pharaoh to block the children of Israel from escaping bondage.

It was God who hardened his heart. But this provided the ultimate backdrop to showcase God’s mighty miracle working hand in delivering Israel from slavery. We must remember this: God caused many Egyptians to perish: Egypt’s first born, the Chariots lost in the Red Sea, the victims of the plagues, and others. It was all part of His plan to reveal Himself to His creation.

Yahweh is sovereign, and all of us humans—past, present, and future—are His creation. He can and will use us in any way that He chooses to fulfill His will, plan, and purpose. We all need to get over ourselves with all this battling God for the preeminence in this life. We humans were created for His pleasure, not ours. We think that we have a say in our lives, but we really do not in the end. “The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from Yahweh” (Prov. 16:33).

“For the scripture says to pharaoh,’ for this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show my power in you, and that my name may be declared in all the earth’ (Rom. 9:17; Ex. 9:16). Things in God’s plan are not open to those who by their own strength and sheer will, endeavor to please God. Nor is it to those who run for the prize of pleasing God. But it falls upon those whom he has chosen to show mercy to” (Rom. 9:16).

The point is that He uses whomever He wants to use for His purposes. And if He chooses to harden a heart to further His purpose of making sons and daughters, He will do it! Just like he did with pharaoh. This should strike fear and awe of a God who would do this to accomplish His purposes. We should not be surprised. We do the same thing. You plant a garden, and then you harvest it. You decide whether to eat the vegetables or can them or sell them or give them away. You call the shots concerning your garden. God calls the shots concerning His Garden.

But most human beings either think they are in control, or they give up and become driftwood, floating aimlessly, tossed upon the waves of fate, without knowledge of the tree from whence they came. Still God has a purpose and plan. He will still use His power to cast out evil spirits and heal whomever He desires. And in this epoch, He said that He will use you and me. Praise Yah! HalleluYah! kwh

Kenneth Wayne Hancock

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